0.25 I Hope I Am Pregnant

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Marissa's pov-

I woke and immediately threw up. I screamed "HECK YES!" My dad came rushing in saying "WHAT?" "Nothing I just heard from Sydney, Charlie made the softball team." "Congrats to her." I got changed and texted logan.

Logan: congrats GO take a pregnancy test.
Me: already on it.

I peed on the test and was waiting for the results. Daveed knocked and said "Should I just take my twenty now!" "Yeah I'll give it to you in just a..." I looked down and saw it said positive "FUCK YES!" I opened the door and said "Yes you should right now. I dated logan and you know what Daveed while you're at it I'm Pregnant."

I flashed the thing to him and ran downstairs. "DAD!" He came out limping and I said "IM PREGNANT!" "Sweet Jesus please say you're not." "I am." I threw it at him and he said "How?" "Well you see dad when a girl and boy really love each other they.." "I know how it works but how Marissa? Who got you pregnant?" "Someone."

Daveed yelled "ITS LOGAN!" Everyone came out and yelled "LOGAN!" "Yes logan got me pregnant but it's okay I gave him my consent on it." "Marissa why?" "Because dad I don't want to leave. I'll miss everyone here." "But Marissa you should have just told me instead of getting preggo."

"I'm sorry dad." I hugged him and he said "Does logan know?" "No not yet." "Go tell him." I grabbed my phone and texted him. He immediately responded with a CONGRATS CANT WAIT TO BE A FATHER. I said "He can't wait." Anthony said "Hold up though. Marissa you're kinda taking all this way to fast."

"Anthony I'm already pregnant so there's really nothing else that you can do." "Fair enough." Lin said "Should we go to a doctor to actually see if this is accurate." "Sure." We headed down to my moms old doctor. We arrived and Lin signed some crap. "I can't wait to see my little child." I rubbed my stomach and Doctor Timothy came out and said "Marissa Miranda?"

"Hello Doctor Timothy." "I thought I wouldn't see the Mirandas till she was 30 ish." "Well missy over here decided to go get pregnant." I smiled and we headed back. I laid down and Lin said "I'm so fucking scared." "Mr Miranda you're child is in good health but let's see that baby." He did an ultrasound and said "Well aren't you a lucky duck."

I said "What?" "Well looks like you may have three. See here's one head, then that's the other ones butt, and then in that corner is another one." I sighed and Lin said "Sweet Jesus." "Dad? Why do I have three?" "Well you see Marissa it's your generations turn to carry on the gene for twins or triplets so." "DAD! You should have told me before I decided to have sex."

"Hey that's your fault and can you print out those photos for me." I grabbed the photos and we headed out. We arrived back at the theater and Daveed said "Lemme see these photos." "Well I'm not just having one I'm having three." I saw logan and he said "Awe we will have three of our own." "Logan? I don't know if I can do this."

"Marissa you will live I won't let you die." I sighed and leaned into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and said "Well if it makes you feel better, In two months we can possibly find out the genders." "Yeah." Anthony said "How the fuck will we all take care of these." "Anthony I'll take care of me and Logan's children."

Pippa said "As long as you guys are happy that's all that matters." "Yeah it is." Me and him kissed and he said "Soon we will all be seeing that baby hump come in." Logan hugged me and rubbed my tummy. He said "Alabanza! Thank Jesus Christ for these three lovely children you are carrying." I kissed him again and Jasmine said "I CALL DIBS ON GODMOTHER!"

We laughed and logan said "Hey Mr.Miranda can I live with you guys because my parents kicked me out because of this situation." "Of course Logan." Logan gave him a hug and Anthony said "Whose godparents?" Me and logan looked at each other and I said "We haven't decided yet." "Well decide soon."

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