0.10 First Dates Are Always The Best

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Marissa's pov-

I walked into the restaurant and saw Logan at the entrance with flowers. I hugged him and I said "Thank you." "You look so beautiful." "Thank you. You cleaned up nice too." He laughed and we walked in and I said "Where's this team diner at?" "Oh that isn't till the end of the season. I just wanted to take you out on a real first date." "Awe you didn't have to take me to Capital Grill." "No I did cmon let's eat."

We went to the hostess and he said "Reservation for Logan." She nodded and brought us menus and lead us upstairs. We ended up on the roof with a nice dinner table. Caleb and Josh were there. I said "Logan did you did this all?" He nodded and I looked out and saw all of New York. He pulled out my chair and I sat down.

"Logan thank you for being the best boyfriend ever." I grabbed my Lemonade and he grabbed his coke. We clunk glasses and started to eat fondue. We talked and talked and talked about school and inside jokes and all that. "Thank you Logan for all of this." "No problem, No problem."

We got up and I looked out and saw all of New York. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He said "I say when we graduate we are moving to Cold Spring." "That sounds amazing." We kept staring at New York and I said "I love you Logan." "I love you too Marissa." He grabbed something out of his pocket.

He put the necklace around my neck and said "For you agreeing to dye your hair blonde." I laughed and saw it had a heart and I smiled and he said "So how has been the depression." "It's been pretty good." "Marissa please tell me the truth. I don't want 8th grade to repeat." "It won't Logan." "That's what I'm here for."

I hugged him and he said "I love you Marissa and I would hate for anything to happen to you." "I would hate for the same thing to happen to you." We kissed and he said "Should I bring you back?" "Probably." We headed off to the theater. We walked in threw the back and heard My Shot playing. We walked upstairs and saw it going on.

He said "Sweet free show too." I laughed and we leaned on each other and sat watching Hamilton. Act one finished and I said "You should probably go before my father sees you and thinks you are trying to get laid." He laughed and hugged me I walked him out. Daveed saw me and said "Did you see all of act 1." "Yes." I went upstairs to get ready for bed. I got ready and feel asleep.

I woke up and got ready for school. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a crop top. I slipped on my vans and headed downstairs. Dad drove me to school and he said "See you later." I smiled and shut the door. I headed into the building and saw my girlfriends. "MARISSA!" I hugged them all and Charlie said "Yay you're back." Jessica smiled and Elle said "FREEDOM!"

I laughed and we headed off to our normal classes. My Spanish didn't notice I was gone, My pe coach yelled at me for being absent, my drama teacher was on the verge of tears because I was gone so long, my English teacher was happy to see me again, my Algebra teacher was sorta happy, and my physics teacher hugged me as soon as I got in.

Logan saw me and tackled me and said "My girlfriend survived all day." "I know right. I don't know how." He laughed and we kissed. We headed off towards the parking lot and he said "I have to go to the varsity locker room for Wrestling. We kissed and he left. I saw Jasmine's car I got in and she said "How was your day?" "Amazing I'm happy to be back." "That's good."

I went immediately up to my room to do my homework and all that Jazz. Dad came in with a plate of cookies and he said "I'm hiding these but how was school." "It was good." "That's GOOD have fun doing homework." He left and I kept doing my algebra homework while crying about how hard it is.

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