Chapter 5: Monkeyballs.

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Chapter 5: Monkeyballs.

My wolf was going crazy from finding her mate and me not allowing her to see him. I knew she was heartbroken about him and she refused to let me forget about the devastation, which he caused her.

I had to restrain choking both of the biggest idiots I've ever seen but thankfully I managed to get out before I caught an infection, just by looking at them.

I swear either of them could turn a germaphobe crazy.

My senses became alerted when the Beta smell hit me like a ton of bricks. Seriously, I could not catch a break. Throwing myself of a cliff sounded really pleasant right now.

Okay, what is up with all these suicidal thoughts?

Frustrated with myself I climbed out of the comfy bed that I managed to settle in and opened the door. Unfortunately, I head butted the Beta's chest. Monkeyballs, that is one built chest. I'm surprised ny head isn't cracked open and I'm not a special guest in 24 hours in A&E.

I quickly backed away from him, avoiding his touch. "I'm sorry,"

He chuckled at my nervous behaviour. Damn! Why does he make me feel all weird and tingly? Maybe it's the weird looking prawns I had yesterday, they did taste funny.

" It's okay, Rogue." I raised my eyebrows in shock. He knows my name? I voiced my question. I rather he didn't because truth be told it sounded delicious on his tongue.

Remember Susan Boyle. I repeated several times in my head.

" Yeah, I asked Jake after he stopped punching the walls and if I remember correctly he said ' Who? That little... Her name is Rogue.'"

Oh, so that little bítch wants to say stuff about me. The only thing that will be spreaded is his own guts on the floor once I'm done with him. It fudging annoyed me he was probably going to call me a bitch, that jerk!

The only dog here is soon going to become him, my little bítch.

"Excuse me for asking but why are you here?" Sweet Jesus, I've never been this polite before. This place is changing me.

And I said Jesus, the nuns will be proud. Maybe they'll become more like me using God's son name for blasphemy instead of screaming it in totally inappropriate comments.


"Why don't you enjoy my company?" He asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I deterred my train of thoughts from kissing him senseless.

I felt like Jessica, parading my nether region for every male to see. Fudge, I needed holy water to cleanse my dirty thoughts.

Glancing back at him, I saw a little smile slip onto his face. Oh he wants to play? Then he better bring Jerry Springer out because I don't play fair.

"Trust me Beta. That is far from the truth." I said, my voice a smooth seductive tone to it. He gulped and I took pleasure in knowing I had that effect on him.

I can't help it, okay. I'm not a tease, just a girl that messes with a guy's head. Fine, I'm a tease, if you must class me as something. Oh Lord, I finally joined the road of dogville, my non-existent Mother would be so proud.

"Call me Ryan, I hate being called Beta. It makes me sound ancient, when I'm anything but." He winked at me, sending a secret message, which I failed to interpret due to my Nemo memory span.

I laughed at his nonchalant attitude, most wolves would give their left arm to be called Beta or both of their arms. Maybe their legs too.So off topic.

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