Chapter 3: Hello, Alpha.

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Chapter 3: Hello, Alpha.

The Luna, whose name was Jessica fucking dog- I guessed the surname- showed me my new room. As soon as she left with the grotesque scent with her. I sighed contently.

I needed a shower.

The room was an ocean blue with a simple yet appealing look. The whole room glowed with happiness which made me grimace. They seriously needed to rethink their Interior designer. Nothing should be this bright.

Unless you're the Sun.

I entered the bathroom, which was much larger than any I've seen before. A huge bath tub was in center of the bathroom and a shower big enough to fit three or four people was on the tub's right. No disgusting innuendo intended. The sink and the toilet were at the opposite end. Despite, my dislike to the Luna I couldn't fault her for her taste.

But judging by her frivolous  appearance, I guess I can.

I decided it was best not to get attached to this place so I quickly showered and wore some clothes that the Luna left for me. They were more revealing than I would like but I didn't complain, which basically meant I was thinking of murderous plans in my head for her.

After I had a look around the room I sat down on my comfy new bed and thought about my plan. It was obvious that the Luna would want me to meet the Pack and Alpha so I had to keep to my story and not slip up. Not that it was likely to happen. I didn't get this far by making mistakes.

Forgive me for my egotistical nature.

A loud knock on the door brought me out of my dazed stupor.

"Can I come in?" A gruff voice asked. I masked my usual smirking face with a innocent expression. The voice sounded deeply familiar.


The door opened and a handsome man entered, his blonde curls gave off a boyish appealing features. His smooth and sharp face made my stomach quench uneasily. Refusing to let my lust filled nature distract me, I simply imagined his face to be Susan Boyle.

Easier said than done.

Wanting to get rid of him quickly I stood up and reluctantly bowed my head in respect. It was still difficult, respecting the authority however to be cautious I still needed to keep up this act.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked politely, My wolf huffed at the thought of being polite. If you told me a few months ago, I was going to be a respectful person, I would've laughed and then ordered for you to be in a straight jacket.

"Yes, the Alpha wants to see you; he has returned from his meeting. Will you accompany me to the Alpha's office?" From the way he spoke, I assumed he was somewhere in the higher status. Unless he was imitating the some rich snob.

I nodded and followed him out the room. I kept my eyes on the ground and refused to look at his hypnotizing eyes. I asked my Wolf why he was affecting me this way and he wasn't even my mate. For the first time, she was as clueless as me.

Little idiot.

"The Luna didn't tell us what happened to you," He commented. From the corner of my eyes I could see he was expecting me to dwell on my story but I kept quiet.

Despite me wanting to spill everything, I was restricted because he may be really good looking but I didn't know the guy so how could I trust him. Instead, I could think of ways to mess with his head.

However, my Wolf continued to bother me to tell him the same story I uttered to the dog of the century but I kept my mouth shut, not trusting myself.

Oh, crap.

"We're here." As soon as I came out of my scrambled thoughts, the delicious scent that hit my nose from before had returned. My wolf immediately jumped for joy. Oh great(!) Note the heavy sarcasm.

"Okay, Can I go in?" Not that, you disgusting creatures.

"Yeah, the Alpha is in there."

I rushed to open the door, the scent driving me crazy but before I could enter the man grabbed my hand. My wolf howled at the man for holding me back.

"Just a tip, the Alpha is not a big fan of rogues but for you he may make a exception. By the way my name is Ryan, I'm the Beta so if you need anything I'll help." He left as soon as he had finished. I smirked at his generosity.

He didn't know he had offered help to me, who could be mistaken for Satan's daughter.

The scent assaulted my nose again making me dizzy with delight. This time I entered the office and locked my gaze on to the most breath-taking forest green eyes.

Mate, my Wolf howled. My eyes widened but when I realized the situation I was in a smirk slipped onto my face.

This is going to be interesting.

"Hello, Alpha!" I mocked, dropping the cute, vulnerable act. Now this I could use to my advantage, I chuckled darkly at the thought.

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