Chapter 30: Make Me Yours.

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Chapter 30: Make Me Yours.

I tried to keep my composure as I headed to the ugly beast, smiling like the tramp she is. The makeup she plastered on her face, heavily made her look disgustingly fake. Rolling my eyes, I went and stood beside Jake. He threw me a uncomfortable look that told me, get this psycho off me. I mentally applauded his revolted expression. Ah, my faith in males have been restored.

Unlike the other drooling idiots that were more that eye-raping her, he stood frozen, glaring at her form. Despite how revealing she looked, everyone looked like they swallowed a lemon when she entered the room. That's my Pack, my Wolf said joyfully. Biting my lip, I pulled my mouth in a patronising smile. She gulped audibly, before standing straight, looking defiant. Got to give an A for the amount of stupidity racing through her minuscule amount of brain cells.

"Hello, Rogue." She sounded like she just inhaled helium. Hah! Must be the ugly fumes, she carries with her. I gritted my teeth, before replying with a short hi. The only reason I haven't killed her is specifically, this was a time for healing, not arguing and violence. Never thought I'd see the day, me being a mediator.

Bloody fuck, I best tell Jeremy Kyle another peacemaker has arrived.

"What are you doing here, aren't you mean to be playing dead?" She grinned, but it looked more smug than anything else. "Actually, I came by to pay my respects, like an actual Luna should." I raised my eyebrow at her. She still thinks she's the Luna? What a blonde bimbo. "Yeah, and who exactly crowned you Luna?" Venom seeping out of my tone. "Well, since I'm Jake's girlfriend, I'm the Luna."

I guaffawed at her words. "Actually, we broke up, remember?" Jake interrupted, pulling his hand from her nasty nails... claws. "Babe, stop joking!" She giggled, making me want to abandon this situtation and stand somewhere far from here- probably Swansea. "I'm not joking." Jake said sternly, putting his hand in mine, smiling assuringly. She saw the little motion and scowled, breathing fire.

"But, you said you love me." She persissted. I frowned, glancing at Jake with my eyebrows raised. I pulled my hand out of his. "Yeah Jake. Don't you love her?" I gritted out, pulling away from his hand. "I lied, I don't love you Jess. Get the fuck over it." He growled. She shaked her head in denial, "But you told me I was your Luna. You can't lie about that."  She said adamantly.

By now I was seething in fury. I had half a mind to kill the whiny Bitch and smack the arsehole. Adam was correct about him. Jake looked angry aswell, he snarled menacingly. "I told you it's over." He repeated, inching towards me, dismissing the Whore. "It's cause of her, isn't it?" She pointed at me, crying. "I love Rogue, I want to be with her. Not you." Her wailing began to grow louder. I should have my own soap opera, it's be called 'How to deal with Bitches on a daily basis'. Long title but the rating probably would be up there.

"Oh, shut up." I snapped. A few people snigggered. She glanced at me, her gaze sharp. "You're just a rebound, he'll be climbing back to me soon. Watch." I laughed, humourlessly. "Obviously, he stepped up his standards, so I don't think so." I hissed. She wiped her tears, that smeared her makeup, she officially looked like a bigger clown than before.

"You think you're all it, but watch- he'll leave you just like the rest of his past girlfriends. You'll soon just become another me, fighting for his attention." She cried, before storming off to the exist. I bit my lip, as I catched Jake's gaze. Unexpectedly, my heart began to burn, I realised the Bitch words really hit home. What of I just was another one of his girlfriends, that falls for him but just get tossed over. My Wolf refused to think about it, but honestly, there were truth to her words.

In the silence, I headed out of the same way Hoe existed. My eyes watering slightly, I bit my lip when I heard Jake call my name. Once I escaped, I ran back to the Pack house. I stood where, I first entered the place, before it was beautiful, an epitome of the perfect household but now it was burnt and the stench of silver and Wolfsbane remained in the air.

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