0.27 Epilogue

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Marissa's pov-

A couple of years have come and gone. The kids are now walking. Logan and I are graduating high school this year. Lin is leaving Hamilton right after we graduate and taking our kids to live with him in London. Me and Logan are both going to college. I'm going to California to go study theatrical arts and English. Logan is going to Colorado to become a Navy Seal.

I got up and saw the white dress laid out on my closet door. I grabbed it and put it on. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I put on the graduation cap. And hear Anthony come in he said "So you excited?" "Yeah I guess." He took Daniella to go get her changed. I walked downstairs and Daveed said "AWE WE NEED PHOTOS!"

He started to snap some photos of me. My dad came out with Daniella and Clark. While logan was holding Brady. I hugged him and he said "Well tomorrow morning are lives change." "Yeah." We headed over to the high school and me and Logan sat down where we were supposed to. I got called up by our principal to make a speech.

"Hi class of 2020!" Everyone clapped and cheered. "Well I'm you're Drama Club president and I just wanted to say. Good luck, to you all. I know high school was that thing some of us were like Jesus when will this end or YAY another day. I'll admit I was both. So hold on to those memories we made here. Never let go to the friends you made. I'm so happy I was able to be apart of this amazing school and this amazing drama program. That's why I want Miss.Kennedy to come on stage."

My drama teacher got up from her seat and went towards me. I grabbed two tickets I had and she said "OH MY GOD!" "Hamilton tickets because you've helped me find my love for the stage and how I'm going to college to become a drama teacher like you." She hugged me and said "I'll miss you Marissa." I started to cry but I have to continue my speech.

"I just remember my high school experience was ups and downs. From me having kids to now having to leave those kids. An up for me was being apart of some amazing clubs and finding an amazing boyfriend who is supportive. I'll miss you all." Everyone cheered and I walked down. Next we had to go get our diplomas. "Marissa Miranda."

I walked on stage and shook hands with them I took it and walked off. We threw our caps and I ran to my family. I saw my dad crying and Daniella ran towards me. I picked her up and Logan picked up the boys. "Time for a party." We headed home to our graduation party.

After the party ended I went to bed realizing tomorrow everything will change. I woke up and got changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt. I grabbed my suitcases and saw everyone packing. Lin is leaving tomorrow but me and Logan are out of here today. Me and Logan hugged each other and kissed each other. He said "Just remember we will always be lovers." "I know." His cab went off. I'm crying by now and Anthony said "You're cab is here."

"Okay." I turned around and said "I guess this is it." "Yeah." I hugged everyone and I said "I'll still keep in touch." I hugged my babies so hard and Brady said "Mom stop." Daniella said "I'll miss you." Clark laughed and said "We will all miss you." "Thanks guys. Listen to Grandad and don't be spoiled brats." I kissed each of them. I saw my dad right behind them. I hugged him and said "I love you and I'll miss you."

He started to cry which made me start to cry. I hugged him really long and said "I love you and I'll miss you." I got up and left. I went into the cab and I said "Can you take me to trinity church first." He nodded and he took me over there. Once we arrived I payed him and went to the graveyard.

I went down next to my moms and Sebastian's grave. I prayed and I said "I may not be seeing you guys for a while." I blew them a kiss and went to go call a cab. I called my cab and I headed off to the airport. I looked out the window and saw the whole cast of Hamilton and my kids. All waving to me, I started to cry. I rolled down the window to hear them all saying "Bye." I waved out the window and said "Bye."

I started to cry and the cab driver said "In New York you can be a new man." "I guess I can be." I held onto the locket on my neck which has Me and my fathers picture with my kids next to it.

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