Chapter 19: The Family Reunion.

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Chapter 19: The Family Reunion.

My face was expressionless as I watched the people that I thought I knew and saw as my friends- or close to that-stand there. The warning my unfortunate Father once said to me rushed to my head 'Trust is not everything'. Guess the bastard got something right. Excluding me, obviously.

Not wanting to show they clearly surprised me, I smirked and nodded my head at each one of them with my eyebrow slightly raised. These little shits are going to pay if they even think about pulling something. "Wow, happy birthday to me. My parents at the same place. Don't I feel lucky?" I questioned, the sarcasm clearly detected.

Each of the figure were taken aback by my calm behaviour except my beautiful mother. Despite, the loathing I felt towards her I couldn't deny how gorgeous she was. She had a tall slim figure with long golden hair and a sharp face that could put a model to shame. She raised a perfect shaped eyebrow at me. God, we are so fucking related.

"Long time, no see," She replied with an arrogant expression. Fuck, I'm a second away from strangling her. "If long time in your dictionary implies forever then yeah it's been a long time." Either she didn't notice the venom in my voice or wasn't affected by it, which annoyed me. She tutted at me as she waved her hand in dismissal. "There's no time for grudges, Angel." My Wolf growled angrily when she spoke my true name. She widened her smile in a threatening way but I clenched my fists resisting the urge to smack her.

There's no respect for Mothers these days, a tiny little voice interruped my murdering plans. Fuck, I've gone mental.

"Don't fucking call me that, It's Rogue now." I sincerely wanted a fight and if it happened to be the women that gave me birth, so be it. Before she could reply, Adrian intetcepted, " Stop! As much as this family reunion is entertaining I have more important matters to attend to." I snarled at him, ferociously. " The only matter we have, is me killing you." I stepped forward, raising a hand but my so-called Father stepped forward. I laughed. " Resorted to being his bodyguard, nice one dad." He flinched at ny chosen words.

"You're being stupid Angel, there's four of us and one of you. You don't have a chance." His eyes pleading. My forehead scrunched in confusion, was he protecting me? He's playing the Father role now? "I'll take my chances." I said, cracking my knuckles as I inched forward. His warm, sympathetic gaze hardened. " Stand back, Rogue." I grit my teeth at him, while raising my fist but he simply wrapped his huge hands around my hand. "Stop!" He ordered, my Wolf roared at the thought of him commanding me.

"Rogue." Ryan spoke. I turned my head towards him, I momentarily.forgot about him. Honestly, his lack of loyalty hurt the most. He took me Bowling, befriended me even when my own mate rejected me. I can't believe I liked him at one point. Eventhough, that went through the window when I found out he was gay. He fucking betrayed me. My eyes slowly turned crimson as I stared at him. " What?" He cringed at the hardness of my tone. A guilty look passed his inciting blue eyes. " Just listen. Don't you think you'll benefit from listening to our plan?"

His mate snorted as I controlled myself not to throttle him. " It doesn't matter if she knows 'cause she's staying here." I glared at Adrian, the man that is planning to practically ruining my new life. "Am I fuck?"

He shook his head in amusement. "Christina, why don't you explain to your darling daughter what we plan doing to her mate." He smriked, how did he know about me and Jake? And Christina? Urgh. "It'll be my pleasure. Sweetheart, you see Jake days are shortening. As we speak right now, his pretty head won't be standing in his shoulders much longer, I tell you." A huge growl ripped through my throat, my body desperately wanting to shift.

She smirked, glad she could get a reaction. "What do you mean, Bitch." She narrowed her eyes at the degrading name. She didn't continue this time, it was my Father. "We have an army of rogues and hunters that are going to destroy Jake and his Pack- The Luna Diosa Pack." "Why?" I asked urgently, the anger seeping out.

Adrian answered me looking joyful and angry at the same time. Is that possible? "Ah, it is a simple story. His idiotic Father destroyed my Pack for a petty reason- my Father had an affair with his wife and my family died during the War. Except me and my Father, we grouped with rogues who my Father considered brothers." A nostalgic smile appeared for a second in his face but it disappered as fast as it came.

"They trained and mated and we became strong but The Luna Diosa Pack sniffed out our plan and attacked, we weren't prepared so everyone fled. My Father died and I was a child, barely four. Your Father, Frank looked after me, he owed my Father. This is why he missed your childhood. But when I grew older, I recruited the members and set on revenge." He finished, a scary smile on his face.

"Why Jake though? It was his Father to blame." I asked warily. He chuckled. " They share the same DNA." He lamely answered. " We didn't mean for you to be sucked into our plans but..." He shrugged, unsure what to say next. "We're going to attack him on his eighteenth, It'll be a day to remember." My Wolf was restless now, she really wanted to kill anyone who threatened her mate.

"What do I have to do?" I asked suddenly suspicious."Honestly? Fucking nothing. Just sit there and prepare to watch your beloved mate die." I snarled at him, Is this guy serious? "Like I'm fucking going to do that." "I thought so." He replied, gesturing to the man behind me dressed fully in black except that red mask with an intricate design.

It reminded me the first day I met Frank(my Father), the cave I was trapped in must've been another secret area for Adrian to construct his sadist plans.

I turned around ready to fight the eegit that thinks he could take me on but I caught a slight look at his hidden face. You like my awesome disguise? I shaked my head, amused. Thank God, for Adam.

Hiding my smile, I scowled as he grabbed my hand. I put up a fight but as soon as Adam pointed a knife at my neck, I pretended to give up. He pushed me out of the tunnel's passage and I sighed in relief when I heard the chatter behind me start again. They're probably talking about the execution of Jake, that pestering thought shuffled into my head.

Glancing at the idiot beside me, I saw he had a stern yet dangerous look on his face. Forget Channing Tatum, sweetheart. It's Adam Dawson for you. I snorted and rolled my eyes at his mundane name, when he attempted to wink at me.


a/n: Don't hate me, this took forever had to type it up twice for stupid reasons but here it is. Love you for the votes reads and comments makes my day tho. Not edited. You are shamazing.






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