Chapter 31: Epilogue

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Chapter 31: Epilogue- How Time Flies.

(Shoutout to LivLaugh4242 for the idea, thank you).

3 Years Later.

I bit my lip anxiously as I watched with determined eyes, my mate getting his degree, after years of frustation of studying and learning his algebriac functions or whatever shit he learnt, he passed his exams with flying colours. My heart bloomed with pride, knowing my mate was a smarty-pants. But I will obviously surpass him in the appearance section.

Okay, if his delicious tattoos were anything to go by, I was like a tramp surrounded by a victoria's secret model. He grinned as the roar of the Pack thundered the beautiful room, it's like having your own cheereladers. When he began to make his Valedectorian speech, my eyes became hazy as I felt water beneath my thighs.

Oh shit! Oh shit!

My contractions have broke, I glanced around the room, where Adam was sitting with his arm around his mate-Lucie. Yeah, that was a shock, when I introduced them and they were all but humping each other. How disgusting and awkward. I didn't want to attract attention to myself but I was slipping in birth land. Not a happy place.

My useless Wolf kept telling me to wait a few minutes before I started screaming, but if any of you were unlucky to go through the insufferable amounting pain in me, I feel for you. Right now, I wanted to push these little suckers. Oh right, so I was having twins, a boy and a girl. My heart nearly died on the spot when I learnt that, being unexperienced can be really crap. So I binged on ice cream and chocolate, while scaring myself with birth videos. Youtube is a scary place.

God, I can't do this.

Fuck,fuckity,fuck. Distract yourself, Rogue. I blanched, what the hell was I going to do ignore the fact I had two living beings in my protuding stomach. Controlling my heavy breathing I began to sing under my.breath. Baby, baby, ohh. Thought you'd never be mine. This is so not helping, I just wanted to rip my voicebox out for uttering those godforsaken words. I need professional help. Don't think that will go down well.

Hi, I'm Rogue. And I feel the urge to kill myself when I sing Baby. Is that fucking normal?

Claps surrounded the room, as I saw my mate coming down, winking at me. Now is not the time, you idiot. God, now I know the meaning of 'put something at the end of it'. How revolting. I tried to stand up with the upmost difficulty but I was way over my head. Jake frowned as he came towards. "Rogue, is everything fine?" I blinked. "Is everything fine? No you stupid jerk, here I am bearing your children and I'm about minutes away from giving birth. My vagina is hurting like a bitch and you're asking if I'm fine. Might as well strap me in a straightjacket and ask if I'm sane. You stupid idiot." My voice became shrilly with pain and fury.

He stood frozen, gaping. Oh bloody hell, men think they can handle anything until it comes to squeezing out a child, bunch of wimps. Might as well faint at the sight if blood. "Hello, are you still in there?" I knocked on his skull. He closed his mouth before looking more pale than me. "Fuck! Why didn't you say earlier?"

Urgh, i want to give birth to my babies already. "Lucie, Adam!" I shouted, although it wasn't that loud since everyone chattering was fucking in process of making my ears bleed. They rushed forward. "Yeah.." They said in synch, oh how romantic.

"I'm seconds away from popping out babies, so Adam if you can kindly stop groping Lucie and help me to the hospital since this moron is not going anywhere!" Lucie blushed at my words, but Adam merely nodded looking scared himself.

"I'll get the car," He pulled Lucie with him, and I looked at Jake, who smiled at me. Smiled? This guy really does want this relationship to end. "No I don't." He argued. Sigh, stop reading my mind! He pulled my body in a cradling position before pushing my fat body into the car. Lucie gave me a wet towel, "What's this for?" She shook her head at me.  " I don't know, I saw them do it in movies."

I rolled my eyes at her, she is unbelieveably perfect Adam.  "Okay, just focus on your breathing." Jake said, rubbing my shoulders. What does he think I was doing all this time, parading my vagina for everyone to see. I seriously think those years in the education system, did not help him at all. I ignored him, and continued to breathe as normally as I can. Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe out. Oh shit, I fucked it up. Now my breathing is out of order. I was borderling panicking now, oh fuck I think I crossed it and made my way to Africa.

"We're here." Adam cheerful voice interupred. Oh, glad he sounds like the cat, who got the cream. Bet he's having a field day, watching me writhe in pain, just because I laughed when he got kicked in the nuts by Lucie. Oh, the fond memories.

I scarcely remember the next few hours of my life, I think it was just that painful my mind wanted to erase every moment of pain. Atta, brain. However, I do remember holding the most beautiful babies I ever see. The girl, which I named Pastel, courtesy of her light smooth skin. And her chocolate brown eyes with her golden- feiry hair. She was epitome of gorgeous. And her brother, who was the oldest by ten minutes, resembled Jake in baby version. It was too cute.

He had grey eyes, and brown curly hair. I knew he was going to have a hard time keeping the ladies away. I called him Drew because Jake insisted it being a macho name. What a complete moron. I held Drew while Jake held Pastel. "Our babies. Can you believe it?" He said, his face looking irrevecoably handsome.

"Well, since I went through nine months of torture. Yep." I replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, before giving me a peck. "Ready for some more because I plan on having a football team of children."

My eyes widened as he smirked. I hope he is kidding. No way. But then if the result was going to be adorable babies to love I don't think I'll be able to resist. This sounded more tempting as I thought about it. "You're already going to have a hard time, trying to pry male attention away from Pastel." I said, cooing at Drew. He blinked before shutting his eyes again.

Maybe he's telling me to fuck off and stop making weird noises. "Don't worry babe, I'll keep a gun in the garage." He said, sternly, kissing her on the cheek. For Pastel's sake, I hope he's joking but with Jake you never know...That's probably why I love him so much, he's full of surprises.

Loving- a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

Sometime being a Badass is not enough, being a mother and a loving person can be the perfect feeling in the world. Badass Rogue, had her time in the world it's now for Loving Rogue to step in.


a/n: Ahh, it's finished. Doesn't feel like it to be quite honest. Finally can mark the book complete and start editing it. Bleh. Not sure if it's good, I tried to be humourous about it. Leave any comments, questions and I'll answer all of them :) Love you alll ever so much, for completing this dream of writing a story, even if it's not the best.Next update, will probably be an FAQ, so if you have any questions, ask away. Also if any you know how to make kickass covers, PM me? *not edited* As per usual:



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