0.4 Opening Night Jitters Shouldn't Be This Bad

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Marissa's pov-

I arrived, I payed the guy and headed threw the backstage door. My drama teacher saw me and said "Marissa." "Yes." "Go get changed we are having Lin Manuel Miranda interview us all of the cast and crew." "You're kidding!" "No I'm not." I sighed and went into the dressing room where everyone was fixing everything because they knew this would be the one time Lin will notice them. Well lucky ass me I have to have him notice me 24/7.

I got dressed and did my makeup and hair. Elena said "Are you excited Marissa." "Yeah I guess." I put on my over coat. Miss.Kennedy came in and said "Okay so we will have extras and crew interviewed first then after the show they will interview the main characters." We all gave a thumbs up and I walked out and saw Daveed headed towards the dressing room, I ran into the bathroom and I sighed.

I heard them all in the dressing room asking questions. Lin said "So I can't wait to hear to Aaron Burr. Well good luck." I thought they all left and I peaked out of the door and still saw them. Only the stylists left, dang it. I need them to leave soon so I can go get my mic. Pippa said "I wish Marissa was here." "I'll bring her tomorrow." They all left and I walked out and headed to get my mic.

I got my mic and saw the lights in the audience dim. I heard the normal rules of the theater and then it started. I walked out on the cat walk thing and the spot light went on me and I said to myself it's now or never "How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore." I kept singing and doing everything from dance moves to facial expressions.

The first act went by good and now it's time for the second act. I was waiting for it to start when I saw Logan with flowers. "What's this for." "For you." "You didn't have to." "I saw you're father he is seating right behind us and he noticed us." "What did you say?" "We went to this school because it's the truth."

"Did you tell him?" "You go here. Yes I did, I didn't mention you were in this so good luck." "Thanks Logan." He left and I sat my flowers down by my bag. Miss. Kennedy said "WERE ON IN 5!" I got ready for What'd I Miss.

We finished the show and we walked on for our bows. I bowed and I heard everyone going crazy. I walked backstage and took down my hair to hear "Marissa?" I turned around and saw Daveed. I looked back down and said "I'm Kourtney." He said "I know it's you. I'm not that stupid." "Hi." "How come you didn't tell Lin?" "Because I knew if he found out about this he would want me to audition for Broadway and all that."

"And that's a bad thing?" "I want to get famous on my own why do you think my name in the program is Marissa Nadal." He hugged me and said "You did great though." Lin came in and he said "Hello I'm Lin Manuel Miranda." I shook his hand and he said "You did amazing. You look exactly like my daughter. Maybe it's because you're my daughter." "Surprise."

He hugged me and said "I knew that voice sounded familiar." He said "I love you Marissa." "Love you too dad." They were all congratulating me and then Oak said "So we'll talk later we have to interview the rest of the cast." They left me and I saw Logan, Josh, and Caleb walk towards me. I ran and hugged them. "You did amazing Marissa." "Thanks guys."

I saw behind them Travis with flowers. I said "I'll be back." I ran and hugged him. He said "Mr.Burr you did great." He gave me the flowers and I set them down so I wouldn't crush them. He picked me up and hugged me. I kissed him and it looked like a perfect fairytale.

Until I heard a cough. I saw Logan, Caleb and Josh all like you're screwed. Travis dropped me and I turned around to see Lin. Well fuck I'm screwed Travis looked at me and I looked back pretty much saying we're fucked.

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