38~ Advice

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People introduced in this chapter
LizzybethClearwater as Amy's room mate and PorkCutletBowlisEros as Felix's sister

Amy's POV

I just managed to escape Mark's mom and her repetitive questions about our "Relationship".

I open my apartment door and glance over at the time, 5:39am, great. I slowly walk into my roommates room to talk to her.

"Amy? What took you so long? I've been worried sick!" The pink haired girl stood up quickly rushing over to me.

"Calm down LizzyBeth. I'm okay, I was at the hospital wit-"

"You were at the hospital!?" She almost yelled as she looked around my body to check me for any visible wounds.

"You didn't let me finish, Mark is in the hospital." I sighed softly.

"Mar- Mark? Why? What happened??" She asked whole heartedly.

"I can't tell you the whole story because part of it I don't know, but Mark cut himself; deeper than anyone I've ever seen." I looked down at my hands folded against my leg.

"Oh no, Does Felix know?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm not sure, call him and Carmen and tell them, they tend to get up very early." I sighed softly.

"Sur- wait, who's Carmen?" She politely asked.

"Felix's sister, you didn't know that? We call her Vamp."

"What does she look like?"

"The last time I saw her she had brown hair with blonde streaks and the most beautiful hazel eyes; aside from Mark's of course." I smile slightly.

"Well I'll phone them right now." She said as she took out her phone.

"I'll leave ya to it."

I walk out of her room and stumble over a few things that were left in the floor from our game night. I eventually make it to the kitchen to make some food for myself given how little I've eaten over the past few days. I search around for something that might be appetizing, as Elizabeth walks out of her room.

"I invited them over, Felix wanted to talk to you and I think it could be a good opportunity to meet Carmen." Elizabeth said as she watched me dig through things.

"When will they be over?" I ask lifting my gaze to meet hers, "I need to clean some stuff up." I gesture to the floor in the living room and dining room.

"You're right, I'll help. They said they would be here around 7 or 8." She pushed off of the wall she was leaning on and walked to the living room to start cleaning.

I go back to searching for something editable when I found my half eaten pizza in the fridge for the night before.

I warm my pizza up in the microwave and watch as it spins around slowly. My gaze is set on the barely visible pizza when I hear LizzyBeth call for me.

"Amy. Amy! We need to start cleaning so please hurry up." she slightly yells to get my attention.

I turn to her and nod slightly in agreement before taking my pizza out of the microwave.

Nice and warm I say to myself as I look at the slightly melted cheese.

I quickly eat it and rush over to help Elizabeth. She smiled slightly at me then went back to cleaning up the living room, as I walk into my room to start cleaning.

(Your lovely...ish Author has blessed you with an all mighty time skip)

I pick up a bag full of trash that was left in the kitchen floor and rush it outside so we can clean up the whole house-- Or at least most of it-- before Felix and Carmen get here.

"Liz we need to hurry, they are gonna be here in about an hour or two." I say looking at the clock that reads 6:15.

"I'm done with the living room and my bedroom, you need help with your room or the kitchen?" she asked.

"Not really, I'm almost done with the kitchen, can you start with the bathroom?"

"Sure thing boss."

As a little bit of time passes I finish up with the kitchen and go check on Elizabeth when I hear the door bell ring.

LizzyBeth rushed out of the bathroom and whispers, "It's done, but you might want to check."

I look into the bathroom to see how it looks as Liz opens the door for Felix and Carmen. I look at her, give her the thumbs up and a slight smile before turning the light off and walking into the living room to sit on the couch.

Carmen sits next to me as Felix sits next to Elizabeth on the smaller couch.

Felix looks at me and starts crying softly, "Amy, I need to tell you something.."


What does Felix have to tell Amy? Will this destroy their friendship? Find out next time on Family Fu- Wait, wrong thing. You'll find out soon enough :)

Sorry I'm not as active, I have summer reading and a few other things I don't wanna get into right now lol, I hope you guys enjoy!

Love y'all, buh-bye!

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