Chapter 29: A Visit From The Uninvited.

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Chapter 29: A Visit From The Uninvited.

(Guilty of using google Translate for the Latin_)

Jake and Adam stood by me, my eyes began to water again but I shut my eyelids trying to convince myself he was better off in a much harminous world. However, the selfish part of me wanted to reclaim his life back, but that was pretty impossible. Breathing heavily, I muttered a sacred message to allow them in heaven with the Moon Goddess.

Closing my eyes, harminously the long string of words fell from my mouth. Almost audible, " Vtinam tibi Luna dea est, in mundo optimum." Wish you the best in the World of Moon Goddess. My eyes burned, clenching my fist, I sucked in the energy from the entire Pack before unleashing onto the souless bodies before me.

"Cum immenso Rutuli monstravi tibi interitum mundi. Hoc lumen est in fine cuniculum ducere. Per benedictionem a Luna dea, ego solvere, vos ex omnibus iniquitatibus/ peccatorum. Custodem, id ultimum vale. Precamini, qui vobis. "

With this immense power, I guide you the world of afterlife. Let this be a guide to the light at the end of the tunnel. With blessing from the Moon Goddess, I abolish you of all crimes/sins. As your protector, this is your final goodbye. I wish you well.

A glow surrounded each casket, as my body shivered immensly from the exhaustion of holding everybody's power. Jake placed his hand in mine, in a comforting manner, relaxing my body for a second. Gritting my teeth, I grasped their lifeless souls mentally and offered them to invisible angels up ahead. My Father along with the others souls rose, glowing like a beacon of light. Everyone watched with gaping mouths, as they floated miraculously in the air.

The sun that was beating heavily down, hid and thunder broke out. The noise emitted screams and frightened cries from the surprised children. Biting my lip, and concentrated heavily in having each of the bodies rescued and given another life. A bright glow was directed at me and I could feel the silent approval of the Moon Goddess.

They're safe, my Wolf whispered, coaxing me into stop burning my energy. A whisper of a smile evolved onto my face, when I realised that I had done it and completed the difficult ceremony. The thunder roared and rain poured heavily as i stood there like a loon smiling, deranged. The cold didn't affect me, because I was too focused on if I actually did see my Father wave through the skies.

I shaked my head to get rid of the stupid hallucinations. I needed a break. Adam and Jake grabbed me and pulled me into the warm, toasty Hotel. My body finally shivered, understanding what cold meant. "I'll quickly go fetch a towel." Jake whispered in my ear, before kissing my forehead. "Looks like you and arsehole of the year are really comfy now." I rolled my eyes, at Adam comment. "He's not an arsehole, a jerk yes. But not an arsehole." I said, defending my mate. Kind of.

He put his hand around me, the warmth seeping back into my skin. "Ah, the old Rogue would've disagreed with you." I thought about how true that sounded. My life had dramatically changed since I stepped into this Pack, but it was good type of change, I had friends, and people that loved me. It's much more than having to be constantly alone and watching your own back. "Well, this Rogue is different." He smiled genuinely. "I can tell. " He said, I bit my lip, thinking about how to form my question. "What about you Adam, when do you plan to find your mate?" I asked, really curious. I never bothered to ask about Adam's past or future, which made me realise how selfish I was.

I was too caught up in this havoc, my Wolf mentally muttered, distastefully.

He sighed thinking about the weight of the question. "Maybe I'll find her here, or somewhere else. But now i'm content being here. After all, who else would your mate glare at?" He laughed being very vague, I looked at Jake, who was storming towards us looking very pissed off. I groaned, not wanting to deal with his macho behaviour.

"Get off her." He glared at the arm around me. Scowling, he pushed my body close to his. Biting my lip, I waited for Adam to leave but he always had to have the last word. Rolling his eyes, he patted Jake on his back, which made Jake even more annoyed, "Already a whipped man?" He laughed and winked at me. That insufferable idiot. That insufferable idiot, that is your best friend, the snarky commentator in my head came out again.

Oh, fuck off!

Jake tightened his grip and pulled my body to him, nuzzling his head in my collarbone. "You smell delicious." I rolled my eyes at his comparison. I'm food to him, now. I pushed his body a few inches back. "People are staring." I said adamantly. He looked confused for a second. "So?" I shook my head at him. " I'm not one for PDA, in fact I find it strangely disgusting groping your mate where everyone eyes can get raped and their mind's scarred for life." He chuckled at my pet peeve.

I scowled at him, feeling a tinge of red growing on my neck. Before he could tease me further, a middle aged women interupted our little... thing. "Alpha and Luna." She adressed, bowing. "We're having a little dinner getogether in memory for the lost ones. We were hoping you could make it?" I grinned, nodding frantically. I really wanted to speak with the devestated families. "Of course, we'll be there." She smiled, it shone with happiness. "Thank you, Luna."

Once she left, I looked at Jake, who looked slightly awed. "What's wrong?" I questioned, feeling uncomfortable with his gawping. Oh who am I kidding, I love it. " Nothing, you just have a way of making people feel joyful." I raised my eyebrow at that, people will say different. I shrugged, not dwelling on it. "Must be a Protector thing." His cute little smile morphed his battered face, "Doubt it." He muttered, pulling me for another hug, maybe a kiss.

"No, I have to get changed." I said, sternly. He frowned, disappointed. Kissing his cheek, I saught out that girl that I helped out in the War. Apparently, she was called Lucie- can't believe I forgot that. She helped me out, with giving me a white dress, tightly fitted. It ascentuated my curves and tanned legs.

Oh, stop it. I rolled my eyes at my shameless self complimenting. Finally, bounding my long wavy hair I put it in a bun that was messy yet cute. I blame Lucie for making me admire the girly way of dressing up, she drilled everything a girl needs in her life. And not the necessitties like oxygen, oh no, she meant skirts and other crazy crap.

I rushed off to the huge dining room, that filled the entire Pack somehow. The Hotel was strangely beautiful and and a light atmosphere surrounded the room. I'm glad people we're feeling better. Focusing on the dire parts in our lives, only makes you a pessimistic. I was shuffling through the room, talking to different and saddened relatives of their loved ones when a ugly smell wafted up my nostrils.

Immediately, I realised who it was. My body flared and my fists clenched when I saw the Whore bounding into the room, where she sank her demon claws into my mate. A small growl erupted from my stomach, when I figured the Bitch obviously didn't get the message. Her body was healed, which made me grit my teeth in annoyance. She wore a slim, fitted cocktail dress that pronounced the not so-hidden boobs and her dress was so short that you could even see the colour of her panties.

Fuck, I think I just threw up in my mouth. Curse you, Jessica fucking hoe. Jake is mine now, go fill your needs with a pig, that will undeniably suit you.


a/n: not sure if i'd call this a filler. erm, update again. im so bloody nice *while pushing away the ugly homework staring at me*Love all your support, also one of the chapters(26) had been misplaced and I cant fix it so sorry. Go back to where you was 26. After 25. This wont make sense if it did go back to where it belonged. Not sure if this chappy is up to par.:/ Anywho, good news I shall be finishing probably this week. Editing will start, bleh. Entry for Watty?






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