Chapter 24: I Felt Like I Witnessed A Porno.

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Chapter 24: I felt Like I Witnessed A Porno.

Once I managed to get Jake out of the room, which was very difficult since he was being persistant in taking his time to get ready. I felt like a cheap Asian hooker, who got the offer of a lifetime.

I had no time to appreciate the expensive roomand his sexy body, since my brain was going overdrive. I seriously felt like I would've been better off with having a Koala's brain, mine could be compared to scrambled eggs.

I racked through the drawer, in hope of finding something less slutty-like. Thankfully, there was a pair of jeans and a blouse, which fitted me perfectly. I had a strange suspicion Jake put them there. Nonetheless, I was touched by the thought. Or, maybe he was jealous and didn't want any other male to see me indecent, my Wolf argued.

Grinning, I left the room and rushed to where I could feel certain members of the Pack crowding. I tried to sought out Adam but he wasn't here so my brain stilled, lost for a second. It was unusual not having Adam by my side, for the past few days I have gotten use to it. And his stupid remarks, that never failed to make me laugh.

A slight smug feeling passed through me when I realized the Slut wasn't here aswell. My Wolf cheered and I could feel her ready to get through this God-awful War.

Stepping next to Jake, I took a quick overview of everyone here. I could feel power radiate from each member, so I could only conclude that these people were the Pack council.

Everyone started shuffling and forming a circle, chairs were laid behind them so everyone could sit down. Quickly counting each head, there was only ten members here including me.

Jake's voice brought everyone to his attention. " As you know there is a huge War that has befallen us, and as pitiful the situation is. We need to be ready for this. Thankfully, we have alot of information about these Bastards and can destroy them." A murmer arose between everyone, discussing what to do now.

Unfortunately, the entire meeting was dull and boring. Information, which I already knew were passed onto the council members who looked shocked by the entire event. I filled in with who was participating in the War- hunters and rogues. We discussed their weapons, which was Wolfsbane and Silver. Once again, the councilors were rendered speechless.

At the end of the tiring meeting, we were still left without a plan and had no idea what we were going to do. Feeling like Superman after a long day, I closed my eyes for a second. "Pardon me, Alpha but what is Rogue role here. Is she your Luna now?" My eyes flew open, scrutinising the man that brought up the awkward subject.

Jake lookes surprised too but composed himself. " Yes, I am sorry for not saying. Me and Rogue haven't decided what her role is here but for now she will be subsituiting for our missing Beta. Meeting dismissed." He ended, abruptly. Everyone looked uncomfortable and were shooting glares to the poor man, who unconciously brought up the subject.

Bet you regret doing that, Mister Pardon Me. Should've got the memo, when everyone stayed away from that topic.

When everyone rushed out, eager to leave. Jake stayed behind and so did I. I know we couldn't put this stupid thing off for any longer. No, not sex."What do you think?" Jake asked, his voice uncertain. "About what?" I replied innocently.

" Our relationship."

"We have a relationship?"

He looked slightly annoyed, I chuckled to myself, glad I could still piss him off. "Do you want to rebuild our relationship, start from the beginning because I do know I messed up?"

"Messed up? You were sleeping with the Whore of the century." I laughed drily. "I know but you have to understand I needed her Father support."

I ran my hand through my long hair. "What changed your mind?" I asked curiously. "Because I know you are strong enough to help me through this bloody War. I'm sorry for doubting you because you were a rogue. I was stupid for following our old beliefs. Jess was just a way to get away from all of this but then when I met you, you took over my brain and it was hard breathing around you.

I've only known you for a week and maybe a bit more but It's hard denying my Wolf this connection, this bond. We are compatible together. I care about you, Rogue." He finished, his heavy breathing was the only thing I could hear. He lifted his arm and placed his palm on my cheeks. " Please, give me a second chance." I sensed his heartbeat and I could tell each word was genuine. His emerald eyes shone with hidden tears.

"Why now?" I whispered harshly, taken aback by his huge confession but I had to attempt and keep these crumbling walls up, otherwise I'll just fall into his arms. " This War, Rogue. It made me realize that I might lose you. I don't want that. Maybe I'm a whipped, crazy Bastard. But I want you, Rogue."

"You're going have to try your best then because darlin' I ain't easy." My voice lacking humour.

He opened his mouth to say something but his eyes looked as if they were thinking but then he rolled his eyes. I guess he was arguing with his Wolf.

Unexpectedly, he crashed his lips to mine. Not wasting a minute, I eagerly wrapped my hands around his neck and pushed him closer. His mouth tugged upwards as he kept a smile hidden. As I kissed him, my Wolf was crying in relief that I was finally forgiving him. His spearmint breath tasted really good as a moan slipped out of my mouth.

He hands were wrapped tightly around my waist and I was pretty sure I would be left with bruises. Ah, a abusive relationship in a competely different term. A loud cough brought out lust-filled daze. My lips felt swollen as I turned around to face Adam.

Oh fuck me.

He grinned totally ignoring the huge elephant in the room. "Wow, I felt like I witnessed a porno. But less explicit." He cracked up, shaking his head at us. I sighed, fuck you Adam for destroying a perfect moment.

"Leave, and wait for me outside the room." I said sternly, redness creeping up my neck. " Okay, don't do anything you won't do in front of the Moom Goddess." He sobered up and winked before leaving.

I turned back to Jake, who looked as flustered as me but pissed aswell. No doubt at Adam. "Well, I guess I'll be leaving." I muttered stumbling over my words. Before I could leave, he held my wrist. " Does that mean you're slowly forgiving me." He asked, eagerly. A hopeful smile ruining my tough interior.

"Maybe." I said, winking. He smirked and pecked me on the lips. I left the room, grinning. "Did he feed you drugs because I don't think I seen you ever smile like that?" I smacked Adam shoulder. "Do you have the worst timing in the world?"

"Nope, the tedency to stop wandering hands going anywhere."

I made a grossed out expression. " I kissed him, not offer my body."

"Yes, but he doesn't know that." He replied. "Ah, but that's where you come in, my ugly friend. "

He snorted. "Me, ugly? Girl, I could be in the cover of Vogue." He pretended to whip his hair backwards. I smiled at his imitation of Jess the fucking Slut, and put my hand through his arm like we were children again.

" You didn't hear what we're going to do." I stated, my voice filled with joy. "What's that?" He asked.

"Make him pay." I whispered evily, cackling like a true witch at the end.

Adam stopped and looked at me. And a small smile bloomed on his aristocratic features. "I knew you didn't lose all sense." He wiped his fake tear across his face.

But that didn't stop me punching his shoulder. "Ow." He shouted, losing all his masculinity. If he had any to start with.


a/n: Im on a roll this week. And yayy 39k. I love all of you and your support and I added Adam in this chapter -missed him. Summer term is speeding by :'(. not long till the war btw.


x Tammy.

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