0.8 Straighten Your Spine, Smile For The Cameras

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Marissa's pov-

We headed down the red carpet. Tmz stopped me and said "We are here with Marissa Miranda and." "Logan Smith." "Well Marissa how is it appearing here after what happened with your mom and little brother two days ago." "Well I'm holding up well and I'm just hoping for the best." "Positive just like your father." Logan wrapped his arm around me and we kept walking.

Another reporter stoped me and said "So in five words describe your dads sex scandal." "What?" "How your dad had an affair with another women while married to your mom?" Another reporter joined "How is it having a father who is a lair?" "How is it having a father who sexually abused a women?" I felt all these questions drowning in me. I was about to pass out before I heard Logan yelled "STOP!" I passed out and I heard Lin yell "STOP!"

I woke up and I was in the theater backstage of The Tony's. "What happened?" "You got overwhelmed and yeah you passed out." "Ohh." Logan was holding me and said "We will go to our seats." We headed to our seats and I saw Josh and Caleb. I said "Let's see how good this is."

We crushed everything, we won almost all the awards we had a nomination in. Now they are saying Best Musical. "And the award for best musical goes to Hamilton!!" Everyone started to cheer Logan grabbed me and kissed me. They all went on and I can see my dad about to cry.

"I would like to say thank you and thank you again. Thank you for everyone who made this happen. I would like to thank the people who aren't with me right now. I would really like to say thank you to my lovely daughter Marissa." I was crying and he yelled "TO THE REVOLUTION!" They headed backstage to get ready for the ending number. Daveed came down to get me to go on stage with them.

I left Josh, Logan and Caleb. We all walked on stage for the Schuyler sisters. We all danced and I heard Logan yelling "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!"

The Tonys ended and it was so much fun. We were having a cast party at the Richard Rogers theater. Leslie said "To Hamilton." We all raised our glasses and cheered. Logan wrapped his arm around me and said "I have a surprise for Marissa." I said "What is it." He pulled out a flash drive of his jacket and I said "You're mixtape?"

"No it's all you're performances starting from Legally Blonde all the way to Hamilton." "Oh my god, I love you Logan." I hugged him and kissed him. Oak said "Cool Marissa's boyfriend brought his mixtape." He plugged it into his computer and said "C'mon it's not a mixtape it's all of her performances." Lin said "Let's watch it because I wasn't able to see some of these."

It started to with Legally Blonde, then it went to the 7th grade play called Our town, then 8th grades musical Hairspray, the play The Dairy Of Anne Frank, then it went to the summer theater program which did Mamma Mia, then it ended it with me on the high school stage saying "And I'm the damn fool that shot him."

Lin said "I love you." "I love you too dad." Logan and Josh and Caleb had to leave so I walked them out and Logan kissed me and said "Please come to school on Monday your friends have been worried sick." "Okay." They got picked up and I grabbed my phone to see messages from the one spam group chat.

Annabelle- Marissa?
Courtney- Idk where she is I want to see her
Jessica- I feel bad about the recent events
Miranda- She must be in a rough place rn
Kylie- no shit Sherlock. Mom and dad spilt up, then they die
Brittany- correction, Dad didn't die
Charlie- We just need to support her
Stephine- Or we could always find were she lives
Paige- ^^^^^
Annie- Where though?

I sighed and saw Ellie texted me and said,
Ellie- On my way! To the theater

I sighed and Lin said "So what's up." "My girlfriends are coming to support me." I heard knocks from the stage door and Lin said "Good you have some of those." He opened the door and I got crushed into hugs. Paige said "Okay we all say you at The Tony's on Tv, EXPLAIN WHO THAT BOY IS!"

"He is my boyfriend." They all squealed and Lin whispered to Daveed but loud enough for me to hear "Now I wish those boys were back." I laughed and Renee said "Who wants to have a sleepover?" We all said "HELL yes."

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