Chapter 20- The Semi Finals

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A.N. Guys I am so sorry for not writing in so long. I know it’s been a while, since I usually write every day. But you know what, my reads almost doubled so here’s an extra-long chapter, love y’all soo much!!

~Scotty’s POV

As usual I woke up took a shower, and then woke Emily. Today was the big day the Semi-Finals!! I can’t believe I’ve made it this far, and you know what it’s amazing. I was going over to the studio for extra practice, you know just in case. We called Grant after eating breakfast and he came over to pick us up. We were all extra careful after the stalker incident.

Once we pulled up I got all excited, kissed Em goodbye and walked inside. I met up with my mentor and practiced my song, and she said how well I was doing and how much she believed in me. For the Semifinals each of the four remaining acts had to perform two songs. I chose The River, by Garth Brooks, and another Josh Turner song, Firecracker. He really inspires me. Just how he never sings about beer and getting drunk and all the stuff most of the others sing about. Don’t get me wrong I like their music, but I want to be like Josh, because he inspires me to keep my songs clean.

That night Emily sat front row just like always, and because it was the Vip section, for family and friends only, they allowed us to go and sit between our songs. Brooke went first, she was still in the competition even though she scraped by last week. I felt bad, she really was good but I don’t know. Have you ever noticed guy singers are just more popular sometimes, like you get a whole fan group of mostly girls and you’re unstoppable? On the other hand guys really don’t obsessively vote for a girl singer, she just depends on friends and family at home to help her out. It’s getting too serious in the competition for that. I feel bad because she deserves it just as much as everyone else and will never get it, unless her family and friends votes quite a bit each. Who am I kidding, not to sound stuck up, I want this.

After commercials it was my turn so I left Emily in the audience to go get my microphone and ear pieces. I was singing Garth’s song first. When I finished of course the crowd all stood up, including the judges, dang. I got phenomenal comments and you know what it made me feel awesome! I can do this! I sat back down with Emily and the camera caught me kiss her on the forehead, that was going to be all over twitter later. Great.

~Emily’s POV

Scotty was great! I think he really only needs to worry about Brooke. Even though Brooke didn’t have nearly as many fans as Scotty she was good, better than the other two that are left. I was kinda nervous about the camera guy catching Scotty kiss me, I could see it now “Who was the chic that my Scotty kissed,” and stuff like that. I just didn’t want to deal with it. I guess maybe now it was time for us to go public. . .

The other two performs did their first songs and got okay comments, but not as good as Scotty’s and Brooke’s. It was going to be Brooke and then Scotty’s second turn after the break and he went out back to get ready, again.

~Scotty’s POV

When I saw Brooke I saw her get excited to see me, and she had her phone in her hand. Why?

“Hey, did you see twitter yet, it’s exploding with #Scottykissedwho? When are you gunna tell them?”

“I will later, don’t worry about it.” I said a little too snippy, why does she even care? Yeah we put on the act that we are friends, just for the cameras. She said it would help us both get through, if they think we are friends, kinda like an inseparable pair. It’s all a lie; I’d rather not be in the same stadium with her. She thought it was okay to kiss her when I love Emily. She said ‘Oh she’ll never find out.’ I've dealt with too many of girls like her at home. If you fall into their trap, later down the road they use it against you to break you guys up. I don’t like her for being one of them, and the fact that she always acts so damn innocent.

She went out for her second song and one of the judges said her second song wasn’t as good, and she barely got anyone protesting. Good. I wouldn’t mind if she went home. I wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore. I went on stage for my turn and sang my heart out. I know I can win this thing. The judges all pretty much agreed that I was the only one that seemed to really want to win. That would help, even though I had enough fans to get me through.

We went home, I mean back to the hotel room, and I figured it was time to tell Emily that Brooke wanted to kiss me, but I said no. Oh and then of course to face all of the twitter drama, and tell them that we are dating.

“Hey I gotta tell you something, I shouldn’t have held it in but I don’t know..” I broke off mid-sentence.

“Yeah what is it.?” She said all concerned, not even a little bit of anger in her voice. The Emily I’ve always known.

“Well back before the four chair challenge, Brooke and I were back stage and she told me she liked me. She said that she saw you with me and knew we were dating. She also said that it would be okay to go behind your back and just kiss. (I didn’t pause at all when I said;) But I said no and that I would never do that, I love you too much.” When I was finished talking she just nodded looked a little shocked.

“I promise I would never cheat on you, ever. I told Trav I would take care of not hurt you, no matter what.” To that she lit up. She scooted over and kissed me on the lips. We tumbled back onto the bed, and I honestly thought of doing other things. But we both believed in not having sex before marriage, and I knew she would never take it that far. Even though I knew she had to be thinking the same thing, due to the way she was kissing me. Heaven, her kisses always are.

I told her it was time to become official and break it to my fans that I’m taken, for real. Also the fact that how long we’ve been together and I didn’t just pick up a random fan.

We got on our laptops and logged onto our twitters. I tweeted, “Yes guys I am taken @Emily1796 is my one year girlfriend, and I’ve loved her for as long as I’ve known her.” Then I went to the hashtag that Brooke had mentioned #Scottykissedwho. I realized there’s a lot of hate and decided to post another tweet. “#Scottykissedwho I kissed @Emily1796 my girlfriend, sorry guys I’m taken. #McCreerians”

Literally 5 minutes after I posted my first tweet mentioning Emily in it her twitter blew up. Mostly hate and I instantly regretted mentioning her. Tons of things like; “Break up with Scotty he is mine,” “What a slut, go kill yourself,” “Why does she get him and not me.” The second one hit her hard. Emily bursted into tears, I instantly grabbed her and apologized for mentioning her in my tweet. I didn’t know my fans are that crazy. I wiped her eyes and said she should not to worry about it. “Oh I will worry about it.”

*new tweet; “#Mccreerians #Scottykissedwho y’all can stop the hate now, if not I will call my mentor and quit the show tonight!!”

I looked over at Emily because she smiled when she saw the tweet. “You don’t have to do that for me.”

“Hell yeah I do, some of them are my fans, and it’s ridiculous.” I picked her up and carried her to bed and we fell asleep snuggling.

Tomorrow was my homecoming concert and we get a week off before traveling back to Hollywood for the finals.


A.N. Twitter hate, and Brooke drama, didn't break them up, yayy! Scotty made it to the Semi's and homecoming concert tomorrow, in the story. 

What will happen during their week off, will Emily's parents make her stay home to catch up on school work, or will they let her go back to Cali? 

I don't know when I can write again so please stay here.

p.s. @Emily1796 is my real twitter, please follow me and don't blow it up asking me to write more. I don't want some people to know I have an account here...

Oh and I realized some of the songs that Scotty performs technically aren't out yet, but I didn't want to go searching for songs that were popular back during the time of his real audition. 

Love y'all ~Emily 

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