Chapter 2: Me And Simon Cowell.

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Chapter 2: Me And Simon Cowell.

The door creaked open and a women with huge breasts came out. I blinked feeling momentarily shocked and shut my mouth as she scowled at my roughed up appearance. Bitch, I thought distastefully.

Her clothes seemed to have shrunk five sizes too small as they stretched over her short appearance. Her blonde hair was teased and was probably ten inches away from her actual head. Her caked up face, turned into a impatient expression.

Dare I say it, slut.

Remembering what I was meant to do I started to sob, tiny whimpers escaped my lips. She gasped in horror when her eyes finally examined my face. Scratches and bruises surrounded my once tanned, smooth skin.

I was genuinely surprised she could see from the paint she splattered on her eyelids.

"Oh honey, come in," Pity and wariness enveloped her screechy voice. She tried to hide her obvious disgust with sympathy. Female dog.

I shuffled in the Pack house, which was very large compared to the motels I've been staying at. Guess, being in a Pack is not all bad.

I mentally snickered at my last comment. If Packs have gigolos like her, I doubt it's any good.

Her eyes were following my movement, meaning that she still was suspicious of me. I winced in pain and watched her expression change from wary to guilty.

This was almost too easy.

Her eyes flickered to the door, which probably lead to the Lounge; she carefully touched my hand as if she wondered the diseases I could be supporting. If anything she'd be most likely to be carrying STD's.

The room was modern and nicely decorated, you could tell these people came from money from their massive flat screen and different video games. The classy room highlighted my charity clothes and how untidy I made the room look.

I should really stop shopping at thrift stores.

"Sit," She demanded, my Wolf immediately wanted to growl at her for thinking we take orders from her. What a cow. I pushed my Wolf to the back of my head and sat down, The tears that I had faked had stopped.

"Okay, tell me what happened!" She ordered. I restrained myself from backhanding her. Only I have the right to order myself. Seriously, she should consider dog classes for herself. There's no harm in being trained.

"Shouldn't the Alpha be here?" I questioned, genuinely curious. Her eyes went slightly darker when I mentioned him. Suddenly, I had a hard time not throwing up. Stab me.

"He is at a meeting, so you can tell me I am the Luna of Pack Diosa, well soon-to-be," She responded, she oozed cockiness as she flicked her blonde hair back and sat in front of me.

My Wolf perked up at the chance of making sure she was in my favour. Honestly, i would've been happier to jump off a building. Why would I want to impress someone whose head is stuck in their ass, while it's already full of crap?

However, I had to put away my judgmental behaviour and accept her role in this pathetic Pack. The only thing she can lead is a line of prostitutes from what I can see and trust me it was way too much.

The feeling of wanting to wring her neck had seem to increase ever since I stepped through that door. I shook my head to get rid of these unwanted thoughts. Boy, was I starting to think too much. I can already feel the grey hairs forming on my head.

"Luna..." The tears started flowing again and I mentally grinned at my façade. I was good. The new fucking Jennifer Lawrence. "You can tell me," She encouraged, rubbing my shoulders. I wanted to rip her hands away from me but I stayed collected. " My last pack... they were..." I cried once again and she hugged me.

I wanted to gag at the heavy perfume she was wearing, which was making my nose itchy. God, did she decide to have a bath in pig shit? My Wolf urged me to hurry.

That sounded appealing.

"They use to hurt me, repeatedly and call me nasty names. I didn't know what to do so I ran away and I ended up here." Oh, how the lies just roll out of my mouth, I was quite experienced in the lying department. Unlike the woman in front of me, who probably was experienced in X- rated stuff.

"Don't worry, sweetie, You can stay here I'll speak to the Alpha, when he's finished his meeting." Her eyes lit at the thought of the speaking to the Alpha. Fudge, I'm going to be sick. She smile what she considered sweetly so I sniffed and thanked her.

Blooming mug.

I smirked in victory and instantly changed my expression when she pulled back. "Really?" I wiped my bloodshot eyes, while she grimaced and straightened out her clothes from her Kindergarten years.

"Of course," I hugged her tightly in response and ignored the heavy amount of perfume fumes, which were going into my nostrils. Screw cigarettes, this stuff is going to be enough to cause damage to my lungs.

I let her go before my hands found how well it suited being around her neck. "Thank you," I gritted out. Being polite was not my thing like Miley Cyrus and twerking.

A crime of the century.

I could hear my Wolf ranting in my head about how I should not get kicked out. It's not my fault my personality only suit certain people. Me and Simon Cowell would be very good acquaintances.

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