Chapter 10: A Blush.

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Chapter 10: A Blush.

Alpha's POV:

I watched as she rushed out of the room, determined to get to her destination. My feet itched to follow her. Although, I couldn't. Jessica body was draped on my arm and she continued to tell me shit that I didn't need to know. I mean, who cares if that girl had a nose job? Fucks sake.

Go after her, I know she's in trouble ~Wolf.

I jumped out of my seat my fear growing. I swear if anyone hurt Rogue. Fuck! Goddess have mercy on them because I certainly won't. I pushed Jessica off me and ignored her countless questions and ran off.

My heavy footsteps tracing the scent, which I have become accustomed to. A loud shot rang through the air and a pinch of pain travelled through my arm. Shit! She's hurt.

Desperate, I ran even faster cursing my wretched wolf for not following  her in the first place. Horrible thoughts paced through my mind but I refused to acknowledge the fact she was terribly hurt.

I came at a stop filled with numberous trees. I scanned the whole place until I couldn't find anything. Although, there was a small nagging thought in the back of my brain telling me she was here.

Holding onto that instinct, I ventured deeper into the forest. My gaze landed on a small body limp on the floor. Growling, I ran forward seeing that it was my beautiful mate.

Who did this to her? My wolf howled, deeply unsatisfied, wanting to kill the monster that hurt her. A trail of crimson blood fell from her hand unusually not healing.

I picked her fragile body and held her close to me as if this would be the only time I could hold her. I sniffed her gorgeous scent calming my angry wolf for awhile. Right now, all I cared about was her healing.

Carefully, I sprinted to my truck and placed her there putting her seatbelt on. Passing the speed limit by miles, I got her to the Pack house in less than few minutes.

I got out of the truck and put her back in my arms and closed the truck door with my foot. I mindlinked the Pack doctor to come to my room as soon as possible.

The door was opened and I walked in. "Alpha." He bowed his head in respect.

I got straight to the point," Rogue is hurt but not healing. Why?" I questioned, feeling my inherited green eyes turning black with anger.

"I shall see, Alpha." He examined her arm, his brow furrowing in confusion. My wolf wanted to rip his hand of my mate but I held myself because I knew he was just helping her.

"What is wrong?" I asked, my gruff voice laced with worry.

"Alpha, it seems like she got shot but it wasn't a normal gun. It was one mixed with a strong chemical, which I can't identify."  What the fuck? Someone intentionally tried to hurt my mate.

A loud growl rumbled in my chest, fury blinding me. "Will she heal?" I gritted out.

"Yes, sir with the right medicine. She is somewhat immune to the chemical." I nodded dismissing him, not understanding the whole prospect with this so-called chemical.

I sat down beside her on the bed, listening to her deep breath assuring me she's alive. She mumbled a few words in her sleep but they were too jumbled to be able to understand.

I looked down at her ashened face, running ny hand through my dark hair. I seriously needed a haircut...

She was so perfect but why a Rogue? They are the incarnations of the devil so no matter how much I pined after her, I won't able to kiss her, mark her and just basically make her mine.

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