14~ Addiction (Slightly Smut)

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Mark's Pov

Jack looked at me with a slight smile as he woke up from his slumber. His smile shining as bright as the sun; maybe more so. He was so adorable when the light his his face so florescently. His hair fell so perfectly over the top of his left eye. I smiled as he kissed my cheek; his blue eyes glowed with his realization about how early it was.

"Mark. It is 4am, why the hell are we up?" He giggled flopping on the bed, cutie.

"Because we can be, duh." I smirked.

"But I don't want to be up.." he muttered hiding a yawn.

"Well to bad, baby muffin."

"Ugh, I love you."

He threw his arm around my waist and kissed me softly. I leaned into his soft lips and his slender body. I wrapped my arms around him tightly as his smile broke the kiss.

"I love you too." I smiled.

"I know you do," his voice sexily echoed in my mind as he spoke, "now kiss me ya doof."

He pressed his lips to mine once more taking my breath into his lungs as his warmth reminded me of home; not a house, but a home. Some place I had never been before, for the first time I knew where I truly belonged; with him.

As our lips drew apart my eyes slowly fluttered open to meet the Irishman's blue pearls gazing into mine with a slight smile. I returned the grin and placed my forehead opon his softly. His smooth, pale skin looked perfect. All I wanted was to kiss it, I want to hold him. He is my little happy pill, my hero.

"I can't live without you." I quietly whispered as Jack's hands moved up to wrap around my neck.

"I can't live without you either, you are my hero." His smile shining so bright I forgot all my pain. He saved me from myself, he is my knight in shining armor.

"NOW I SLEEP!" He giggled falling back on the bed. His arms spread out and hair messy but adorable.

"Fine, but only because you're cute when you sleep." I smiled kissing his cheek and cuddling up with him.

He pushed his head into my chest making my heart beat faster. I layed my chin on his head and closed my eyes. His body began to move steadily as his breathing settled as sleel took over. His soft snores sent chills down my spine, he was mine to hold.

No-ones Pov

As the two held onto eachother, everything had changed. They were in love, real love, like Romeo and Juliet. One was loved by his family, while the other never received love, only rejection. However, they loved one another so much, not even god himself could separate there love; but one girl could change their future, perhaps make it better, or worse.

Time Skip (Your AMAZING author loves you <3)

Sean's Dream

"Jack~" a sexy voice growled turning me on.

I opened one eye to see red-haired Mark looking at me with a slight grin. I sat up and smiled back at him with interest in what he might do to me.

"What the plan, babe." I let out a small chuckle letting him know that I was ready.

"Up to you," His voice echoing in the small room, "babe."

"Bowling!" I giggled.

He snapped his fingers and a bowling alley appeared. I sat there in shock not knowing how he did that. I stood up and looked down at the bowling balls, all green and red.

"Do you wanna play bowling or... have... fun on the ally?" Red-haired Mark chuckled slapping my ass.

"Lets have some fun, baby." I smirked.


I walked over to the ally as red-haired Mark followed. "Who's first?" He asked.

I waved my arm showing him to lay down. He nodded and snapped his fingers again. A decent sized box appeared next to him and he grabbed some lube with a smile.

Time Skip (They are getting ready you sick freak YOUR FINE)

I moaned as I entered Mark. His butt so tight and comfortable. Slight moans came out of Red-haired Mark as I sped up. I didn't want to stop so I kept a consistent pace.

"Fa-as-fast-faster!~" Mark moaned loudly.

I sped up a bit as I felt my erection get to its fullest.

Mark's Pov

I woke up to the sound of Jack... Moaning? I looked at his sleeping body in confusion.

"Ma-mark..." his voice passionately moaning my name.

I looked at him puzzled before realizing his erection under his pajamas. Was he dreaming about red-haired Me again? I slowly moved my hand down to my underwear and moved them down a little not taking my eyes off Jack. I slowly began to stroke my member as his moans grew louder. I could feel cum on its way, but I didn't want to have to clean anything up, so I stopped.

Jack's eyes slowly started to open so I quickly pulled up my pj bottoms and closed my eyes. I felt a slight kiss on my cheek and a hand run across my side as Jack got off the bed and went into the bathroom. I open one eye and can't help but stare as Jack undressed. First his shirt, then pants, then boxers. I stared at him as he turned around and I saw marks on his side. I tried to pretend they weren't there. I closed my eyes and images over threw my mind. He hurt himself and I didn't stop it.

"Mark, I love you. Even when you are sleeping." Jack's voice soft and sweet.

Love ya guys.

Just removed A/N & I wanted this part out earlier!
Love y'all so didn't wanna
Make you wait too long, I'm going to try and update often.

Hugs and kisses!! Xoxo

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