0.20 Cute Boys

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Marissa's pov-

After a hell of a 3 hours. We arrived, I ran out of the bus and screamed "FREEDOM!" Lin laughed and said "She won't get far because she doesn't have the beach house key." I tried opening the door but realized it was locked. "OPEN UP PLEASE! I CAN'T HANDLE ANYMORE OF OAKS MIXTAPE!"

Lin opened the door and I ran in. I only saw a couple rooms. "I CALL DIBS ON MASTER SUIT!" I got pulled back by a father and I said "C'mon lemme go!"

"Hold on we are all sharing. Okay room situations Jasmine and Anthony in one, Pippa,Renee and Johnathon in another, Daveed, Oak, Thayne, and Leslie in another. Christopher gets his own and Me and Marissa will share." "They all spilt up and I yelled "CHRISTOPHER ILL TRADE YA!" He laughed and my dad said "Yay we get bunk beds."

I yelled again "ANYONE WANT TO TRADE!" "C'mon it will be like old times when Mom would be out late. You can get top squirt." I laid my stuff on the top and Lin said "LETS ALL GO TO THE BEACH!" Everyone was already getting ready for the beach. I grabbed my nude swimsuit and my white flip flops.

I got changed and grabbed my beach bag. I went outside and saw everyone either in the ocean or about to get in. I laid down my towel and started to sun tan. Oak came up to me and said "C'mon let's go into the ocean?" "Nah I'm fine." "Suit yourself."

A cute guy came over to me and said "Hey miss." "Hi." "I'm sorry to bug you but I just wanted you to know I'm Ashton." "Marissa." I shook his hand and he said "I was wondering do you play beach volleyball?" "Sorta." "Can you play with me and my friend please I just need one person?" "Yeah sure." I got up and walked over towards him and his friends.

Lin's pov-

I was in the ocean when I saw Marissa talking to some boy. Pippa said "Lin?" "Yeah." "What's up with Marissa and that boy?" "I don't know." Then she goes off with him, oh hell no this isn't gonna happen. Jasmine said "God that girl works fast." "Yeah to fast."

Marissa's pov-

We arrived and he said "Guys meet my partner Marissa, Marissa this is Luke and John." I waved and said "Nice to meet you too." "Should we start?" Commented luke. In the end me and ashton lost against them by a point. Ashton said "So where are you from?" "In from New York what about you?"

"Ohh city girl. I'm from New York too!" "Ohh city boy." We laughed and he said "Where in New York are you from?" "Washington Heights but I currently live with my dad on Broadway." "Woah! Broadway." "Yeah my dad does a lot of Broadway productions and crap like that." "That's always cool." "Where are you from in New York?"

"I'm from the Bronxs but I currently live in Baltimore with my Uncle." "That's fun." We were talking all about ourselves till dark and I said "I should probably go." "Here." He handed me his number and offered to walk me home. "You're too kind." We arrived at my beach house and he said "Hope we can stay in touch Marissa?" "I hope we do too."

I walked in and Daveed said "Well Maria Reynolds how was your new guy friend." "For one I'm not Maria Reynolds and second I should be allowed to hang out with a guy." Lin sighed and said "At least tomorrow we will be staying together as a family." "I love you dad." I got changed and ready for bed. Oak said "TOMORROW WE SHOULD ALL GO TO WALT DISNEY WORLD!"

Lin said "Okay oak. tomorrow y'all we will be seeing Disneyland I guess." "Yay." I sat down next to him and I said "Dad I'm sorry for ditching you guys." "It's fine at least you met a nice guy I guess."

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