Chapter 9: Masked Figure.

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Chapter 9: Masked Figure.

I snuck out of the stuffy basement and returned back to the hallway. My breathing became heavier with the amount of information weighing heavily on my shoulders. I knew what I had to do but first I should attend my class, I don't want anyone raising questions.

I checked my schedule:

Chemistry 1A

Maths 2H

Spanish 1D

English 3B


Food Tech 2C

Urgh! The bell rang alarming me and a hoard of students came out of their classes. Was first lesson at a end, already? I grabbed the closest student next to me, which was a tiny girl looking deeply afraid. I voiced my question to her and she nodded furiously eager to go.

I walked and continued to glance at the stupid map, which lead me to my Classroom after few minutes of tiredly searching.

I strolled into the classroom, the were hardly any students in. All faces carried boredom until I walked in their expression changed to curiosity. I ignored them and walked to the teacher's desk. She didn't notice me.

"Ehem," She looked startled when she looked up at me. She sighed in exasperation, What the hell?

"Who are you?"

"I'm Rogue," My voice sounded confident and clear. Her mouth formed a O and she relunctantly smiled.

"Welcome to my math class, I'm Miss Aliyah. Sit anywhere but choose carefully it will be your permanant seat."

I nodded my head and turned around the slowly filling room. I took in each seat, sctrutinising each spot. Finally deciding, I headed towards the back of the room and sat down in my spot shuffling uncomfortably.

Letting out a huge breath I took out what is my supposedly new notebook and started doodling in the corner. My mind unconciously travelling back to the hidden conversation in the basement.

A commotion started at the front of the room but since I was sitting at the back I couldn't see anything other than several heads in my view.

When the noise became a notch lower, the people at the front started making their way where I was seated. Silently Cursing them I pulled up the hood of my jacket and kept my head down.

"Why do we have to come to school? It's so boring." Whined one of the barbies from the overcrowded group. "No shit, Sherlock..." I muttered under my breath. Unfortunately, it slipped my mind that I was in a class filled with several wolves with superhearing.

"What did you say?" The girl, raised a eyebrow at me and in returned I laid back comfortably in my seat smiling. "Sorry?" Acting innocent.

"You said something..."

"That does tend do happen when your speaking." A few snickers could be heard.

The girl glared at me, throwing daggers. "Excuse me, Do you know who I am?" Her voice screeching. Ouch!

Although, I continued irritating her it was pretty funny.

"No, please enlighten me though."

" I'd have you know my father is the principal." She slyly smiled as if expecting a scared expression from me. Think again, Beeyotch!

" Really? Well tell him Rogue congratulated him. Did he have to resort to begging?" She edged closer her fist raising dangerously close to my face. I simply grabbed her skinny hand and gripped it tightly and squeezed. Pain etched into her face. However, she refused to give up and for that I applaud her.

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