Chapter 19- Hollywood sign

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~Grant’s POV

You know the whole security guard thing, I really don’t mind it. It only gets annoying when I’m watching a stuck up teenager, but Scotty is opposite of that. Him and Emily keep each other grounded and she doesn’t let the fame get to his head. I like watching after them because they don’t try to leave after hours or try anything stupid. I make sure to monitor their twitters as well, like I was told, to make sure they don’t post locations. We don’t want a huge crowd to start up somewhere.

Tomorrow morning I promised I would bring them up to see the Hollywood sign, since neither of them have been here. Then I was going to bring Scotty to the studio so he could rehearse. I really wanted him to win. Not playing favorites or anything but my daughters love him, and I haven’t yet told them that I’m watching after him.

~Scotty’s POV

Grant’s a really nice security guard, compared to the one Brooke has. She has a strict curfew and I think it’s funny because she always complains about it. I didn’t tell her that Em and I are going up to the Hollywood sign because I really didn’t want her to follow us. I am not clueless I know she likes me, and I also know that she doesn’t care if I’m taken or not. But I told her I would never do that, you know the whole cheating thing. I love Emily too much.

The next morning we had finally caught up on sleep. I woke Emily and showered and got dressed to go hiking. I didn’t change into anything too serious just a t-shirt, jeans, and my boots, because they’re comfortable. Emily was cute she got up and got dressed, threw her hair into a bun and called it done, haha I just rhymed. I called Grant and he said he’d be over in about half an hour, and then he said to order breakfast, and to not go downstairs, there was a huge crowd because of all the other performers. We obviously listened, and both order omelets. Grant arrived just at the time he said he would, and just as we were finishing breakfast.

“I really appreciate you two listening to me. You don’t know how many times I’ve had to deal with snotty performers.” Grant said.

“Yeah it’s no problem, especially since you know what you’re doing, and we hate causing trouble.” I told him, with Emily agreeing with me.

“Alright so about the Hollywood sign, there’s a parking lot at the bottom of the hill, and it’s about a 2.5 miles hike up to it. You ready for that.” Grant said.

“Definitely, since Em and I have never even been outside of our small town, it’ll be worth it.” I said.

We got ready to go, and I packed a change of clothes for when I got to the studio for practicing. Once Grant pulled into the parking lot he had described, and said that we could get a 10 minute head start, because he trusted us that much. He said to call the minute something goes wrong, just follow the signs you should make it there in about an hour. And he’d be right behind us.

~Emily’s POV

On our way up the hill Scotty held my hand the whole time. It was nice of Grant to trust us and give us some privacy, and not always being right there behind us. We had been hiking for about a half an hour now and according to the signs we were nearly 3/4ths of the way up. I don’t know if I was just being paranoid but we hadn’t seen any other hikers for our whole route so far. I thought this would be more popular than this, maybe it was just because it was so early. Grant had called a little while later, he was whispering.

“Emily, you and Scotty need to find someplace to hide.” He told us.


“There is a celebrity stalker hiking between the two of us. I’ve worked against him before and I know the signs. Please listen to me and get about 10 feet off the trail and lie down. I will call when I catch up to him.”

I’ll admit I was really confused, a celebrity stalker, really what has this world turned into? Scotty and I followed Grant’s instructions and immediately lied down just off the trail. Maybe like 5 minutes later we heard footsteps, Scotty thought it was Grant and started to get up, I grabbed his hand without saying anything. Then a mid-aged man walked right by us on the trail. He was scary looking, long black hair and a curly beard, white skin, maybe 5’6”, so just barely taller than me. He stalked around the trail looking for a place to hide, to try and sneak up on Grant. Scotty and I stayed silent as he lied down across from us on the other side of the trail. Then Scotty texted Grants phone telling him everything. Soon after Grant came running up on that guys side of the trail and cuffed him to hand to authorities, which were a couple minutes behind him.

We didn’t mind it when Grant followed right behind us the rest of the way to the sign.

“How did you know that guy was after us?” I asked him.

“Because I’m good at what I do.” He answered simply.

We made it the sign took some pictures and then hiked back down to the SUV. It was maybe 1pm when we got back down. Oh great and there were reporters, at the bottom.

“Okay Emily, I don’t mean to sound rude, but they are less likely to notice you, so here are the truck keys. There’s another entrance to the trail about a half mile down the road. I’ll walk Scotty down to it and meet you and the truck there, sound good?” Grant asked.

I did exactly as instructed and we were able to avoid the media. Grant had told us it was really bad to be on tv because then a lot more fans would figure out our location, and stuff like that. It was important to avoid it, at all costs. Grant drove us to the studio and Scotty got in some rehearsal time before we went back and fell dead asleep, due to today’s adventures.


A.N. Wow a celeb stalker, really what has this world turned into.? What you guys have done if you were in their situation? 

Oh and of course thanks for the almost 300 reads!!! Thats amazing, I never thought I'd ever reach 100. Well as always another part in the morning. If this snow continues I might not have school, and then I'll write more than one, if I don't go skiing instead. Bye for now love y'all sooo much ~Emily 

p.s. I haven't been writing because i've been really busy, i'll probably just end this soon anyways. I have to work all weekend I can try to update but idk :( im sorry y'all never meant to let any of you down. <3 stay there

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