30~ Tears

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Mark's Pov

My heart rate exceeds normal.

'Sèan... y-'


Jack's face becomes black as my vision fades.

Nurse!! Someone get a Nurse!! Jack screams are he rushes out the door.

I see nothing now. My ears ringing.


Pain is all I feel at this point.

I know tears have begun pouring out of my closed eyes.

The faint sounds of crying heard over the sound of sharp notes cutting at my ears.

It's Jack. My one true love.

My mind becomes distant as I feel myself slip away from consciousness.

Don't let him sleep!! Wake him up! The nurses yell.

Ja-Jack... I managed to speak up, soft and broken.

Ja-Jac-Jack I lo-lov-love you...


Anything you would like to happen in the next chapter? Any questions? I'll add an authors note to the start of the next chapter as well as your name if you ask something or give an idea. Thanks for being awesome.


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