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First Day of School

Aliyah's P.O.V

Its the first day of school and I'm already starting to regret showing up. If only I was like any other normal people.

I am a normal human being, but being a 'moms doll' feels like I'm three years old all over again even though I'm already seventeen years old.

My mom is like my own master, and I'm her own robot. She always tell me what I have to do or not what to do, etc.

She tries so hard to make me perfect but all she does is make me the opposite she wants me to be.

Everytime I walk or pass by people they look at me as if I'm something to eat.

I mean, I cant blame them. I have the brains, the fame, the fortune, the beauty, not that I'm bragging or anything, but that's me.

Stupid, huh?

Every time I passed by the corridors or hallways, they keep murmuring. They're always saying how lucky my life is, but seriously? There's nothing 'lucky' that's going on with my life.

My life is a living nightmare, to sum it up.

Anyway, I was heading my way to my mom's office 'cause she said she needs to talk to me. Once I reached my moms office door, I grabbed the doorknob, took a deep breathe and went in without knocking.

"What is it mom?" I asked.

"Its so early honey," she said as if she really cares for me. "And its the first day of school, try to smile just for a bit."

"Just get to the point." I crossed my arms.

"Is that anyway to talk to your mother?!"

"If you want me to treat you like a mother then act like one!"

I can never have a normal conversation with my mom. We'll always end up arguing over something stupid even when we start talking in a good manner.

"You don't understand, Aliyah."

"And what is that I don't understand?"

"It was fixed marriage between your dad and I," she sighed. "We never loved each other."

"Oh, so it was hit and run?" I smirked. She looked at me in the most angriest way.

"If you cant keep your feelings inside you, just shut up," she sighed once more. "Go to your class! You're in class 4-A."

Like I don't know that.

I stood up and walked out of the room as I slammed the door shut. I massaged the area my mom slapped and tried to hold the anger that's boiling up in me right now.

Instead of going in my class, I went in the girls' bathroom. I threw my bag on the floor, I clenched my fist and punched the marbled sink as I looked at myself in the mirror.

My hands did hurt from punching the sink, but I didn't mind it and just fixed my hair. I brushed it with my pale fingers and fixed my wrinkled uniform. After fixing myself, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the bathroom.

I just sighed and walked into my class room that reads: "Class 4-A"

"Well, its gonna be a long day." I said to myself as I entered the classroom. Luckily, the class hasn't started yet.

As I walked in, everyone turned their attention to me.

Aren't they feeling tired looking at this disaster? I shrug my thoughts off and took my seat.

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