Chapter 16: Well, Hello Naked Stranger.

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Chapter 16: Well, Hello Naked Stranger.

To say I was shocked was the biggest understatement of the year. My eyes widened as he kissed me, my lips perfectly motionless not knowing how to react. Although, i could hear the mental party my Wolf was throwing. Sure, I had a few kisses in my time but this was completely different. Thousands of butterflies swarmed my stomach, making me feel girly.Bleurgh! Once the shock had passed, i momentarily thought about kissing him back. Unfortunately, it was too late becasue a huge growl interrupted our make-out session- if it could be called that.

Jake pulled away looking very irritated, which made me feel smug- totally inapproapiate because of the situtation we was in, which was having a wolf snarling it's grotesque teeth at us. Why does this always happen to me? I guess i should be frightenend at this moment of time but all i could feel was a tiny pirece of annoyed at the revelation of me and Jake being interupted. Hopefully, this tiny part was coming from my Wolf and not me. The wolf growled once again and lurched forward in a attack pose, my eyes drifted to the colour of the wold eyes, which was red. The wolf was undeniably a rogue. I laughed mentally at this becuase a few days ago that was me, but without the red eyes.

I glanced at Jake beside me, he looked thoughtful so i guessed he probably was mind-linking his Pack. Wimp. I stepped forward but Jake arm shot out, preventing me from getting any closer to the wolf. I sighed irrtated. "What the fuck?"
"You can't fight a rogue." he replied."Why not?"
"He's not in a correct mental state, he'll rip you apart."

I blew out a breath and pushed Jake arm out of my way. He looked taken aback as i reached forward to the Wolf. It bared it's teeth at me but i ignored the threat. I stared into the Wolf eyes and it stared right back, not blinking once. It hadn't made a move at me yet so i guess karma was off my back today. I crouched down and lowered my body so i stood close to the Wolf. The wolf retracted it's body by inches but i moved forward keeping my eyes on the Wolf. Many say you should never look into a Wolf eyes as well as dogs becasue it showed them you're offering a challenge. However, unless you haven't figured it out yet, i don't listen to what people say.My hand was slowly lifted off the ground and i laid it on top of the Wolf's head. Instantly, it's head dropped an it bowed in submission. I sighed, greatful that it had worked.

"How did you do that?" I turned my head to find Jake staring me at awe . I forgot he was standing there becasue i was 'in the moment'. "Do what?" I got up and wiped my hand on my shorts, they felt a little bit clammy. The Wolf continued to stare at the floor. "You made it listen to you." His words coming out starstruck.

"It's a gift." Literally, but it was best if he didn't know that.

"For real?"
"As real as unicorns and dragons." I commented sarcastically. He rolled his yes at me but didn't question me further, knowing he won't get a straight answer out of me. Although, i could almost see the clogs in his pea-sized brain trying to figure it out.

"Where is your beloved Pack, shouldn't they be here by now?"
"How did you know i was talking to them?" I shrugged, not bothering to answer.

"We have to wait for them 'cause we need to know why these bastards keep entering our land." I raised my eyebrow at 'bastard' because he was basically describing me and didn't know it. Ironic. It got awkward soon enough, neither of us wanted to discuss what happened before we got interupted.

You guys are werid.

I rolled my eyes at the unfamilair voice in my head. I glanced at the Wolf that had stopped staring at the floor and was intently switching glances between me and Jake. I raised my eyebrow.

Don't look surprised, you knew making me bow my head into submission would make you my master.

I growled in response, urgh this is why avoid confontation with rogues. Something stupid always happen.

Sheesh, don't be mad i was just kidding. You guys aren't weird just really stupid.

I shaked my head.Wow you're going to block me from your head, you're the one got me in this mess. I have to be questioned by a buch of dudes from a Pack while they give me the freaky looks. While you and your awkward 'friend' suck faces in the corner.I grimaced at his choice of words.

Don't worry about me i'm probably going to die anyways. Eventhough, you're my master nad meant to protect me from all evil and shit.

"Shut up!" I blurted out. Jake turned around.

"What? I didn't say anything." I groaned.Awkward. Not really helping your situation.

"Look Jake. I'm leaving."
"No. I'm not going to wait for your stupid pack to arrive. I mean how long does it take to get here? And i'd appreciate if you didn't mention the Wolf to them."
It's Adam. And your boyfriend looks pissed off, really should've not called his pack stupid. Tut."Don't call them stupid-"Told ya."They are having difficulties finding us and we have to tell them because they have a right to know the fact you know how to control wolfs." I marched up to him, staring at his beautiful green eyes.

"You tell them what you saw and i'll tell them all about your little move on me. I'm sure your liitle slaggy girlfriend would love to know about that."*whistle* Dramaaaa...

Jake eyes turned black but i couldn't be assed dealing with his angry tantrum so i walked away, motioning for Adam to follow me. Once we were out of his eyesight, i asked Adam if he could shift.If you want to see me naked, sure.I face-plamed myself. "Really? Like those comments back there weren't annoying enough."You asked for it and it's fun seeing you guys together. It's like that tv show my mum used to watch all the time... The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

"Thats mildy disturbing that a something year old guy would watch that."Im 18 and the cat fights were funny, okay. And if i was lucky they would show some skin.I made a disgusted face. "No comment."What?I sighed. "They are probably 30-40 year old women."

Really? Damn. They look good for their age."Does plastic surgery ring a bell?"So? Aslong as they look hot i aint complaining."I'm offically grossed out." He didn't reply and i didn't hear any paws thumping behind me. So I did the logical thing and turned around. I tell you: It was either the biggest mistake ever or the best.

Stood there was ateast a 6 foot 5" guy with the most nicest body i've ever seen. And i have seen plenty-trust me. He grinned and arched a eyebrow, which is something i've been doing a lot lately. The dimples in his cheek stood out and i could not help but check him out. My eyes refused to stray down below. I knew better than to do that, so i kept my eyes on his nicely chiseled chest meaning the 8-pack. His brown cutly hair made me want to run my hand through' em but instead i rolled my eyes at him. Again.

"Finished?"He asked. A cocky grin tugging at his lips.

"Well, hello naked stranger..."

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