Chapter 5- Prayers

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~Emily's POV

I watched my brother die. When the nurses came in to take Trav off life support I refused to go. I held Travis' hand sitting there in the hospital and Scotty held my other hand. I watched silently crying as the heart monitor went into one constant line then I got up kissed his cheek and pulled the blankets up to his chin. "Wait for me, and make sure I don't do anything stupid down here, I Love You." By then even the nurses were crying. I couldn't help it, I hugged Scotty and my tears came out again. He picked me up mid-hug, "Not here you don't," He whispered goodbye to Travis and carried me out to his truck. 

~Scotty's POV

I dropped Em back at her house early that morning.. 12am ish to be estimated. We had been in the hospital for a long time and not once had she really ever stopped crying. I parked my truck in her driveway and was about to say goodnight when she interrupted.

"Please don't leave me."

I just simply answered "Okay." We ended up watching some family movies on the couch in her theater. She said it was just to remember him in a good light. There was this one when they had both been playing on the trampoline, probably around 5 or 6 years old and their parents were watching. Just then Emily fell and started crying hysterically. Travis walked over and carried her bridal style to Mrs. Lynch saying "I diddnot meann too." It was cute. What I didn't notice was Em had fallen asleep on the couch next to me so I quietly went upstairs and grabbed some pillows and blankets. I lightly moved her so she was laying down on one of the pillows and put a blanket over her. I lied on the floor near the couch and fell right asleep. 

~Emily's POV

I woke up on the couch in the basement and forgot how I got there. I looked around it was 11am the next day, I think it was Saturday. I saw a pile of blankets on the floor and thought why had Travis slept on the floor. Then it hit me. I remembered everything that happened and walked upstairs trying not to start crying again. I found Scotty watching the news from in the living room.

"I didn't wake you did I?"

"Nope, how'd you sleep?"

"I actually don't remember even falling asleep so must've been pretty good." He joked.

It was amazing how he could always do that, joke around and it made me feel better. Even when we were kids, that's really why I never cried much because Scotty would just crack a joke and I'd end up laughing instead. Randomly I said that I wanted to go see where Travis's truck crashed and make a memorial for him. Scotty agreed saying it was a great idea. We both went up to his room and I hesitated when opening his door. I didn't have to knock anymore. I collected an old piece of wood that had his name craved into it, his skateboard, favorite sneakers, and a framed family photo. Then I remembered his little stuffed bear that he used to always carry around when he was younger. I opened his closet and it was right where he left him, on a shelf nicely off to the side. Oh yeah Gertrude wasn't running I forgot that part. 

"Can you drive me?" I asked, "Then I can figure out whats up with Gertrude."

"Yeah sure no problem."

We were driving on our way to school, the way Travis always took home from practice. He saw the skid marks before I did. He pulled over and we walked down into the ditch following where the ground had been freshly scratched. I noticed something glimmering in a tuft of overgrown grass, it turned out to be the mirror off of Trav's truck. I showed it to Scotty and we decided that was the place where to set everything down. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shinning, seemingly right over us. I made a cross out of some dead branches and tied his name sign to it with the shoelaces from his sneakers. Scotty dug a hole deep enough to prop it up and we placed everything else down around it. I snapped a picture and sent it Mom and saved in my phone for later. I took his broken side-view mirror home with us and put on the mantle above our fireplace. 

~Scotty's POV

I've gotta admitt we were both pretty out of it, all we did was sit and watch tv in the dark basement, eating chips, and occaisonally going outside... occasionally. After figuring out that Mrs. Gertrude just needed a battery and a new starter, I showed her how to put them in. Then it was back to sulking in the Lynch's basement. I hadn't been home all weekend and I just told my parents that I needed to be here for Emily. Later Sunday afternoon Mr. Lynch came down.

~Mr. Lynch's POV

"Why don't you two get out and do something?" I asked them.

"I guess.." They both said in harmony. Emily asked what should they do. I suggested that they go for a walk or something just to get out and get some fresh air. I trust that Scotty won't do anything stupid. But he is still a teenager, so you never know.

~Emily's POV

When my Dad suggested we just go for a walk or something we ended up taking Gertrude out to the neighbors cornfield to watch the stars. We sat there quiet, both thinking the same thing but not wanting to say it; that Travis was up there watching us. When Scotty broke the silence saying

"Dear God, if you are listening please watch over our brother and best friend Travis Lynch, he died unexpetedely and we all miss him. We know that he lived a good life, but please make his next chapter just as great, and it'll be better once we get there. Amen." I repeated Amen after him we went quiet again. Not wanting to think about going back to school in the morning. 


A.N. Okay guys, I'm actually surprised that I am getting reads. I love y'all this big; *                          * haha I had to.. But yeah if guys have any ideas please comment or message me. I promise to keep adding at least a chapter every night. Follow me on tumblr? cloudedeyes07 


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