0.13 In York You Can Be A New Man?

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Marissa's pov-

I woke up to hear the whole cast all around me. I said "What happened?" "I don't know explain." "I lied guys, I went to Time Square to meet with Travis." Everyone said "WHAT!" "He wanted to meet me to declare his apology and yeah." Lin hugged me and the cast left. I said "I'm sorry." "It's okay dad." We sat on the stage and then it hit me. "Dad where's Logan?"

"Daveed and Oak kicked him out thinking it was his fault you got hurt." "Oh my god I have to call him." I got up and felt dizzy. Dad pulled me down and said "Doctors order you are on bed rest missy." "But dad." "I'll get your phone you just sit there." He left and I sighed. Let's hope Logan doesn't hate me after this.

He got me my phone, and immediately texted Logan. I got a response right away.

Me: Hey I'm sorry for them kicking u out. I'll explain why I went to Times Square
Logan: it's fine. And I've heard it was Travis
Me: yes....how'd you hear that
Logan: let's just say I may have snuck in right after Daveed and Oak heard you were awake
Me: fair enough
Logan: don't ever do that again plz baby.
Me: I promise
Logan: Love you
Me: Love you 2

I sighed and Lin said "The fact that your alive is a miracle." "I know dad, I know." Pippa came in with a thing of ice cream and said "For you." Daveed and Oak looked so guilty because of Logan. I decided to play with them for a little. "Where's Logan?" "Umm he left." "Why?" "Because he had to go to...." suddenly Oak shouted "WRESTLING PRACTICE!"

I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. "He doesn't have practice on Saturdays." "It was an emergency practice." "But our school doesn't open on Saturday it's only open when there is a game. And there isn't a game today." Daveed finally said "FINE! WE KICKED HIM OUT THINKING HE WAS THE REASON FOR THIS!"

I laughed and said "I knew he texted me." "Oh god." "He just said he was sorry." "For what?" "For not being there." "Okay that's good." I opened Twitter and saw Lin posted a photo of  us by the Christmas tree before we all became a different family. Then next to it was the huge photo we all took, of us and the cast. The caption said.

Lin_Manuel: People come and go but the people who stand by you are the ones you need to keep

I sighed and felt the tears about to stream down my face. I wiped my tears out of my eyes. I asked Anthony "Can you take me upstairs." He agreed and he brought me into my bed and said "Text us if you need anything." I gave him a thumbs up. I turned on my music and put in my headphones. I saw Logan texted me.

Logan: I was wondering once you get off bed rest...do you wanna go on a date?
Me: of course
Logan: okay good
Me: love you
Logan: love u 2

I was playing my music and reading a book. I saw my door open and Charlie walked in "Hi Marissa." "Hi Charlie." She handed me a bunch of roses and said "That's from Logan not me." I laughed and she said "He said he probably won't be allowed at the theater for a while." "I cleared that up so if he wants to come he can." "I told him that but he said you just bring the roses."

I laughed again and she said "How long are you on for bed rest?" "I don't know probably till I don't feel like shit anymore." "That sucks." "I know right." She passed me a note and said "I have to go but Logan wanted to me to give this to." She left and I opened the note and it read.

Dear Marissa,
I guess it's true in New York you can be a new man. Ever since I met you I've been in love. I get it now we are dating but I still wanted to express my love. The words I love you gets passed around so much. It's the truth I really do love you. Everyday I've been thinking about this so much. But I want to start a new chapter of our life.

So enclosed of this note is an address meet me there at 7:30. We need to start this new chapter right away.

I stared at it and said "What?" I reread it a million times. I finally got up and grabbed a jacket. I walked downstairs and saw everyone rehearsing Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story. I left and walked towards Rays Pizza place.

I arrived and Logan grabbed my hands and said "C'mon let's go." He dragged me outside and I saw all of Times Square. He grabbed a note of his jacket and said

"Dearest Marissa, I've been meaning to say this for a while. I have never excepted this day to happen so soon. After watching Hamilton I've realized how important it is to live life to the fullest and not to cheat on your wife. I would love it if you would accept my last name. I would love it if you could be my Eliza. I know I sound crazy right now. But I mean it right now we can get married and be together forever. So will you Marissa Miranda will you let me be the happiest man alive."

He bent down on one knee and pulled out a Tiffany's ring. The one I pointed out when Me, Josh and Logan were walking around Times Square. How I said I wanted my husband to purpose with this ring. What should I say, act fast Marissa everyone is recording. I felt tears coming down how Logan remember the small details of how I wanted my dream proposal to be.

I screamed out in joy "YES!" He slipped it on and everyone clapped. We kissed each other and he picked me up and twirled me. Then it hit me "Did you get a blessing from my father?" "No." "Oh my god." He set me down gently and he said "What's wrong with that." "Logan we may be going to fast."

"No we aren't. It's fine we are going to get married they will be fine with it." "Logan." "No they will accept Marissa." "Logan. My father won't like this at all." "We will have dinner tonight. My family already approved so all we need is yours." "Well good luck because you have to get about 12 good actors to approve." "I can make anyone approve." "Okay dinner tonight steak house on 9th street." "Okay I won't disappoint you Marissa."

He left and I stared at the ring and said "I expected this when I was 21 not 14." I headed back to the theater, I arrived and Lin said "So did you just ignore BED rest." "Yeah I did." He just sighed and said "How you feeling." "Good and can we go to the steak house on 9th Street tonight for dinner." "Okay but the whole cast has to come?" "Yeah of course."

I headed upstairs and sat on my bed. Looks like I better get ready for tonight. I got a text from Logan saying.

Logan: Can't wait to get the approval

I sighed and mumbled to myself "That probably won't happen." But I just texted him back saying.

Me: Same

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