0.11 I'm Offically Removing Travis From My Life

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Marissa's pov-

I finished the dreaded homework. I walked downstairs and saw my dad talking to someone. I pulled Leslie's arm and said "What's going on?" "You're dad is arranging family photos for you two and for the cast to be in some." "Okay." I walked back upstairs and sighed.

I'm fine taking family photos with the crew and stuff. I do feel like they have helped raised me in all but I feel like I need to have some time to take everything in. I grabbed my phone and called Logan. He picked up and said "Hello?" "Logan I need to talk?" "Meet me at Dutch Bros at 10:30." "Okay." We hung up and I fixed somewhat of my hair.

I grabbed a twenty and my oversized sweater. I ran downstairs and yelled "IM GOING TO GET COFFEE TEXT ME ORDERS!" I left and headed towards the coffee shop down the street. I arrived and saw no signs of Logan.

I grabbed a Carmel mocha freeze. I paid and sat down. I saw Logan come he ordered and sat down right across from me. "Marissa." I got up and hugged him. He hugged me back and said "Okay so what did I miss?" "Well I have to take family photos about a week after my mom and brother died." "God that sucks."

"I guess it kinda does. I mean I like the cast and all but I need time to take this all in." "Yeah I get it." I took a long sip and Logan said "I've been thinking a lot and I think we should take it to the next level."

"What do you mean?" "Like now we are putting each other's names in bios and all that?" "Yeah of course." He did his and I did mine. I laughed and said "I feel like I'm in middle school now." "Same, is this lame that we have each other's names in our bios." "Oh well." I got spam messages from the cast saying orders. "I have to go get a bunch of coffees."

I ordered them and Logan said "I'll walk you back to the theater." "Okay you don't have to." "It's fine." We started to walk back with our coffees. We arrived and Logan said "I'll see you later." "Bye thanks for listening." "Of course anytime." I walked in and yelled "COFFEES!"

They all came running from different directions. "Okay I got Lin's plan black coffee, Pippa Carmel Mocha freeze, Renees Dino Egg Rebel, Daveed's Mocha freeze, Leslie's White Russian, Thayne's creamsicle frost, Oak's Gummy Bear rebel, Jonathan's James Dean Rebel, Christopher's mocha coffee, Anthony's Sexy Love Potion tea, and Jasmine's the starburst rebel."

"THANKS MARISSA!" "No problem guys." I sighed and sat down in a seat in the audience. My dad yelled "WE ARE TAKING PHOTOS TOMORROW! AND MARISSA WE ARE ALL DRESSING IN RED, BLACK, AND WHITE!" I gave him a thumbs up. They went back to do whatever they were doing before.

I was just sitting and watching everything happen on stage. Lin yelled towards me "MARISSA!" I got up and headed towards the stage. "Yes father." "Okay so we were wondering can you play someone tonight?" "Why?" "Because you know the script and that crap."

"Okay? Who do you want me to play?" "I want you to play....Eliza." I laughed and said "Sorry no do you see the height difference and I have to marry you." "Well Pippa wants to see her boyfriend for there anniversary and her understudy quit being her because she would never get sick." "Fine." "YAY thanks Marissa come let's get you ready." Pippa hugged me and said "I love you."

I sat down and they put the corset on me and did my makeup got me my microphone. I got a text from Logan saying.

Logan: Hey babe, I just wanted to say my family and I are at Hamilton watching it. Maybe after the show you can show us around my sister is a big fan.
Me: of course.
Logan: thanks babe.

I sighed and got ready for me to get on stage. The song was going on and I stepped on to say my first lyrics. "when he was ten, his father spilt, full of it, debt ridden."

When we walked up to the cat walk I saw the light shine on me, Jasmine and Renee. We all said "Me? I loved him." We walked off stage to get ready for The Schuyler Sisters. After the Schuyler sisters I was dreading helpless having to marry my father.

After the first act I now had to get ready for the second act. I was getting ready when I saw a text from Logan saying.

Logan: Marisa? I didn't know you played Eliza.
Me: I don't I'm filling in for Pippa
Logan: on the one night I'm in audience
Me: ikr
Logan: we'll show is starting soon break a leg
Me: thanks

I went on for take a break and then Schuyler defeated. I was on for burn, I felt so powerful when burning the letters. I may or may not have replaced some of the picture of "Alexander" with pictures of Travis. I almost cried when Phillip died....I'm just kidding I was about to sob for hours. Who lives, who dies, who tells your story I did pretty good. Now it's time for bows.

I walked on and everyone was cheering I looked out and saw Logan crying. I blew a kiss to the audience and the curtain closed. I ran out into the audience and saw Logan. I ran towards him and hugged him. He hugged me back and his sister said "Oh my god is that Eliza." "No I'm here temporarily understudy." I saw his parents and said "Hi Mr and Mrs.Smith."

The father laughed and said call me "Josh." I shook his hand and his mom hugged me. "Sweetie Logan told us how much talent you were filled with but what I saw out there was amazing." "Mom." "Shut up Logan I am telling your wonderful girlfriend how much I love her." I laughed and said "we'll do you guys want to see backstage?" His sister cheered and I said "Right this way folks."

I showed them around and they left after I was done. I sighed and sat on the couch and Lin said "Hey I noticed there was some pictures that weren't there before?" "I thought I could burn some photos of Travis." "I was happy you did." "Thanks dad." We hugged and he said "Tomorrow we'll discover how dysfunctional we are." I laughed and said "True that."

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