Chapter 26: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour.

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Chapter 26: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour.

That day had finally came, the long wait at an end. Honestly, it didn't seem like any special day since there was no unexpected surprises that had popped up, but then the day has just started.

I woke with Jake beside me, his heavy arm laid across my waist as I convinced myself to get out of the fucking bed. Immediately, I missed the heat and warmth Jake radiated. Yawning, I shook Jake. "Wake up," My groggy voice, sounding unusual to my ears this early.

Apparently, my mate was more of a heavy sleeper as he remained still, his breathing mellow. Frowning, I leaned over him, shouting. "Fire!" His body shot up, banging my forehead with his during the process. "The fuck?" His sleepy voice, making my stomach clench.

Shit, am I horny?

He stretched his drool-worthy muscles and palmed his neck as he tilted his head towards me and that dimpled smile broke out. "Happy Birthday, although I have no present to offer. I do allow you to go to this fucking War."

"Since when did I need your permission?" He cocked an eyebrow, confused. "Lets say for my sake you do." He shook his head at me and pulled my body to him, I fell into his lap, which did not help at all. "I know what you can give me." I scrunched my forehead, fearing I'll have more wrinkles than a cow. "What?" My voice surprisingly soft.

"A kiss." He replied quickly. Before he could plant one, I pushed him away. "No way, hosé. Today is a big day, and we can't let this behaviour make you complacent." I said, my voice stern.

"Your sexy when you're bossy." I rolled my eyes at his promiscuos flirting. "Stop being ridiculous and get ready." I pointed to the bathroom, where he could get ready. "You're staying here, right? The heat will put you in danger."

They say in relationships, you should never lie, it always turns out horrible but that advice left my head as I tried to excuse what I was saying. " I know, don't worry. I'll be here after you'd have beaten their sorry ass." I grinned for effect;eventhough guilt was knawing at me,like I just murdered a Panda.

In my opinion, I was still telling the half truth-ish, I will be here just before he returns from the War.

After I convinced him I'll be okay,he left the room. The pain from yesterday came back at again, but nowhere painful as before. It was diffiult keeping my emotions through the bond, I didn't want him to figure out my true intentions. Breathing heavily, I took a few Aspirin for the alarming hurt in my.stomach.

It didn't help all I could think about was how amazing it would be to have a naked Jake standing before me. Pushing my perverted self away, I got ready and killed an hour waiting for the rest of the Pack to leave. The burst of tears and screams led up to my room, and I felt a pang.for these people leaving their families with a possibilty of death hanging by their shoulders.

Jake didn't come to say goodbye and despite the slight hurt I felt, I knew it was for the better. This meant that i.will indefintely see him again. Unfortunately, it had to be on a battle ground.

There was something else that pissed me off, which was my loyal companion-Adam didn't show his face. I had a slight feeling, he felt ashamed after yesterday or maybe it was Jake's threat but I hardly doubt it was the latter, he never really got scared. The Bastard.

Anywhore, I was going to have to search for him afterwards and maybe stab him in the eye for leaving me. Prick. But then I don't think I'll have the heart to destroy his baby blues. Damn my women feelings. Bleh.

Shrugging on the tank top, I took off to the battleground. I had no idea where it was but all I had to do was rely on my nose to lead me there. The smell of blood hit me like.a tonne of bricks and my head felt too dizzy. My legs were slightly shaking as I looked at the sight infront of me.

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