Chapter 25: Those Nutty Fuckers.

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Chapter 25: Those Nutty Fuckers.

Me and the oh-so weird one- in other words- Adam, planned out our mischievous plans for my beloved mate to suffer. My subconcious kept trying to guilt me out of it but the spawn of the devil hanging on my shoulder kept mentally giving me an approving smile. So unlucky for Jake, my devilish side won.

We even spent the dull evening practicing on my evil laugh, which I nailed. Although, my Werewolf ears were constantly listening in to the plans for the upcomimg War. So far, I had accomplished forgetting about it.

Despite, how awful that sounds. I highly doubt a Soldier spends his last day worrying if he'll manage to stay alive, instead they'd crack open a beer and shout 'YOLO' from the rooftops. Okay, maybe that only suits for specific idiots, that don't care for their lives.

Like most, I treasure the true luxury of having a life. Being blessed with these looks, it's a wonder how people haven't resorted being my maid just to be around my pulling aura. Anywho, to the matter at hand, I desperately needed a good night sleep to wake up early and prepare the terrible act I had thought of. Well, Adam may have helped. Only a tiny bit.

I am the master of revenge, the Yoda inside of me imitated his voice. Ah, my head is a bundle of insanity.

Groaning, I shoved Adam out of his room and took a beautiful night of sleep- where my dreams were invested with ripping the Whore's hair out. My brain seem to have been on replay since the incident.

My smug grin plastered onto my face as I relieve the most enjoyable moment I had here. It actually beats meeting my somewhat- unreliable parents. But it doesn't beat meeting Jake, my Wolf whispered gleefully. I scowled mentally, damn you hoe.

Early morning, I woke up with such diffuculty. I feared my eyes may support bags but thankfully my gorgeous DNA survived the lack of sleep, although the fear did stay. For a girl, who couldn't care less about other people opinions, I did favour my appearance. A lot. Must be the genes.

Not my Levi's, for any idiots who didn't comprehend my last statement. I guess I sound harsher than usual but I blame the World for.not allowing me to marry my handsome bed. That guy is completely comfortable, I undeniably have the hots for it.

Stop babbling nonsense, you're describing your bed as a guy, my Wolf ordered.

Chuckling to my crazy self, I descende down the stairs, a slight jump in my walk. Look at me, all happy and mushy, give me a pill, and I'll look like your next druggie in the shady street corner.

I found Adam scrubbing up breakfast. Thankfully, aswell as nicely shaped arms, he could cook up one hell of a breakfast. I was practically foodgasming on the spot. It was difficult trying to keep my saliva in my mouth. People in Africa are starving and all I could think about is stating my fat appetite. Blinking away the last of the sleepiness from my eyes I let out a small chuckle.

" Are you ready?"

Adam glanced up from his delicious batch of bacon and eggs- stop drooling Rogue- he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "When am i not?" He questioned cheekily. Laughing, I chucked crumbs of toast straight at his face. Gasping, he pouted. "Not at the face, ma'am." I shaked his head, as he gave me a small portion of the eggs and bacon.

"Hey." I protested

"Hi, yourself." I rolled my eyes at his immature behaviour. " That's barely half of what you got." I pointed out, grabbing his plate. He tugged it back, " Sorry, babe but I was looking out for you." I threw him a murderous look. Babe? Is he referring me to the pig or as a sexual companion?

"What!?' I exclaimed, glancing down at my flat stomach. " I weigh half of you, douché." He grinned, a small dimple creeping out. " Are you taking pills again?" He tutted at me, I chuckled while punching his muscled arm. "Shut up, the only reason I take pills is because of your incessant talking."

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