A New Life

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Steve's POV.

Steve stood over Dr. Eirskins body. He saw where he got shot and knew there was nothing anyone could do. Dr. Eirskin weakly pointed to his heart. Steve nodded. The doctor then smiled weakly and closed his eyes. Steve felt anger bowl up inside. He glared at the door where the man had escaped. He was going to catch him.

He ran up the stairs and into the antique store. When he got to the front of the store he saw the older woman, who had let them into the lab, on the floor dead. This made Steve even angrier. 'How could someone do this?' Steve thought.

He ran passed the woman reluctantly and ran outside to see Agent Carter standing in the middle of the street firing at something. He looked down the street to see a taxi speeding toward her. He felt panic Rise in him. 'What is she doing! She could be killed!' He thought. As the taxi got closer to her she kept firing. He panicked and ran toward her. He tackled her and shielded her. He prepared for impact. They both landed hard on the ground.

The beautiful woman opened her eyes and looked up at him. She just stared speechlessly. He began to get lost in her dark brown eyes, but remembered Dr. Eirskin. He quickly started to get up. She stood up and glared at him. "I had him!" She yelled. "Sorry!" He yelled back.

He started running after the taxi. As he ran he felt a weird sensation in his legs. It was strength and power. He began to run faster and faster. He wasn't used to his new legs so he ended up loosing his balance while turning a corner. He flew into a dress shop window, scaring everyone around him. He got up out of the store window. "Sorry!" He shouted, and began running again.

He saw the taxi go down a different street. He went down an ally and saw a giant fence. He knew that it probably wouldn't be possible, but he had to try. He picked up more speed and jumped over the fence and braced himself for landing. He then landed on the other side he kept running, but when he reached the street a car almost crashed into him.

After dodging cars a couple times he ran after the taxi. He finally jumped on top of the other cars and flung himself on top of the taxi. He held on for dear life while the car took wilded turns. The man began shoot at him through the roof of the car. Steve dodge each bullet. The taxi swerved forcing Steve to hang on to the side of the car. The man shot at him through the window Steve dodged it quickly.

Suddenly the car was hit by another vehicle and went tumbling. Steve jumped clear of the car and did a summer-salt to soften his landing. He got up and saw that the man had survived. He began firing at Steve. Steve quickly picked up the taxi door that was on the ground and shielded himself from the bullets. Steve suddenly felt a stinging sensation in his side. He looked down to see, he had been shot. He winced at the pain.

The man picked up a little boy out of the cowering crowd and ran with him. His mother yelled after the man crying. "Not my son! Please!" Steve ran after the spy. The man saw he himself don fired at Steve. Steve ducked behind a wall. He ran to the port where the man was. When he saw Steve he put the barrel of the pistol to the boys head. Steve put his arms out in front of him. "No! Don't." Steve told him. The man pulled the trigger, making Steve jump. Nothing happened. The spy looked at his gun, threw the boy into the water and ran.

Steve quickly ran over to the edge of the deck and looked into the water ready to jump in if necessary. The boy popped his head up out of the water. "Go get him. Don't worry. I can swim." He said. 'Good. Because I can't.' Steve thought. Steve smiled at the boys courage and nodded.

He then ran after the man. He watched as a submarine began to sink into the water. It was him. Steve realized what he had to do. He dove into the water, feeling the cool water hit his face. The water soaked into his wound, making it sting and burn badly. He began to kick with his powerful legs and push the water with his arms. He began to swim faster and faster. He couldn't believe that his body automatically knew how to swim.

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