Chapter 22: Is This What Love Feels Like?

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Chapter 22: Is this what love feels like?

Do you know those moments when you can't stop laughing at a totally inappropiate time? Well, that is exactly how I'm feeling as a Slut is attempting to growl at me and cuss several piece of shitty words at me. Oh, I see someone finally picked up a fucking Thesaurus. No, you shall never be J.K Rowling.

My laughter literally echoed the entire lawn as people gave me a feared look as if I was suddenly going to be mooing and start stroking the grass.

Pah! I only did that one time, when I was indefinitely drunk. Not my proudest moment.

However, the Bitch of the decade didn't appreciate my hysterical laughter as she started growing red by the minute. It was not a good look for her but then nothing was. In fact, Beyonce will practically be the only women I see as a true beauty but her husband. Disgusting. Women, you could've done a thousand times better- David Beckham better.

Anywho, she snarled her tiny, minuscule yet sharpened teeth as they started growing. She shook immensely, the clothes that barely covered her rank body, ripped into shreds as she turned into an uglier beast. When I said she was bleurgh before pardon my choice of words but she looked like shit now as she inched forward, a supposedly threatening look on her face. Please, Mr Bean has a better chance at frightening me, Whore.

Her Wolf was a muddy brown colour that could be compared to shit but let's leave the insults for later. I shaked my head in amusement at her, "Bad choice, pup." I snarled, my vicious side coming out for a second as she tried to pounce at me. I momentarily thought about wheather I should risk showing everyone my true Wolf's colour but came to a conclusion of 'fuck what they think'.

I genuinely couldn't wait to break a few bones of her, but then I should be careful. Catching Herpes is so not on my fucking bucket list. More like- slapping the dung off her face. Who knows, it might be an improvement. Doubt it. Moon Godess obviously created her blindfolded.

Back at the showdown, I groaned quietly as I realized my bloody clothes will have to be discarded. Oh well, I have nothing to hide. My Wolf immediately did a slight sadistic grin as she took over my body, she was screaming in joy because the long awaited moment had finally come. To beat the Hoe down.

My red fur came in sight for everyone and their loud gasps could be heard, from the corner of my eyes I saw a stunned Jake as he devoured the sight of my Wolf. Yes, she was undeniably beautiful. Unlike most, her red fur was smooth and each single hair was straight and shone. I could totally advertise for L'Oreal. My eyes looked even more striking with the red, this time my violet eyes had a gold ring around them. On the right side of my Wolf lay a perfect written P. The calligraphy was all fancy and Queen-like, it was to show, I was a proud owner of having a Wolf as a protector.

Before I go into the whole protector deal, I should probably put the Bitch down, who now looked like she had gulped a tonne of bricks. Yeah, Whore, take that! My Wolf shone a wolfish grin as she circled the tramp that tried to return some composure. She barged forward but I was prepared and knocked her down with my left paw. Classic. She growled as she tried to bite me but I raised my head, and rushed forward, my immense speed helped me clamp down my jaw on her shoulder. She whined and tried to push me off but I deeply bit her and backed away. Spitting away, the disgusting flesh, I used one paw to push her backwards and jumped towards her throwing her against an awfully tough tree.

I was basically attempting to re-enact WWE but in Wolf version.

Shaking my fur, to get away from the rotten smell of Wolf blood, I jumped onto her stomach, causing her to scream in her Wolf's voice. It was a scary, shrilly noise. Still, I used one of my paws to hold down her neck and using my Wolf power I connected our thoughts for a second. "Try to mess with me again, and you won't be breathing for long. " She whimpered and bowed her head at me, her Wolf healing again. Although, more slower than usual. And maybe I had something to do with that. What? I'm not Ghandi.

Everyone behind us, who gathered to watch, roared in delight. Hah! No-one was really on her side. Although, this was slightly mean and I emphasize on slightly, she did try to woo my mate, with her fiendish hair and baby clothes. Eventhough, he was too blame aswell, he didn't try to test my ninja skills. In fact, the first time we fought it ended with a kiss. Oh crap, why did I bring that up?

I mind-messaged Adam to bring me a shirt and shortly he did, I'm guessing it was his since he wasn't wearing one, again. Taking it, I went behind the Pine tree and wore it. When I came out, many congratulated me and wished me luck as Luna. Although, their home was burnt down they still managed to get giddy over a Luna. I simply smiled and dodged the questions about me being a Protector. Most of them complied with my wishes, when I told them I needed sleep. In fact, they probably would've been willing to carry me to the hotel. This is what it feels to be the Queen, no wonder they hated giving up the throne.

Feeling on cloud nine, my mood was immediately ruined when my scowling mate walked towards me. If he's going to bitch about slapping the hoe, I'll just go all Chris Brown on him and be like 'These hoes ain't loyal', hopefully he'll get the reference. "Who's shirt are you wearing?" He asked, in a tensed voice. Oh, is he jealous? My Wolf did a quick happy dance.

"Aren't you bothered, I hurt your girlfriend?" I asked, smugly. He waved his hand in a dismissing gesture. "She's not my girlrlfriend." He replied sternly, I raised my eyebrow skeptically and snorted. "You expect me to believe that bull?" We all knew, she would never let him go. Literally. If she had to, she probably would've tied a leash onto him, not only for sexual reasons. My Wolf growled at my thoughts, she insisted I stop thinking about the Bitch.

" I dumped her. End of. So I ask you again, who's shirt is that?" He persisted. Rubbing my eyes, tiredly. I yawned, feeling the after-effects of today. His eyes softened and stayed that way. My stomach clenched as some weird nauseous feeling filled my stomach. The fuck? "It's Adam's. " I replied shortly, not having the energy to say anything else. His face turned from guilty to pissed, I mean I expected fire to seep out of his ears.

"Adam?" I nodded, my eyelids slowly turning shut. I think at one point, I was ready to fall onto the ground from exhaustion. I blinked slowly as regret washed upon on his face. He regrets being mad at me? He slipped one of his arm under my bare knees and brought another hand to my beneath my neck. His body suddenly against mine as he held me in a Sleeping Beauty position.

His hard, toned chest was against my skin and my neck fitted perfectly onto his collarbone. I had this sudden urge to moan in ectasy. My body was on fire as sparks ran through my entire body. I should've pushed him away but it was too good of a feeling to take away. I felt his chest, moving up and down as he chuckled. My dozed body couldn't make out the exact words.l but it sounded completely heart-wrenching and adorable. Even my tough exterior couldn't deny that.

"Exactly like a sleeping Angel," His voice so soft and warm. Is this what love feels like?


a/n: Sorry about not finishing the whole Protector thing but in my case, the ending was wayy too cute to not end on that note. don't be mad. plus shoutout to Kashe198 because without her I probably would've took way too long to update. seriously your comments motivate me :D Love all the support from you guys, please continue with the votes amd comments because I may update earlier ;))). Also, would you guys think this should be in the Watty's. Thanks again. <3 *not edited*



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