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8 1/2 months later....

Peggy's POV.

Peggy was vacuuming the living room, when she heard little feet running out of the kitchen. She glanced up to see Michael running toward her. He had mud all over his face, cloths and shoes. Her eyes grew wide. Peggy turned off the vacuum quickly. "Stop!" She shouted firmly. Michael stopped in his tracks. He was on the wood floor and hadn't made it to the nice living room carpet yet. Peggy released a sigh of relief.

Then she looked behind the boy and saw small muddy footprints leading from the kitchen to the wood floor entrance way. "Michael. Look what you've done." She said firmly. He timidly looked behind himself. He looked back at his mother with a guilty look. "Now, I've told you...before you come in from outside always wipe your feet." She sighed. "Now I'll have to wash those floors all over again." She said putting a hand on the vacuum and another hand on her back. Her back had been hurting more than usual today. Michael looked at her and looked down. "I'm sorry Mommy."

Peggy sighed and slightly grinned. She walked over to him and leaned down. "It's okay sweet heart. I know you didn't mean to. Just know for next time." He nodded. "Now. Let's get you cleaned up shall we?" He now smiled and nodded.

Peggy walked into the kitchen with Michael and picked him up and set him on the counter next to the sink. She began to get a washcloth and soak it with water. "Mommy?" "Hmm?" "When do I get my little brother or sister?" Peggy smiled looking down at the now, soaked wash cloth. "Soon, dear." She began to wash his face. "Will it be a brother or sister?" "I don't know dear, but we'll find out soon." "When?"

Peggy washed out the washcloth again and wet it. "In a few weeks. You see, sometime soon Mommy will go to the hospital and then the baby will come." "Oh wow! I can't wait Mommy!" She smiled and began to wash his face again. "Me either, honey." Silence filled the room. She watched had her little boy looked around the room with wide eyes.

"How did you get so dirty?" "I was outside playing and made a mud castle. You wanna see?" She chuckled. "Umm maybe later. Why don't you show your Daddy when he gets home?" "Okay."

Later that day Steve came home and went outside to play with Michael. Peggy's stood at the backdoor and watched as her to boys played. She smiled happily and put her hand on her now large bump. Suddenly she felt a terrible pain. She tensed. She began to feel slightly worried. About five minutes later the pain returned, only worse. Peggy groaned and bent over in pain and grabbed her stomach.

Steve looked up from what he was doing and saw Peggy bent over.  His face grew into alarm. "Peggy?" She couldn't answer him the pain had again returned worse than before. She groaned again. He ran up to her and opened the screen door. "Peggy! Peggy what's wrong?" "The-the's coming." She gasped. "Now?! But it's two weeks early!" Steve exclaimed. "I know. But it's coming!" "Okay. Let's go." He began walking her to the living room.

"Michael!" Peggy remembered. "Oh yeah!" He ran to Michael who was now in the kitchen with a confused look on his face. "Hey Mike, we're going to take Mommy to the hospital okay? Your baby brother or sister is on its way." "Okay, let's go!" He said excitedly.

Steve's POV.

Steve passed back and forth. He had been through thisbefore, but he still hated the waiting. As he passed he glanced behind him and saw Michael copying him. He was passing as well. Steve stopped and looked down at his adorable son. Michael hadn't noticed that his father had stopped and ran into Steve's legs.

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