Big News

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2 years after last chapter.
Steve's POV.

Peggy and Steve had been married now for 4 years. Steve couldn't have been any happier. He had everything he ever wanted.

At the moment Steve was on a mission. He he was getting some important information from a factory that may have been importing stolen goods from another country. He picked up his walky-talky and spoke as he peeked around the corner to see four men loading a truck.

"Dugan? You seeing this?" He asked. "Yep. Eyes on them right now. What do think they've got in there?" "Probably something they're not supposed to have." Steve answered. "Peggy? Where are you?" Silence. "Peg? Come in." "I'm here. Sorry I got a little held up. There were some unwanted visitors." "Be careful." Steve warned. "I am don't worry. Okay I'm in the main office. There seem to be a few files in the corner. I'll check them out." Peggy told him. "Keep me posted." "Got it."

Steve watched as the men walked away leaving the trunk of the truck open. "Dugan is it clear?" "Affirmative Cap." "Okay I'm going in. Cover me." Steve walked cautiously over to the back of the truck and went inside.

He opened the first box. Inside were some sort of tapes. He took one out to let S.H.I.E.L.D. look it over. He went to the next box and used his army knife to open it. When he opened it an alarm went off in his head. Weapons. Not just any kind of weapons, but HYDRA weapons. Was this true? Was this factory actually a secret HYDRA base? How could it be? The SSR and SHIELD would have found out right?

"Guys. I've got something. And it's...big." Steve spoke. "What is it?" Peggy asked. "Tapes and...HYDRA weapons." "HYDRA weapons?!" Peggy exclaimed. "How?" Dugan asked. "I don't know we'll have to figure that out later. For now we need to get outta here. Meet at the rendezvous point." "Roger that Cap." "See you both there." Peggy answered.

After they met at the rendezvous point they all went back to S.H.I.E.L.D. and went straight to the Colonels office to give him the information.

"So your telling me that someone has shipped HYDRA weapons to a secret base here in the US?" Colonel Philips asked in disbelief. "Yes sir that's what it looks like." "Do you think they're planning to attack the US from the inside?" "Maybe. I'm not sure. We'll have to go back and get more information." Steve explained. "Okay next mission will be day after tomorrow." "Got it." Everyone answered. "Your dismissed."

They all left the room. "Steve? Can I to you?" Peggy asked. "Sure. What is it?" He asked. The walked into a private room. "Steve, I have something I need to tell you." "What is it, Peggy?" He asked now slightly concerned. "You know how I was telling that I haven't been feeling well these past few weeks?" She asked. He nodded. "Well...I went and had it checked out and..." "And?" Steve asked worriedly. "Steve...I'm going to have a baby."

Steve froze. He looked in her eyes trying to make sure what he heard was correct. Her eyes never faltered. She nodded slowly confirming it. His mouth dropped. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. She bit her lip. She was beginning to worry.

"Peggy....I....that's wonderful!" He exclaimed. "Really?" "Yes of course!" He smiled widely and hugged her. "When did you find out?" Steve asked. "Yesterday. I wanted to wait for the right time." "Peggy this is great. I've always wanted a family." He told her.

"I know. I was just a little worried that you wouldn't want it now." "Why would I not want a child now when I did a few months ago?" He asked. "Because of everything that's going on right now." "There's always going to be something going on, but we'll deal with together." She smiled.

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