Apologies and Confessions

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Authors Note: because of the huge gap from the jealousy to the scene where Bucky "dies" 😩 We never really knew what happened between Steve and Peggy except for those tiny clips in the movie that represented their relationship growing. Anyway because of this I will fill in all that time in between. Hope you enjoy!

Steve's POV.

It was a few days after Peggy had caught Steve kissing Private Loraine and then tried to shoot him for it. Peggy still hadn't talked to Steve. Every time Steve tried to talk to her a few times, but every time she would avoid him or make find excuse to leave the room. He had really messed up. He had know idea how he would fix this.

Steve walked into a small cafe near the secret base and sat down at a booth. The waitress came to take his order. "Hello sir. What would you like to drink?" She asked flirtatiously. Steve grew slightly uncomfortable from all the attention. "Uh, give me a-" Steve stopped in the middle of his sentence because something across the room caught his attention.

It was Peggy. She had walked in and was being seated at a booth next to him. She hadn't noticed him yet as she walked to the booth. Steve now felt nervous. "Sir?" The waitress asked. "Uh, right! Yes I'd like a cup of coffee. Black." He said rushingly. The waitress nodded and walked off.

Peggy had been seated and was reading. Steve turned his head way from her so she would see him. "Miss what would you like?" Peggy's waitress asked. "I'll have coffee with cream and sugar." Her sweet British voice answered. He sighed. He had to talk to her.

The waitress came back with his coffee. "Thanks." He said. The waitress left. A moment later Peggy got her coffee and he heard a clicking sound of stirring. Steve looked over at her. She was stirring her coffee then she picked the cup up and put it to her red lips. Steve sighed. She was so elegant in whatever she did.

He knew what he had to do. Steve got up and walked over to her booth. He walked up behind her and cleared his throat. He opened his mouth and finally forced out a word. "Peggy?" She turned around to him. Her face looked unpleased. "Hello Captain Rogers. What is it that you need?" She said then turning back to her coffee.

Steve rolled his eyes when she said Captain Rogers

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Steve rolled his eyes when she said Captain Rogers.

Steve walked over to her and stood next to her booth. "Peggy please let me explain. You haven't even given me a chance." Peggy looked at her coffee. "Explain what Captain ? I don't know what your talking about." She said calmly. Steve sighed. "Of course you know what I'm talking about. It's the reason you've been avoiding me these past few days and the reason you've been calling me Captain Rogers instead of Steve." He said frustratingly. "I have not been avoiding you."

"Peggy stop this. Look..." he sat down in the seat across from her. "I made a huge mistake. Private Loraine pushed herself onto me. And me, not being used to any kind of attention like that, I-I blanked and didn't think of what or what not to do. And when she kissed me I didn't know what to do, but kiss back. It was stupid and I regret it. If I could go back I would change it. Please believe me." He said grabbing her hand gently.

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