Chapter 21: His Warning.

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Chapter 21: His Warning.

The day went unfortunately very slow as the Pack had to get ready to move into a hotel for the next few weeks until the Pack house could be redecorated. My muscles were aching as I actually 'helped' clean up the are as best as we can. The lawn was all scorched and the heavy scent of Wolfsbane lay there, continuously reminding us of the fiasco that happened this morning.

It didn't take a genius to figure out who was to blame.

I saw Jake sitting on the branch on the near end of the Forest. The place was secluded and he seemed caught up in his own world. His face was morphed into a blank expression, which made me crease my forehead in worry. Oh god, why do I care? Because you like him, my Wolf whispered gleefully in my head.

I sighed in frustration and headed towards him, I really hope he doesn't question what I'm doing here, sitting next to him because that would be difficult to explain. I pulled myself onto the same branch he was sitting on, he didn't look at me while I glanced worriedly at the branch afraid I'm going to fall. My legs swayed back and forth as I looked for a conversation starter. Fuck, why does this have to be so difficult?

Luckily, it was him that spoke. "My best friend?" His voice a harsh whisper, somehow it overrode the cacophony of noise before us. "How did you figure it out?" He laughed drily as he laid a hand on my leg, to stop me from fidgeting. My body froze immediately as the sparks ran through a region of my body I rather not say. I bit my lip impatiently, I should really move his hand. Maybe later?

" He left a voicemail. Bastard. I made him Beta and this is his fucking thanks, I guess I deserve it for being too trustful." To be honest, hearing the raw hurt in his voice made me want to rip Ryan's throat out, how could he do this to him? "Yeah, well everyone get s betrayed in different ways. I mean look at me, my Father and Mother left me to look after some other kid." I chuckled, as I remembered the story Adrian told me.

He began rubbing my leg in a comforting way but all it did was make my head dizzy and I started straying from the conversation. "Rogue?" He said, his voice a delightful husky tone. "Hmm?" I stopped looking before him and moved my head to the right so I can look at him properly. That's when I realised I was merely inches away from him. Bloody hell.

I could kiss him if I leaned forward and I really wanted to kiss him. The last one was cut short by Adam. Damn! Someone afar dropped something causing a cuss to echo through the entire garden. Panicking, I pushed Jake away from me and jumped to the floor beneath me, phew that was too close. Although, I did feel disappointed but this wasn't the time to thinking about dirty thoughts.

He jumped a few seconds after me, he smiled the first one I seen since I've been here, it almost made me blush like a little girl but I pushed that away. The dimples in his cheeks shone brightly as his boyish grin lit up the place. Fuck, I am officially whipped. Honestly, the feeling wasn't too bad.

I managed to pull a small smile back even though it wasn't to hard since his was infectious. "Can you do me a favour?" He asked, his voice unsure. I shrugged, pretending the whole moment before didn't affect me. " Since my fucker of a Beta ditched me and I need someone to fill in the role..." I hear the underlying meaning behin d it and grinned. "Yes." I sounded like a fat kid that found out Weight Watchers were going to shut down.

"Thanks." He said, as he quickly leant forward and placed a kiss on my forehead and quickly left. Coward. But I'm glad he left because I couldn't hide the grin that spread through my face, I looked like the mirror image of the Cheshire cat. Stop it, stupid Wolf. I cursed her for making me feel all lovey-dovey. However, I'm sure I was to blame for this erratic hormone levels.

I met up with Adam at one point and we laughed at the Whore, who had to help clean. Trust me, it was very funny watching her trying to attract the attention of the male population by sticking her non-existent ass in the air. Although, we should've helped too, me and Adam decided people like us needed rest every five minutes so we were completely useless. What can I say, cleaning is not my forte.

" Do you know what would be funny? If she fell over that patch of dung and it got in her mouth." I said stuffing my face with Cheetos. I know that's really sensitive of me, stuffing my face while everyone tidies but hey I'm the Beta. And comforting Jake took a lot out of me. "Na, what would be funnier is her boyfriend cached her trying to flirt with the third in command."I glanced, where Adam was looking and oh look, the Bitch trying to open her legs, again. Hypothetically, of course,then that would be gross.

"Alpha alert,Alpha alert." Adam warned jokingly as I saw Jake and his tail- the Whore come towards us. Fuck, what if they're coming here to tell us to stop messing about. "Rogue, there was this letter for you hidden in the trees," He had this half-worried and confused face, it made my inside turn mushy. Oh, grow a pair, Rogue.

I plucked the letter out of his and read it did have my name on it. Huh? And yes, I can read. It's a bloody miracle. With one swipe, I opened the pristine letter and began reading out loud.

" Rogue, I hope this letter is in your hands because it will be very unfortunate if it wasn't. I had a hard time thinking what to write but here goes... I know me and your mother failed you as parents so this is my way of apology. I dearly hope you will accept it because I do care about you, you're my own offspring. This letter is to inform you that you and Jake will go up against the toughest rogues and hunters.

You're better of running so take your mate and leave. This is a battle that cannot be won,Rogue. I'm telling you this in confidence as your Father.They pan on attacking on his eighteenth, be careful, my dear. Honestly, Rogue I wish I was there with you then this might've all been different. Adrian's Father was a stupid man but now this is the result of it. I'm sorry I cannot be with you and help you but you have the support of your mate. Forgive me. Yours faithfully, your crappy Father."

I finished, and kept on re-reading the entire letter. He actually cared? Kind of a bad time to play the Father role. But my heart did a little tug and a smile came onto my face discarding his warning for a second. But my Dad was wrong, this battle can be won because we know all their secrets and we have the element of surprise-me.

My thorough thinking was interrupted when a screeching noise pierced my eardrums. "Mate!?" The Bitch screamed.


A/n: sorry, the next update might be awhile since I'm moving houses soon.:D But here ya go. Rogue and Jake are getting closer :P Had to re-write this 'cause it went missing.. fml. Love you all and the support, your comments and votes are just...:D Celebrate 30k reads. Couple of chapters left :{ Rogue's father thooo...Do you forgive him? *not edited*






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