Chapter 1: Fifty Shades Of Grey.

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Chapter 1: Fifty Shades Of Grey.

Wincing, I shut the doors to the smooth sleek car beside me, which I can gladly say I stole. But before you go all Hannibal on my ass about stealing, I promise to return it back during the twelfth of never. To be honest, I didn't feel guilty, the man whose car I borrowed looked like he had enough cash to outdo Bill Gates.

I mentally shook my head to get rid of the stupid thoughts in my head that echoed in my head. Sometimes, I wonder if the constant lack of company has had some long lasting effects on brain. It would've explained my short attention span.

I slipped my white shades on to cover my startling violet eyes, which thankfully does wonders with the male population. Obviously, me being a Werewolf meant I was naturally born with a decent enough figure- I supported a small but lean figure with long thick curly hair that cascaded past my waist. My tan skin was smooth and was pretty much hairless.

I was so damn lucky.

Mental note: thank my parents for their DNA. That is if I ever find out where they are, then I'll punch them in the face for leaving me, I hardly doubt their excuses will make up seventeen years of isolation.

Back to standing next to my awesome yet borrowed car, I glanced at the mirror smiling at my rough appearance, I had a few cuts and bruises on my face, which hopefully benefit me in joining this stupid Pack- The Luna Diosa Pack.

Grinning, I thought back to the time I actually genuinely thought Packs could be great. I found soon enough having a odd eye colour can really segregate you from the rest of society. According to many, my eyes were the effect of a sin my parents caused.

Some excuses I heard, were quite creative. Who would've thought my beloved mum, who I never knew, ran away with a hunter. Or was a descendent of the witch bloodline. Really, I applaud them for originality.

Regardless, they were all lies since no-one knew my past. Not even me. The rumours about me would've been amusing if it wasn't appointed at me. Unfortunately, they were directed at me causing  my hatred for the Humans and majority of the Werewolf society to grow.

Now all of this was going to have to change... But that was going to be like keeping Lindsey Lohan away from Jail. Practically impossible.

I started my way on the paved stone pathway. It was surprising a strong pack like this- I'm guessing they are from what I heard- hadn't caught my scent. Although, I did have years of experience to cover it up. My ego seemed to grow as I complimented my smooth ninja skills.

My ego is probably the size of Jupiter. And maybe Pluto added onto it. It's not my fault, I emit confidence.

My ears picked up a car approaching the Pack House, which would've been suited being called a mansion.

Rich people. So freaking modest. Might as well buy a fucking country and call it ten acres of land.

I hid behind a pine tree, which was thankfully near me. Although, I did question its presence being bang in the middle of a pathway. I was too engulfed in my own thoughts that I had become unaware of the noises surrounding me. My Wolf growled at my stupid behaviour. This is why I tend to avoid thinking.

Or the amount of stress it leads to. My MO is 'don't think, just do'. About 70 percent of the time it works out. Just don't think about the other 30 percent chance of it failing.

I shuffled at my spot making sure my small frame was perfectly hidden behind the tree. Times like this I was grateful for being petite. Being shorter than most Werewolves could really be a pain in the ass, but my fighting skills made up for it.

Car doors were slammed pretty loudly and footsteps became louder. The one thing that had caught me the most was this intoxicating scent that left my head feeling dizzy. Even my own Wolf was frazzled at this notion. Damn! That smell was good. Suddenly, the smell of pancakes registered through my head before my stomach could project its growling I concentrated on the gorgeous smell instead.

Despite the fact my Wolf wanted me to jump out of the tree and search for this overwhelming scent. I held still in my spot as one of Medusa's victims and listened to the hushed voices.

"Did you find her?" A deep, velvety voice spoke. My body seemed to shiver all over and my spine straightened, I restrained from the tempting feeling to go follow this musical tone

"No, She must be really good because as soon as we got her scent it was lost once again." I raised my eyebrows as I heard another voice speak up. His hoarse voice box contrasted with the other man.

I was sure they were talking about me; my suspicions were answered when the man, with the smooth voice spoke again. "This rogue is good but we're better, remember that." He didn't wait for the other man to contradict him and he left, taking his delicious scent with him. The other man quickly followed him and the footsteps became distant.

I huffed at the insult of me not being classed as not being 'good' enough. A strange emotion started filling my veins as my wolf cried in desperation. She really wanted me to follow him. Blocking her from my head, I chuckled at her crazy thoughts. Since when did I care about strange men. Eventhough, they have a strange delicious accent, with a intoxicating scent that leaves you yearning for more.

God, I'm sounding like a narrator from an erotica. Fifty shades of Grey were so not my thing.

Moving from the tree I sighed heavily. I can already predict the troubles I'm going to have here. Unfortunately, my brain cells were too limited to understand I could possibly inviting Karma to my fucking doorstep.

Limited as in, I rather 'Just do than think'.

I took off my awesome shades and hid them in my jeans, that looked older than Mary Berry. Using my Werewolf speed, I raced to the doorstep to avoid confrontation with anybody. Honestly, I couldn't be arsed kicking anyone ass right now. Unless, Hitler decides to make a visit.

Aw, maybe the Nuns did teach me to have a heart. Gross.

Raising my fist, I placed it on the middle of the pristine white door. My tan hand standing out as I mentally ran everything through  my genius head. Getting bored of the thinking process I knocked timidly and smirked to myself but not before I blinked out a few salty tears.

Time for my Oscar-worthy performance.

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