The Rescue

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Peggy's POV.

Peggy fluttered her eyes open. She looked around and saw that she was in a large dimly lit room. She was sitting in a chair with her hands and feet tied. "Your awake." A familiar voice said. The man walked over to her. It was her kidnapper. "I left a message for your husband, so he would not worry. I'm sure he'll come and get you soon. And then I'll get what you all took from HYDRA." He spoke quietly caressing her cheek.

Peggy jerked away from him. "He will never give it to you." "Oh, but he will. You see he knows I have you and he also knows that if he doesn't make the trade then...I'm afraid their won't be a 5th anniversary for you two." Peggy clenched her jaw. She knew that Steve would do it to save her.

"You and I both know that either way I'm dead." He glared at her. "We'll see." The man walked over to a chair by a desk and sat down. "For now, though I need you, but I just need you alive enough for him to see..." He said picking up a iron. "What are you going to do?" Peggy asked. He walked over to her and went behind her chair. "If you give me the information I want and I won't have to do anything." This was going to be a long night. Peggy thought. "I won't tell you anything." She hissed. "We'll see."

Steve's POV.

Steve passed back and forth as Howard, Dugan and the Colonel tried to figure out what to do. The more time that was waisted the less time they would have to rescue her. "Okay, as for the tapes we could copy them onto other tapes. And the files... we could take photos, but it wouldn't work as well. And the weapons we have no way of keeping anything of those." Howard sighed.

Steve finally realized what he had to do. "We can't give up the information. Peggy wouldn't want me- us to. We'll have to figure out a way to trick him and rescue her." "Even if we can trick him. There's no guaranty that she'll come out of there unharmed." Howard said.

"If he would find out it was a trick then he would try to stop you from taking her. Or he would try to kill her. And remember I'm sure he also wants information. He probably will try to get some out of her." "And Peggy won't give it to him that easily." Dugan said. Howard continued. "Which would mean..." "No matter what she gets hurt." Steve said thoughtfully.

"We can't let her go through that." He declared. "What can we do?" Colonel Philips asked. "I don't know, but she can't get hurt." Steve said urgently. He couldn't stop thinking about Peggy and the baby. It would be much harder on her then before.

"Cap Peggy's been in situations like this before..." Dugan began. "This time it's different." Steve raised his voice. "Steve..." "Howard. If Peggy goes through being tortured...I don't know if she'll be able to handle it as well as she used to." "Rogers your not making sense. Carters a great agent. She's been through much worse before." Philips explained. "It's different this time." "Why?" He asked.

"Because....Peggy's pregnant."

Everyone looked shocked. "When did you find out?" Howard asked. "Yesterday. But she's been pregnant for at least two weeks now. That's when the symptoms started." Steve sighed. "Well now that we know...your right this is different. It will take more of a tole on her body." Howard said.

"We have to work quickly." Dugan said. "Okay. I'll take fake copies of everything. The only thing I can't take a copy of are the weapons. Take a picture of those in detail." "On it." Howard said. "Okay we have 24 hours left. I'll leave to meet him at 5:00."

Peggy's POV.

Peggy was exhausted. Who ever this man was he knew how to try to get information. Peggy hadn't cracked though, that's what made her one of the best agents. What did worry her was how long her body could handle this. He had finally taken a break and seemed very frustrated. Pain raked through Peggy's body. Her head ached and neck stung in the area where he had burned her with a hot iron.

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