Chapter 27: Desperate Times Calls For Desperate Measures.

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Chapter 27: Desperate Times Calls For Desperate Measures.

My heart ached as I watched the unbearable scene before me. Adrian attacked Jake with full force as Jake's weakened body was pale and shivering while the brutal wind cracked against my skin. My eyes turned into an ugly demonic red as my Wolf felt an overpowering feeling to protect her hurt mate.

It seems like my body had forgotten about the Wolfsbane and having Jake near me got rid of the pain. Sprinting, I pushed Adrian off him and I let my body help heal his using our bond I strengthened his healing process. I could see his bruised face questioning what I was doing here.

The sad fact was Ryan and my pathetic Mother were not far and were watching this with determined eyes. "Oh, how nice. Juliet saving Romeo. This is a true love story." Adrian's harsh words cut through the tension-filled place. I scrunched my eyebrows in a threatening manner. "The only Romeo here is going to be you. Dead, on the floor." He smirked and a bitter laugh escaped his mouth.

He tutted at me. "Rogue, I really don't want to hurt you but you're standing in front of what I was waiting for to happen for several years." A manic glint in his eyes, told me he managed to lose all his marbles. I clicked my tongue. " And you're in my way of having a life with my mate." I said.

His face turned in a malice smile. "Oh, Rogue. I thought you hated him." "Things changed. " I said, not going into any detail. "You're in the heat. I could smell you from afar, it's quite distracting..." Wait. Isn't he gay, then why is he insinuating something else. He chuckled darkly. "Not for me darling, I have other friends..."

When he uttered the last words, two men that caused my hair to stand back, appeared. Both equally gross as the other, their face marred by scratches and their eyes a rogueish red, a creepy smile lurking on their face. They had huge bodies and in the way, where they were obese and greasy hair matted to the forehead.

One of them had a tattoo of a obscene women on his fat neck, while the other carried a long, leather whip.

My stomach turned as I tried to keep the vomit down. My head pounding, how was I going to fight them and keep Jake safe? I tried to think of something but I couldn't shake off the slimy vibe coming from the disgusting creatures in front of me. I glanced repeatedly at the heartless beings in the distance- Ryan and Christina. Both with blank expression onto their faces. How could they?

I tried to cover Jake's body with mine so I could attack more easily. In the end, I shifted. My red fur causing Adrian to frown momentarily. Yeah, try me Bastard!

The vile man, with the horrible tattoo inched and grinned in a creepy perverted manner. "Even in Wolf form, you're hot." His husky voice, making me want to crouch away in disgust. Snarling, I snapped my jaw at his leg. His other partner stepped forward, "Good dog," He said, laughing at his own joke.

Using my paw, I ran my sharp claws and left three bleeding marks, while he cried in pain. "You, Bitch." He snapped his whip against my back, as I winced. A red welt mark will definitely be there, if I survive. Another growl viciously interrupted. My body softened when I noticed it was Adam, his large Wolf form coming into view, I scowled mentally at him for leaving me.

Sorry I had no idea where you were, his guilty voice intercepting my brain. As long as you're here, I messaged back. I couldn't care less about him being late, I needed his help to survive this trecherous pair. A wolfish grin impaled on his face. Ofcourse, sweetheart. He replied. I rolled my eyes at his fake flirting. Thank god, there was no awkwardness from yesterday.

He nodded to the shocked faces upfront, I smirked harshly. Let's kill them, my voice loud and clear. I had no doubt these monsters had done terrible acts before. Me and Adam synchronized, attacked the both males. I with the man, who had the whip. I bit his hand and used a paw to push him onto the floor.

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