Chapter 28: Father.

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Chapter 28: Father

My mind froze as I watched fearfully, his soul draining away from his mystic eyes. My jaw clenched as a cascade of tears swept through my face. The deep, connection that was hidden with ny Father rotted away with his life.

Losing my calm fatigue, I crawled towards his unblinking gaze and shut his eyes, a scream shattered the quiet air. And I felt it erupt from my own mouth, weeping erratically I hugged his body close to mine sobbing into his shoulder. My dear, Father. The man, who I did not have the fortune of having a fatherly bond with.

My body wracked, as silent cries fell from my teared face. The loss of him, weighing heavily on my chest. I thought about how short I've known him, and was bent on telling him to fuck off, that I never thought he wouldn't be there, when I realised how much he actually did care.

He saved my mate. My mate. I urgently looked around to see a pity-eyed Adam. His own eyes seemed glossy, he smiled at me sympathetically, nodding towards Jake, who was groaning and dragging his body upwards.

Wiping my eyes, furiously I pulled my  Father so he was on my knee. I pulled out the tiny sword, flinching from the impact. He remained motionless but peaceful as I ran my hand through his hair. "I'm sorry. " My voice light as a feather. Breathing heavily, I carried on. "I should've forgiven you when you were alive. I was clouded by my own pride that I stupidly didn't realise how much you meant to me. They say a girl is the greatest joy that ever happens to a Father and I thought you rejected me. Didn't want to be my dad, so I hated you. Loathed you. I'm so sorry." I cried.

I shut my eyes, feeling a warm body hug me from behind. Crying quietly, I let Jake comfort my helpless body. Although, he was injured. I don't know how long I weeped, it could've been hours or minutes but Jake comforted me, running his lean fingers through my nest of a hair.

I bit my lip as I rubbed my eyes, the redness still visibly there. Blinking any threatening tears, I ran my hand through the bruises on Jake's heart-breaking face. "You should go and heal. I'll stay here with Frank." The raspiness of my voice, scratched painfully on ny throat. Jake childishly refused. "No, I will stay here with you. Until..." He didn't finish the sentence but I knew what he was insinuating.

Until I buried him.

I glanced back at the cold, lifeless body, quickly deciding I'll bury him now. The faster he could be with the Moon Goddess, the better. She will heal him and put the smile back onto his face. Sighing, I picked myself up, then helped Jake up aswell. His face looked grim and I could almost feel the wrenching pain surrounding him. I felt horrible, I couldn't do anything to help him, I was a useless mate.

I hugged his warm body, trying to patch up his cuts using my energy but soon I felt drained. The only noticeable good I did, was put some colour back onto his face. The whole Pack gathered around Frank, I was quite shock they all came to pay their respects. Despite, just being in a War.

One of the elders, stepped forward and ushered me forward. "Luna, we are very sorry about your dear Father. Out of respect, we were wondering if you will bless him and the others, who did not survive and wish them well into the Moon Goddess's world." She looked concerned and nervous, that I won't accept. Am I that frightening?

I shaked my head," No, that would be great. It is only fair for the other heroes, who helped keep this beautiful Pack alive." As soon as I finished, many greatfully smiled. Dismissing them, they all preapred the joint funeral. Adam and other members placed my Father on a elongated, comfy thin mattress.

Adam hugged me quickly, repeating how sorry he was before leaving. Usually, I would've smacked him for pitying me but honestly I wanted to crawl into my bed and cry forever. Oh god, I am officially the next Bella.

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