0.2 I Guess This Is How Life Is

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Marissa's pov-

After dinner we went home. My dad came into my room and said "Hey bud." "Hi." I was hanging a photo of all four of us. "I was just wondering what happened to you?" "What do you mean?" "You used to have blonde hair and a lot of confidence." "Well it died in middle school." "What do you mean?" "You don't get it dad."

"What do you mean I don't get it." "You kinda left us in a place with no father for In The Heights and now this new show. " "Can you explain." "Dad in middle school 7th grade I failed. My councilor told me I had no self confidence." "Awe I'm sorry." He hugged me and I hugged him back. "I love you dad." "Love you too." He left and shut the door. I got into bed and laid down.

I woke up to hear my dad singing "MY NAME IS LIN MANUEL MIRANDA, THERES A MILLION THINGS I HAVEN'T DONE!" I got up and opened my door I yelled "SHUT UP ALL OF NEW YORK DOESN'T NEED TO HEAR THAT!" "In my defense all of New York wants me." "Good, cause I'm going to make a Craigslist ad for you then." "Sell me for more then an Alexander." "I'm selling you for one dollar and you also get wake up calls with your Lin."

He laughed and said "I made pancakes." I sat down and started to eat a couple. "Okay well today we have rehearsal and I want you to watch it." "Okay." "So child that means go get dressed." "Okay dad." I got up and headed to the bathroom. I took my shower and grabbed my clothes. I ended up wearing a pair of pink jeans, a black shirt, and a white leather jacket.

I did my hair into a bun and did my makeup. I came outside of my room and he said "C'mon let's go." We headed downstairs and I saw the cast. Oak said "Marissa." I waved hi, Daveed yelled "WHAT ARE WE RUNNING!" Pippa walked on and said "I BELIEVE ITS QUIET UPTOWN!" I sighed and sat in a seat. Dad yelled "RUN THE TRACK!" I grabbed my phone and started to go text people.

Logan: Hey Marissa
Me: Hi
Logan: Plz come back to school
Me: why?
Logan: Me, Caleb and Josh need you Bc we r bored in physics without you
Me: well I'm sorry and u shouldn't be on ur phone
Logan: f u and she is gone plz come rn.
Me: Fine I'll ask

They were doing something and I raised my hand. Dad yelled "STOP THE SONG!" They stopped the song and I said "Okay can I go to school?" Anthony looked at me like I was crazy and Oak said "You have a boyfriend or something you need to see." "No I just don't want to be behind." "Tomorrow you can. RUN IT AGAIN FROM THE TOP!" I sighed and texted Logan back.

Me: sadly I can't asshole parents
Logan: rip rip rip...Caleb says suck a dick
Me: He wishes I would suck his
Logan: hahahaha he says go to hell
Me: I love you too Caleb.
Logan: gtg sub is being nosey.
Me: bye

I didn't notice Jazzy was behind me and she said "Whose Logan?" "Jesus you scared me...But he's my guy friend." "That's always fun." Daveed yelled "MARISSA CAN YOU SING?" "Hell no." He pulled me up on stage and said "Just try...You had to get somewhat of Lin's artistic talent." I sighed and said "I'll be in my room doing my homework, since I can't go to school."

I left and went upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my homework. I stared at history and saw the first question was. Alexander Hamilton was U.S's first what? I screamed and my dad came in and said "WHAT?" "I can't get away from him." He laughed and said "By the way listen to Hamilton and it will tell you." I sighed and I saw Caleb texted me in our group chat.

Caleb: Hey guys
Logan: sup
Josh: stab me
Me: ^^^^^^^^current mood
Josh: can we come over Marissa to see you're room?
Me: I'll ask

I walked downstairs and said "Dad can I please have three of my friends over please." "Fine." "Thank you." I responded back and said.

Me: Yes you guys can address is
Caleb: sweet thanks Marissa
Logan: does ur dad know we're guys
Me: oh well he doesn't

I picked up my room a little bit and fixed my makeup. I consider josh, Caleb and Logan. My older brothers because they always look after me. Whether it be from guys or from drugs. I love them so much.

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