Chapter 17: The Mother Of All Surprises.

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Chapter 17: The Mother Of All Surprises.

Once me and Adam returned back to the Pack House, we were bombarded by nearly everyone that lived there of who won the fight. I refused to answer and dragged Adam to my roon, which sounds extremely wrong but I swear my purposes are innocent. No one really questioned Adam and his reasons to be here, since I'm sure he already won the hearts of every female standing next to him.

Great(!) Another man-whore in the household, that's the last thing we need. I closed the door and sighed heavily. " I think you left a bruise on my arm."
"Don't care." I replied. 
"What's got your panties in a twist, excluding me?" I glanced at the cheeky grin and had a urge to thump him as in hit him. God, can he get anymore arrogant? "So, do you think the hot blonde downstairs wants me to call her?" Crap, i spoke to soon.

"That blonde is the future Luna, so unless you want to be killed. Keep your hands to yourself." His eyes widened, which emphasized the chocolate coloured eyes of his.

"No shit. So she's the slaggy one you was talking about?"

"Damn. No wonder the dude looked mad. Those claws she has, even i wouldn't want to fight her." I chuckled at his comment. Maybe Adam was who i needed to brighten my time here.

A knock came at the door interrupting my reply. "Who is it?" 

"Another one of your lovers?" Questioned Adam. I pushed him out of the way and opened the door partly."Can i help you?" I heard Adam snort at my now polite behaviour, thankfully Ryan didn't hear." The Alpha wanted to speak to you and he also mentioned another rogue... or something. He sounded pissed, though." Shit. Maybe insulting and threatening him wasn't the best idea i had up to date. "Okay, I'll be there." He smiled but he looked different like there was an extra glow onto his expression. Almost, like God had given him the best prize in the world. He nodded and walked away, waving. "Phew, i thought if he stayed any longer you might have jumped out of your twisted panties." I threw him a glare.

"Do you ever shut up?"

" Only when asked politely." I groaned.

"Careful, werewolves do have sensitive hearing." He winked.

"Stop with the innuendos or else..."
"Or else what?"
"I'll kick you out."
" Pshht. You love me too much."
"I met you 15 minutes ago." I replied. He waved his hand and stepped out of the room.

"That's true love."

"Okay, smart ass let's just face the angry Alpha."
"Maybe you can bargain with him? Ask for me to stay in return for sex." This time i did punch him and i can say proudly it will leave a bruise. He stopped complaining about his so sexy arm-his words not mine- when we reached Jake's office.

"Okay you knock." I threw him a wtf glance. In return he gave me a 'you hurt me' look. Rolling my eyes, i raised my hand to knock instead the door open and the face, which i would love to wake up to every morning stared back at me. The slut.

I saw a glare creeping on her caked face but when she caught sight of Adam an almost hungry look passed her eyes. "Oh, hello." She whispered... seductively? Gag! I watched as she shimmied- only word to describe it- closer to Adam. Her face morphed into a pout. If you could call it that. Her boyfriend was only merely 2 foot away and she was flirting with another guy, you can never underestimate a slut's nature.

"Hi," Adam responded. His face set in a smug-like grin. He is so enjoying this.She so wants me.I rolled my eyes at his thought inside my head. Well, the slut didn't get to reply since her boyfriend stepped out of his office.

"What's going on?" He asked gruffly. He seemed to realize there was another person other than me and sluttyMCslut. His eyes burned into Adam's face as he gave him the biggest dirt ever, it was priceless. "Where the fuck are your clothes?" By clothes, he meant shirt because on our way i managed to convince him to wear pants although he complained. A lot. However, Adam wasn't affected by the glare he was getting. "I don't believe in hiding what the Goddess has gifted us with." Then he winked at me, probably remembering the debate we had outside about clothes. Obviously, this angered both the slut and our dear Alpha.

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