Father and Son.

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Time-skip. 1958!

Peggy's POV.

Peggy woke up to her alarm clock at 7:30am. She turned to her side and saw Steve's chest rising up and down. She shook him lithely and kissed his cheek. "Steve. Steve dear? Wake up. It's time to get ready for work." He rolled over and squinted tiredly at her. She saw him look over at the clock. He looked back at her and nodded. "Okay." He started to get up.

Like all the other mornings, she got up as well and went down the hall to check on Michael. She walked in quietly and saw him lying in his bed, sound asleep. She smiled. It had been five years since he had been born. And she had loved every second of those years. She walked out and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for she and Steve.

Steve came in a while later and sat down at the dining room table. "Good morning, sweetheart." He greater her. She smiled. "Good morning, dear." They began to eat. "I went in and checked on Michael this morning." He smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah...like usual..." He reminded her with a slight chuckle. She smiled. "I know. I guess I just realized how much he's grown up." He nodded. "Well that's what usually happens." She scoffed at Steve. "Don't be a smart aleck." She scolded. Steve laughed and raised his hands up in defense.

"What I was meaning is...I miss having a little one around...you know?" Steve force and looked her dead in the eyes, almost to see if she was serious. When he realized that it was no joke he put his fork down, wiped his mouth and looked her in the eyes with a very serious face. "Is this conversation going where I think it's going?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Peggy bit her lip nervously. Was it? She had always wanted more children, but had been to scared to mention it to Steve. He had never brought it up, so she thought he hadn't wanted anymore.

"Maybe? Yes?...I don't know, Steve. I've always wanted another child, but you never brought it up, so I just assumed that you didn't." Steve looked down, shaking his head. Peggy looked to her right. She knew it was a bad idea to bring it up.

Suddenly she felt a hand rest on top of hers. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Peggy looked up at Steve. To see him with a very compassionate look. "I-I told you. I thought that you didn't want anymore children." He sighed heavily. "Peggy, you still should have asked me. I might have surprised you. But...I guess I can't blame you." Peggy furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" He looked her in the eyes. "I've wanted another child for a while now, but like you I didn't want to bring it up. I thought that if you wanted to have more that you would tell me." Peggy's jaw dropped. "What? Really?" He nodded and smiled.

She finally began to laugh. Steve laughed as well. "I guess we're on the same page then." Steve finally said. Peggy smiled. "I guess so." "Okay...it's settled. We'll have another kid."

Peggy smiled and got up to hug Steve. They embraced. They pulled their heads back locking eyes and leaned in slowly. No matter how many time Steve kissed her she always got the same feeling in her stomach. Butterfly's. She was inches away from his lips when she heard a small voice. "Mommy? Daddy?"

Peggy and Steve jumped away from one another. Peggy blushed insanely. They both looked over to the hallway to see a sleeping, little, blond haired, blue eyed boy walking in and rubbing his eyes. Peggy looked over at Steve and smiled.

Peggy walked over to Michael and leaned down, picking him up. "Michael! What are you doing up at this hour?" "I had a bad dream." He said hugging her. She smiled sadly, looking at Steve who grinned at the two. "Here..."

Peggy sat down on a chair, which him in her lap. Steve sat across from her at the table. "Do you want to tell us what happened?" He nodded. "You and Daddy were fighting these bad people and-and..." He began to cry.

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