Our Legacy

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Steve's POV.

Peggy was 9 months pregnant. The baby would come anytime. Steve was incredibly nervous. He wanted to make sure Peggy would get to the hospital on time and that everything would go fine.

Steve walked down the hall and found Peggy putting the finishing touches on the baby's room. She insisted on a boys theme. Steve worried that it would be a girl and the room would have to be re-done, but Peggy was positive it would be a boy.

She was working really hard. Steve wanted her to rest though. He had told her to relax and let him do what needed to be done, but like usual she hadn't listened.

"Peggy..." She froze and turned to him. "Steve I-" "I told you. You need to rest." "I know, but I was just adding finishing touches." "I know honey, but I could have done that." He walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders gently. "Look, I know you want to do what you normally do, but the doctor said that rest is the best thing for you and the baby right now."

"I know. I'm sorry it's just-" "Don't worry about it. I know. Agent Carter hates to ask for help, but this time you have to. That's what I'm here for okay?" She smiled sweetly at Steve. "Alright."

He led her down the hallway to the living room, when suddenly she stopped and her knees began to buckle. She gasped. Steve stopped immediately and held her up. "Peggy!" "Steve...I-I think the baby's coming..." Steve's   eyes widened. It was actually happening. "It's time?" He asked worriedly. She groaned and nodded. "Okay. I got this. Let's get you to the car and I'll come back and grab your suitcase." She nodded.

They walked out to the care quickly. She got in the car. "You okay?" "Yes. I'm fine. Just hurry." He nodded. Steve ran inside and grabbed the suitcase then put it in the trunk. He got in the car and raced off to the hospital.

At the hospital they took Peggy back. Steve was not aloud to go in with her. He went to the phone and dialed Bucky's number. "Hello?" "Buck! Peggy...she..." "She what?" "She's gonna...she's going to..." Steve could hardly think, let alone talk. "She going to what? Steve. What's going on?" Steve took a deep breath to clear his mind. "Peggy. She's gonna have the baby." Silence.

"That's great!" "No. No that's not great. They wouldn't let me come in with her. How do I know everything's gonna be okay? I can't stop thinking about what could go wrong."

Steve never felt this scared in all his life. Not even on the plane when he thought he was going to die. This time his child and his wife were at stake.

"Steve, calm down. It's gonna be fine. I'll be over there in a few minutes okay? You aren't doing this alone." Steve let out a heavy sigh. "Thanks Bucky." "No problem. Now sit down and take deep breaths until I get there. Okay?" "Got it." "Good. She ya soon." "See ya." Steve shakily hung up he  phone.

It felt like it had been hours before Bucky showed up. Steve was so thankful to have him there. Bucky gave Steve a friendly hug and patted his back. "Hey man, it's gonna be okay." "I know. I just worry about her."

Steve and Bucky sat down. "So what do you hope the baby will be? A girl or a boy?" "I don't care as long as it's healthy. I think Peggy wants a boy though. She's so stuck on it being a boy." "I'm sure she'll be happy even if it's a girl." "She will. I do worry about the baby though." "Why?"

"Before I went through the transformation I was in pretty bad shape. I was unhealthy, small, weak, and always sickly." "Yeah, I remember. So what?" "What if our child ends up having the same problems I had? I never thought about it until now, but our child could end up just like me." "Look, I'm sure you kid will be fine. And even if he ends up like you...you turned out alright." Steve shook his head. He didn't want his child to have to grow up that way and live like that. "I just hope it will be okay." "It will."

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