Chapter 8: He's back!

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Chapter 8: He's Back!

After the crappy bomb shell that had been dropped, I had to go to High School whether I liked it or not. Unfortunately, the stupid puny Alpha couldn't afford trouble from the human authority or they could become suspicious.

Do you know the truth? All of that sounds like complete horse crap! I know he was making up lies on the spot to convince Ryan, it took all my strength not to jump him and not in the I-wanna-bang-you. Unfortunately, due to the stupid chemicals in my body, my body melted when Ryan asked if I would come and he said please. Unlike that asshole.

In my defence, Ryan does put up a cute pleading expression and he did say that he was going to be in a majority in my classes so that was a plus side. I'm seeing the light of going to High School already. Well apart from the smelly humans and classes, oh and waking up early. Wait, why am I even going again?

One of the pack member Lucie gave me a backpack, which I filled with Human nonsense a.k.a Textbooks. Just seeing all those words in one book made my head ache. Although, in reality I don't planning using them. I'm just not a learning person, I see myself as the teacher to be honest. A teacher who uncondtionally swears and loves to jugde pretty much everything.

A slight knock interupted my inner monologue. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, hold up a minute," I snatched my backpack that laid on my unmade bed. I twisted the handle and sighed in exhaustion. Waking up early today was a big mistake, I should've acted like a normal teenager and pretended to be sick. But being in a house full of wolves, that will be hard to pass off. Why couldn't we be a stupid specie, it would've made my life easier.

As I stepped out of the room, my gaze landed on a grinning Beta.

"Why are you so happy today?" I questioned warily. He look like someone who won the golden ticket, to Charlie Chocolate's factory. I mean c'mon anyone with sense won't deny glorious chocolate. The power of Nutella. I had half a mind to salute in front of this fine specimen in front of me. Oh Goddess, help me be ridden of these nasty hormones.

" Because I finally have school with someone that isn't my friend just for the fame," He answered. Is he some kind of celeb i don't know about?

"How do you know that I'm not using you for fame?" I raised my eyebrow, waiting for his reply.

He blinked a few times, taken aback with the question. "I just do." He shrugged, not having a proper answer.

"Wow, that is some psychic ability." I joked, nudging him.

" My life dream- To become a fortune teller." He waved his hand crazily and I laughed utterly surprised at his nonachalant behaviour.

My laughter was cut short when I caught the eye of my so called Mate. His smug smile slipped off when he catched Ryan next to me and I mentally high fived myself at his jealous expression. When the bitch caught him staring at me she gave me the stink eye. The stink eye? She's already showing her bitchy side; that didn't take long.

I rolled my eyes at the pair of idiots.

"When are we leaving?"

" About that...since nearly a quarter of the Pack go to High School, we have to share."

"Yeah?" I asked wearily, wondering where he was going with this.

"Well we're going to have to hitch a ride in the Alpha's car," He smiled sheepishly while I groaned in anger. The Lord really hates me!

I wish I could use my car but the Pack can't see my car. Otherwise, that will mean more questions.

"Fine," I relunctantly agreed and followed him.

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