The First Super Soldier

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Peggy's POV

Peggy woke up early, got dressed in her uniform, and headed out of her tent. "Good morning Colonel Philips." She greeted. "Morning, Carter. You ready?" "Yes sir." She answered confidently. The doctor walked up to the two. "Doctor. Is the little guy ready?" The Colonel asked sarcastically. "Yes he is. Steven!" He shouted.

Steve ran out of his barracks and came to a halt. He then saluted the Colonel. "At ease." Colonel Philips said annoyed. Steve relaxed, turned to Peggy, smiled and gave a brief nod. Peggy felt herself smile warmly at him. She then began to think of what could happen to him that day.

She decided it was best to keep everything between the two of them strictly business. She didn't want to be to attached to the little guy if something were to happen to him. She quickly hid her smile and put on a firm "let's get the job done" face on. Steve looked confused. "Agent Carter." He addressed her, furrowing his eyebrows together. "Rogers." She answered and walked passed him to the car.

She had gotten her orders from the Colonel yesterday so she knew exactly what to do. She turned around and saw that Rogers was just standing there, looking confused and slightly hurt. "Well, come on!" She snapped. He nodded. They both got in the car and they drove off.

As they were driving Peggy couldn't help, but think about what was going to happen to Rogers. She was so worried that he wouldn't be able to take it. She was really fond of him, he was very different than other men. And she respected him for it. She just wished that she would have gotten to know him better.

She finally was snapped out of her thoughts by Rogers. "Um...Agent Carter?" He asked. "Hmm? Oh yes?" She answered. "Are you okay? You seem....really...stiff?" "I'm fine I just want to get this over with." She answered. "Oh." He nodded. It was silent for a few minutes.

Finally it was Peggy who broke the silence. "Why?" "Why, what?" He asked timidly. "Why would you want to do something that could get you killed?! You could have gone back home. You could have been safe. Now... there's a chance that..." "That I may die?" He asked. She realized what she had done. She just told the soldier that they all thought he was going to die. "I-I......" she went silent not knowing what to say.

"It's alright ma'am. I already know the risk. I do it Agent Carter, because I have to. I need to serve my country. That's all I've ever wanted to do. You know, last year everyone was telling me I would never make even as far as being excepted in the army, but they were wrong. I guess they thought I wasn't strong enough. Even my best friend was wrong. And right now he's out there to serving with hundreds of other men. That's why I have to do it Agent Carter not only for me, but for those men who've already given they're life for their country." He explained.

She slightly smiled. He reminded her so much of herself back in England. "I understand. And... you are strong. Your one of the strongest people I've met." She answered. Talking about his strength of heart. He blushed hard. And turned away. She smiled slightly. "Thanks." He answered. She then turned back and watched the road.

Later they were in New York driving down the street when Steve began to talk. "I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that ally." He said. Peggy looked where he pointed. He continued. "And that parking lot." Peggy felt herself role her eyes. 'Oh my goodness! How could a little guy like him get into so much trouble?' She wondered. It made her question even more of why the doctor chose him. He was so weak! "And behind that diner." He finally said very discouraged and embarrassed.

"Did you have something against running away?" She asked. "If you start runnin' they'll never let you stop. If you stand up push back...can't say no forever right?" Peggy nodded in understanding and agreement. "I know a little of what that's like. To have every door shut in your face."

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