Chapter 23: A Gorgeous- Looking Asshole.

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Chapter 23: A Gorgeous-Looking Asshole.

I vaguely remember Jake putting me to bed. And just re-thinking it through my head, it sounded unbelievable, which made me wonder if I needed a smack back to reality but then I wouldn't want to destroy the euphorious feeling of contentment of having Jake closeby. In fact, my Wolf probably would kicked me in the face, destroying my precious beauty if I didn't accept that Jake was actually carrying me.

At some point, my heart stopped beating erratically and I actually fell asleep, which was a huge disappointment but nonetheless my body craved the energy. I don't know how but my body seem to realize I was in a dream. Usually, i found out when I actually woke like any normal person but now there was this strange feeling that empowered my brain.

My body was hypersensitive to the surroundings around me. It was your usual cliché dream, mist surrounded my bare legs, reminding of my half-naked self. Shit. My eyes were blindsighted by the cloudy atmosphere. I see Carbon Dioxide is a big problem here.

"Child." A soft, whisper carried itself through the air. Despite, the quiteness of the voice it sent thousands of shivers down my spine. The angelic voice reached my ears like a musical tune, that only I can intrepret. However, considering my not-so polite attidude, I scowled. "Who the hell are you?"

A chuckle emnimated from in front of me. "Moon Goddess, of course." She replied, in a mother-like tone. I snorted in amusement. "Right, and I'm Elvis." I chuckled, trying to shake off the strange feeling. "Do you not believe me, child?" Her voice held a tinge of anger but remained sounding like a Mother reprimanding her child.

I raised my eyes skeptically. Does she think I believe her? "If that's so, then why are you hiding?" I asked, sounding stubborn and disbelieving. Her laugh boomed around me, it was a small tinkle sound, not the usual choked laughter that sprouts from me. "Darling, I am a Goddess, I live around you. Not as a disgusting human form."

I had a hard time not frowning. She thinks we're ugly? This coming from the women hiding herself. For all we know, she's an obese, middle-aged women with graying, greasy hair. My brain needs to stop dreaming up crap.

"What do you want then, Moon Goddess? A Hamburger from McDonalds?" I asked sarcastically. She interupted, my laughter that could be mistaked for a pig snorting. "Enough!" She shouted, although it didn't sound like she raised her voice. Now, she sounded impatient and ready to stab me. "Child, I came here to offer my support, don't make me regret it."

Huffing silently, I nodded my head. Might as well just listen out. "Good, now listen to me carefully. As you can see a huge War is brewing and Jake and you-Angel have to win." I bit my tongue, to not reply with 'no shit, Sherlock'.

"When I saw you as a child, I gave you the gift as a Protector because I saw the hardships that were going to befall on you. Angel, you have the power to help protect those that you care for, with this immense power, you can fight more easily and have the protection of not being harmed by silver." I breathed heavily through my nose, most of this stuff I already knew.

"I cam hear your thoughts, as irritating as they are. And I do know that you have already recieved that information but as your Goddess I wanted to wish you good luck, it will indefintely be gruesome." "If you know what's going to happen, why won't you stop it?" She smiled, a small one. "Angel, no-one can fight fate. Not even me. This is what was written for you."

I nodded, my head feeling heavy with a agillion thoughts. I had the urge to scream 'Why me?'. But stopped myself, because even if this journey has been exhausting I had met Adam, Jake and my parents. Something, I thought that would never happen.

I felt the mist around me stirring and I could feel myself being pulled down back onto Earth, where I was sleeping. "Good luck, Angel. Make your Pack proud. Also, forgive Jake sweetheart, sometimes young love is the most beautiful feeling anyone could capture. He was simply foolish but his love for you shines brightly, a blind man could see it." She finished. The Moon Goddess actually gave me love advice. I really needed a grip on my life.

I woke up with my body tightly pressed against a naked chest. Weirdly, I didn't scream or push my self away because the stupid, incessant tingly feeling gave away it was Jake. Savour the moment Rogue, my Wolf whispered. Glancing up, I saw his peaceful face. He looked relaxed and stress-free, something I never actually seen from him.

My breaths matched his calm heartbeat, as I brought up my hand to trail his sharp jaw. His Abercrombie- worthy features stayed the same. As I continued to trail my finger across his handsome face, I realized his five o'clock shadow made him look older and more manly than ever. I saw a smirk, slip onto his face and my heart lurched.

I jumped up and sat up, pulling my knees to myself, vaguely aware of my lack of dressing. I was shitting myself, that I had been caught. I swear, I could feel my face getting warm but then dismissed it to be the warmth of the room. I coughed awkwardly, as he sat up yawning. He brushed his hand, against the back of his head making it all stand up.

The epitome of perfect, my Wolf shouted in my head.

He chuckled quietly, his voice a groggy yet sexy sound. Oh my God, I have finally lost all my marbles, like Jenna Marbles. Okay, that was just pathetic. "What's so funny?" I asked irritatedly, he smiled a boyish grin."Nothing." The way he said it sounded definitely like something.

My head went back to what the 'Moon Goddess' had told me. Shall I really forgive him? I was torn since my Wolf wanted to pounce on her half-naked mate and the stubborn me, who wanted to make him suffer. Like belting out 'Baby' to everyone in a Pack meeting. Actually, that might work.

"Jake, when is your eighteenth?" He looked confused but then rembered all the shit that's been happening lately." In two days." He said, his voice a strain. I widened my eyes, that early? Shit, we need to prepare.

I jumped out of bed, missing his warmth immediately, "We need to prepare then and urgently." Distress visibly heard in my tone. He stood up too, showing of his glorious six-pack as he stretched his arm muscles. I had a hard time, not falling over my own drool. He smirked again.

"Then let's prepare, sweetheart."

Asshole, I thought. A gorgeous looking asshole, my Wolf spoke smugly. Darn you, Protector-Bitch.


a/n: Omfg, here ya go. She finally met her- Moon Goddess. Plus guys I want ideas on how Jake can pay for pushing Rogue away. so comment away. and I updated uber early for y'all.


x Tammy.

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