0.1 Look At Where We Are

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Marissa's pov-

I sighed as I brought upstairs the last box. My dad came in and said "Welcome Home." Someone with a bunch of curly hair came in and said "See you tomorrow for rehearsal Lin." He gave him a thumbs up , I grabbed a pair of scissors. I cut open a box full of our clothes. I grabbed my sweater and said "Can I go take a walk?" "Sure just stay on Broadway." I grabbed my phone and said "I'm sharing locations with you." "GOOD!" I left and walked downstairs.

I saw the background of my phone and me, holding Sebastian, My dad and my mom. Those were the days. Let me explain what happened. My dad got to caught up in Hamilton and my mom didn't appreciate him not spending enough time with us. They kept getting into fights until my mom throw divorce papers at him. We went to court who got custody. I got Lin while Sebastian got my mom. We had to move from Westfield Manhattan to now upstairs of the Rich Rogers theater.

I walked into the Rick Rogers theater and saw the stage set up for his show. I sat in the front row, I grabbed my phone and texted my moms number. She responded fast as if she was waiting for me to text her.

Mom: Hi Marissa
Me: Hi mom
Mom: Let's facetime
Me: Okay

She facetimed me and I picked up. "Hi mom." "Hi hunny. Oh you're in the theater." "Yeah." "Did he leave you alone there? I know I should have got custody." "Mom it's fine I was taking a walk and decided to just sit in the theater." "Okay sweetie. Did you meet any of his crew people?" "No not yet." "Honey if Lin does something that bugs that shit out of you text me and you can stay Uptown with me."

"I know. Got to go mom. Love you tell Sebastian I love him." "Okay bye sweetie." I grabbed my earbuds from my back pocket of my jeans and started to play Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls. I walked on the stage and said "And I've give up forever to touch you." I walked up the stairs and saw all of the Rick Rogers theatre. I sighed and said "Sebastian would love it up here."

I doubt my father can fill this whole area up. He can barely fill up his first musical. I got up from the ledge of the stage and went back upstairs to our apartment. My dad saw me walk in and said "Marissa do you want to go meet the cast?" "Sure." "Okay good because we are going to a steakhouse. So get ready and yeah." He left to his room and I grabbed my box full of clothes. I walked into my plain room, white unpainted walls. I had a small bed in the corner of the room. I thought "I'll just fix this up later."

I was digging threw the box in the end I decided to wear a hot pink dress. I threw over my nude cardigan because why not. I slipped on my ballet flats. I brushed my rats nest of my hair out and added more eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my phone and tied a bow in the back of my hair. I walked out of my room and saw my dad ready. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and said "You ready kid?" "Yeah."

We headed off to the steakhouse once we arrived we heard a man yell "LIN WERE BACK HERE!" We headed back and I saw a table filled with a bunch of people. Everyone was talking and my dad banged his fork with a glass and said "Guys here's my daughter."

"Hi I'm Marissa." "Hi I'm Daveed." "I'm Leslie." "I'm Renee." "Oak." "Thanye." "In Jonathan, Aka you're dads lover." Everyone laughed and I just got confused. "I'm Christopher." "Hi I'm Phillipa or you can me Pippa." "I'm Anthony probably will be you're favorite." "I'm Jasmine." I said "Well it's nice to meet you all." I sat down right next to my dad and Leslie.

"So Marissa tell us about you?" "Well I'm an average 14 year old. I like to draw and that's really it." I just kept looking at the menu to avoid conversation. Until the waiter came and introduce himself. "Hi I'm Josh and I'll be serving you today." I knew that accent anywhere. I shot my head up and saw my guy friend Josh. He is an Aussie and he said "Marissa?" "Josh." I got up and we hugged. Daveed looked confused as hell. Correction they all did.

"So what happened you were gone for a week physics sucked ass without you." I laughed and said "Well family issues." "Awe I'm sorry." My dad got up and said "Hi I'm Lin Manuel Miranda. Aka this girls father." He shook hands with him and said "You're daughter is amazing." "At what?" "Just at everything." I nudged him and my dad said "Excuse me sir." "Oh she didn't tell you we dated for a month. She is really good at kissing."

He stared at me and said "She never explained that to me." "Guess I forgot." I just heard Leslie say in the back "Shit it going down." My dad said "anything else I should know." "She's also really good at bed work." Daveed said "No one was in the room where it happened." Leslie said "Asshole that is my line." And threw a slice of a roll at Daveed. My dad looked raged and I said "Well looks like we better go." We both started to laugh.

My dad said "Why are you too laughing." Josh said "It's a prank bro. I don't really work here. And we never had sex or dated." My dad mumbled under his breathe "Fuck you." I said "I love you dad." He hugged me and said "I love you too."

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