Chapter 14: Clueless.

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Chapter 14: Clueless.

The crowd settled down after a few minutes of pep talk from the one and only: Alpha. Apparently, we are having a competition tommorow to see who were the strongest warriors and if they were capable of teaching others methods of defence and killing.

It brought out a new rush of adreline, which I haven't felt for awhile. However, the tiny voice in the back of my mind was nagging me to find out what is happening. I considered asking Ryan but I knew that it was best to the ask the person that new exactly what is happening.

Unfortunately, it had to be the guy, which my wolf was in love with. Why? I still don't know to this day. It's not like he has a certain aspect of his personality that is to be favoured.

As the group cleared I follwed Jake to his office my footsteps were light and I know even with his hearing he does not know I was behind him. I was contemplating weather I should approach him like a normal wolf but the option was thrown out of the window when his slaggy girlfriend jumped out from nowhere.

As usual, she was dressed in tight fitted clothes, which looked very uncomfortable and her heels were  6 inches. Although, against Jake she managed to still look short.

" Honey," She screeched. My wolf growled at the fact a whore adressing her 'man'.

"What?" He asked irritated. A small smug smile slipped onto my face, when her face began to drop.

"Babe, why are you being mean to me!?"

" Did you ever think you were the problem?" I winced, wow that must've hurt. I watched intently, like it was some soap opera while a small patch of tears fell from her face.

He looked guilty for a microsecond but stopped. "Can I go?"

"No!" She shouted, wiping the mascara off her caked face.

" Who the fuck do you think you are bossing me about in my house?!"

"I'm your mate, that's who. And if you don't stop being horrible im gonna tell Daddy to not help you in the war!" I arched my eyebrow at the statement, her father must be from the higher status.

"Look Bitch, your father can't do shit to me and my Pack is strong enough without your Dad's help."

As Jake spoke I could tell he was lying, the small muscle in his jaw twitched.

"Argh! I love you baby. Please." She begged, truly believing that Jake will leave her. He masaged his temples , while she fell into hysterics.

" Uh, just go fix yourself and come speak to me tommorow after the fights. Okay?" Relunctance was easily heard in his words.

"Really, Baby? Okay. I love you so much." She aimed to kiss his mouth but he patted her back awkwardly and said goodbye.

She was not bothered because hope lit up in her face amd she scuttered off to her bedroom.

Before he could leave, I stepped out. "Trouble in paradise?" I questioned in satisfaction.

"Rogue." He stated.

"Glad you remembered me." I grinned, showing off the dimple on my left cheek.

" I spoke to you in the morning."

" I know. I just was checking if your memory was as bad as your personality." His eyes narrowed at the insult.

"I have a nice personality." He stated.

"Sure, I mean that's why your stringing the poor girl heart ,while you know she has no chance in hell."

" She's my girlfriend. Of course I like her."

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" I could see a tiny vien im his head that looked read to explode.

"Forget it; I have no interest in your love affairs. I came to ask you about something else." I decided to change the topic before the vein did pop open and I'd have to witness something that would scar me for life. He looked slightly relieved and the tension in his body started leaving.

"What is that?"

" I need to know who you are having War with." Urgency in my voice.

He started smiling, which instantly made me freak out.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked warily.

"Can't I smile?"

"Yeah, but it looks super freaky." For some reason that made his grin grow. His probably bleached teeth glinted in the dark hallway.

" I can't tell you, you should've listened in the meeting instead of running away with that-"

"You saw that?" I intervened.

"Yes. When your Alpha not a lot of stuff happens without you knowing."

"Oh, I'm sorry your majesty. Are you jealous?" He scoffed but I knew he was hiding how he truly felt.

"No. There's nothing to be jealous of." The grin dropped and a frown settled onto his face. His fists look like they desperately wanted to punch something.

"Oh really? What if I told you what me and Adrian did while you were saying your grand speech?" Anger flashed in his eyes and his canines came out in their sharp form.

He pushed me to the wall and my back hit the wall with a thump. A slight pain travelled through my spine. " Let go of me." I spitted out.

"No, not until you tell me what happened between you and that bastard."

"Why? It's not like you give a shit. I thought you weren't jealous."

" I do give a crap! You're my mate!..." He breathed out, his harboured breaths echoing through the silen hallway. I didn't contradict him but it seemed he finally accepted what we are... Mates.

Hearing him say it outloud made it sound more real. I glanced at him and watched at he reached for a strand of my hair and put it behind my ear. He shut his eyes for a second, like he was waiting for a dream to end. Once he opened his eyes, the darkness in his eyes cleared leaving a beautiful light of green. Regret flashed quickly and them guilt followed.

He backed away from me and a sudden gust of wind made me shiver. "I'm sorry, I should've not done that." He whispered. Before I could answer and ruin the moment he left.

I bit my lip in confusion. Once again,.a encounter with him has left me clueless and frazzeled. I used my sense of smell to direct me to my bedroom. Opening the door, I took in the minimalistic room. Rushing to the closet, I took out a pair of cotton shorts and a black tanktop.

Having a quick shower I changed into my clothes and burrowed myself under the covers. I could hear the noises outside of the Wolfs training but I was too tired and fell into a dreamless sleep.

However, I could smell him and that left my Wolf happy for the first time in ages. I sighed in content. Maybe he wasn't all bad.


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