0.23 I'm Ready For Death

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Marissa's pov-

I woke up to see I was tied up to a chair. "Hello!" Travis came out for a corner and said "Well well well Marissa you liked my little show?" "TRAVIS I FUCKING HATE YOU!" "Don't be salty now. In my defense you fucked with me." "No I didn't. IN MY DEFENSE YOU GO START TO MAKE OUT WITH A FUCKING BLONDE!"

"Sarah did it better then you have ever." "Travis why am I here?" "Because I want a little sugar baby." "I'm not anyone's sugar baby." "You're mine now." "FIGHT ME TRAVIS!" He punched me and I said "I DIDNT MEAN LITERALLY JERKOFF!" "Well Marissa hell is just awaiting." He untied me and dragged me upstairs.

Lin's pov-

Here I am scramming all over New York City to find my baby. I keep trying to call her. I saw Logan come up to "What do you want?" "Mr.Manuel I have an idea of where your child is?" "How do I know you're not setting me up?" "I wouldn't do that because we both know Marissa is the only reason you are still alive." "Okay show me."

Marissa's pov-

He let my legs spread open and he said "Let's have some fun." "Travis I'm a virgin." "Ohh yeah even more fun." He started to kiss me on my neck. "MOAN!" "NEVER YOU MAN WHORE!" He slapped me and said "You better fucking feel something." "I will never." He kept kissing me and I tried to push him off but he was to heavy.

Lin's pov-

Logan lead me to this sketchy ass house. "Really." "Yes I believe she will be here." "I already called the cops." The cops came and busted down the door I followed behind them. We saw Marissa crying and Travis kissing her on her neck. I ran and tackled Travis to hear from Marissa "DAD!" I felt something go into my back.

I heard gunshots and Marissa yell "NO DONT LOOSE HIM!" I feel asleep and heard Marissa scream "NO!"

Marissa's pov-

An ambulance came and took my dad off real fast. I was crying and Logan came in and grabbed me "IM SO SORRY MARISSA!" I sobbed into his shirt and he hugged me. "Marissa we should go to the hospital." We headed off in a cop car together to New York hospital.

We arrived and we ran. I went to the receptionist desk and said "WHERES LIN MANUEL MIRANDA IM HIS CHILD!" "Relax sweetie he is in surgery but he's lucky if he lives." I started to cry more and Logan brought me to a chair with him. I cried into his shirt and said "He can't die yet." "I know I know."

A doctor came out and said "Miss Miranda." I ran over and said "IS HE GOING TO LIVE?" "Yes you're father is fine it's a miracle actually. You can visit him." I ran back and turned around and kissed Logan on the lips. "I love you logan." Then I ran back to my fathers room.

Lin's pov-

I currently heard someone talking to me. I looked down and saw I was wearing white. I saw Venessa holding Sebastian. "Lin." "daddy." He hugged me and Venessa kissed me. "I'm I in heaven." "No you're halfway dear." "What do you mean?" "You can either choose to live or die."

"What does that mean?" "Daddy you can spend the rest of our lives here!" "C'mon Lin stay with us please." "Venessa I would love that but." I looked down and saw Logan and Marissa hugging and Marissa was sobbing into his chest. "But...Marissa couldn't bear that."

"Lin c'mon you can meet Alexander Hamilton." "Isn't he in Hell?" "No he's over there." She pointed to him and Eliza. "Venessa maybe I should die and spend forever with you." "Lin please don't." "Why?" "Because do you not see Marissa crying her eyes out." "Venessa like you said." "Lin I'm sorry but I'm not letting you throw away your shot." "Venessa maybe your right some other time when I'm meant to die I'm sorry but Marissa needs me right now." I hugged them and Sebastian said "I miss you daddy." "I miss you too bud."

I woke up to see Marissa holding my hand she hugged me and said "I love you dad." I hugged her back and said "Are you okay?" "Yes I am dad." "Okay that's all that matters." She curled up next to me in the hospital bed and I said "Text my cast to come and see me." "I already did." "Okay good before Anthony panics."

She laughed and said "I love you." "I love you too sweetie." I looked up and saw Venessa and Sebastian, she winked at me and whispered "I'm happy you decided to keep your second chance." "Thank you for talking me out of it."

Marissa looked up to me and said "Who you talking to dad?" "Just an old friend."

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