0.3 Tell Lin Next Time

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Marissa's pov-

I walked downstairs to meet them outback. Anthony saw me and said "Can't wait to meet you're little girlfriends." I laughed and walked outside. Josh saw me and said "Hi Marissa." I waved and opened the cast door. We walked in and Lin saw us. "Hello Marissa where's you're friends?" "This is them Dad." He looked shocked and Caleb said "Hi Mr.Miranda, I'm Caleb." He said "I see and you are boy." Pointing to Logan. "Logan, Mr.Miranda." And he said "And I already know you boy." Pointing to Josh, while Josh smiled.

"Were gonna be upstairs." We started to walk and Lin said "You guys can go upstairs lemme talk to Marissa only." They left and I said "There fine dad, Josh has a girlfriend. Logan and Caleb don't be they won't hook up with me." "I don't trust them Marissa." "Why?" "Because that asshole Josh already pulled something on me it's only moments till they do." "Dad just give them a chance."

"Nope not gonna happen." "Well I can't just say go home, dad." "Fine you can hang out with them but on Wednesday I except you to meet girls." I sighed and said "Party pooper, much." I went upstairs and saw Oak, Daveed, and Anthony talking to them. "Don't worry boys there with me." We went into my room and Caleb said "Wow small." "I know right."

Logan sat on my bed and he said "Why didn't your mom get custody." "Because he wanted one child, my dad did and he got me because the judge thought he would be better with me." Josh grabbed a picture of me and said "Since when were you blonde." "7th grade buddy, it's my natural color." "You are a cute blonde." I laughed and said "Yeah sure Logan."

Caleb said "So you and Travis?" "Just friends asshole." Travis is my physics partner he just likes me. And we may have had a thing. Just kidding more like we are dating. Josh commented "More like if friends made out in front of there English class." Logan sighed and I said "Shut up." "So Marissa, How's living in a theater?" "It's cool I guess." Josh said "When will you say you're involved with the schools drama program and your in the schools musical."

"Don't plan on telling him." They all looked at me and they all said at once "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!" "He doesn't need to know." Caleb said "He kinda does. So he picks you up on time and yeah." "Caleb it's fine. He won't care anyways." "Marissa you are the only freshman who got in and is the lead." "I know josh but he won't want to come."

He sighed and Logan said "Well we should go. Bye Marissa." "I'll walk you guys out." We walked out and Josh looked from the wings and saw them all rehearsing Yorktown. Josh said "That's cool." "Bye guys." I shut the door and I sighed. I heard the music stop and Lin said "GUYS I FOUND A HIGH SCHOOL THAT IS DOING HAMILTON!" They all came running and I walked out on stage.

Hey my high school is doing Hamilton....fuck. Lin said "Marissa is you're high school doing Hamilton?" "No." "I thought you went to McKenney High School?" "I don't I go to another school because there drama program over there sucks." "Well this schools drama program reached out to us and said they are doing Hamilton and there Aaron Burr is a girl." I thought to myself "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" But instead of saying fuck fuck fuck I said. "That's cool."

"And we are all going tonight!" "I would love to dad but I have to go babysit for mom. Sorry." "Don't worry I'll go to a showing tomorrow and if you want you can take me." He smiled and said "That would be enough. C'mon crew let's get ready." I walked upstairs and slammed my face into my pillow. "I HATE LIFE!" Lin came in and said "I'll drop you off at Venessa's." "You don't have to do that." "Why?" "Venessa said she's gonna drop Sebastian here and then go to the court thing since it's closer." "Okay." I heard them all left and I saw my mom texted me.

Mom: Hey break a leg tonight me and Sebastian will be there.
Me: okay.

I wanted to go scream, I grabbed my bag full of makeup and the costume. I walked downstairs and called a taxi. "Where too miss?" "McKinney high." We headed off to opening night where Lin will be pissed I lied. That I didn't go here and I was Aaron Burr. See the problem is 8th grade that performance made me not want to let him know anymore about my career in acting.

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