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Jungkook's P.O.V

I woke up with the sunlight tapping my face. I quickly sat up when I noticed that I wasn't in my room.

Oh right, I slept at Aliyah's house.

My body hurts. The sofa was uncomfortable and I had trouble sleeping after hearing that my parent's are dead. I was still wearing the same clothes that I wore yesterday. I went to the kitchen only to see Somi cooking

"Did you sleep well?" she asked while cooking. She didn't even look back or saw me entering the kitchen. I'll never understand girls.

"Yes," I stretched a little and sat on one of the stools. My jaw fell to the ground when I saw a load full of food on top of the counter. Nut butter, banana and chia seed toast, berry and yogurt smoothie and savory oatmeal with an egg.

"You made all of these?" I asked, my jaw still on the floor. Aliyah has such an awesome best friend. I drank some of the berry and yogurt smoothie.

"Who else would? Your Aliyah doesn't know how to cook." She asked, taking off her apron and refilling the glass with some more smoothie. My jaw is still on the floor. Is this what Aliyah has every morning? She's very lucky.

"Close your mouth honey," someone said from behind. I turned around and saw Aliyah with her hair wet. I guess she just finished bathing.

"Good morning little princess," I said, a smile playing with my lips. She looks so beautiful even in the morning, specially with her hair wet. She was wearing a black oversized tee and white shorts with her slipper on.

"She's a great cook, isn't she?" She said as she took a sit to my right. "I didn't have trouble sleeping because of you. Thanks."

"Eat up kids," Somi said as she walked away from us. "I have errands to run. Take care of her for me Jungkook."

And with that, she walked away. We heard the front door slammed shut. That means its just I and Aliyah and the housekeepers.

"Are there any housekeepers here?" I asked.

"Its Sunday Jungkook," she chuckled. "Its their day off."

A big smile formed in my lips. "So, its just you and I in the house?" I asked.

"Yes," she said as she finished eating her oatmeal.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her. She smiled before nodding her head.

Aliyah's P.O.V

After we finished eating, I helped Jungkook wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, I fed Snow some dog food. I went to the sofa and turned on the TV. Jungkook took a seat to my right and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I realized he's still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

I removed his arm around my shoulder and went upstairs to go to my parents room. Before going upstairs, I told him to don't move and stay there. I finally reached my parents room, I went to dads closet to find him some clothes to wear. I finally found good clothes for him and went downstairs.

"Here, go and bathe," I said and handed him the clothes. "You stink." I lied. He actually smelled amazing. I admit I'm addicted to his scent.

"Really?" He said as he sniff the collar of his clothes. "Where did you get these clothes?"

"They're my dad's," I said. "The guess bathroom is on the second floor on the right. You'll know it when you see it."

He stood up silently and went upstairs to bathe like I told him to. I sighed and turned the TV off, there's nothing really good to watch on Sunday's. I went upstairs to my room and plopped myself to bed. I stared at the ceiling for the longest time.

I was about to sleep, when I heard my bathroom door open. Scared, I sat up and looked to my right. I saw Jungkook half naked with the towel covering his lower body. His abs were visible and I cant take my eyes off of it.

He smirked. "You like what you see?" He asked as he dry his hair using another towel.

I quickly turned my gaze away from him. My cheeks were burning, I can't believe I just stared at him again.

"I told you to bathe in the guests bathroom!" I yelled without looking at him.

"But I'm scared to bathe there," he said. I rolled my eyes. I stood up and rushed to the door, but stopped midway when Jungkook grabbed my wrist. He pinned me to the wall, locking me in his arms, with his body still half naked.

"Yah! Jungkook, what are you doing?" I said as I squirm. He looked deep into my eyes without saying a word.

After minutes of staring at each other, I stepped on his foot making him wheeze in pain. He glared at me while I chuckled because of what I did. I quickly dashed out of the room leaving him behind. I reached the living room and sat on the sofa.

I sat on the sofa while doing nothing for a good thirty minutes. I heard a thud from the stairs, I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Jungkook. He took a seat next to me without giving me a single look or saying a single word.

"Are you mad?" I asked. No response. "So, you are, aren't you?"

He stood up and went to the kitchen, still not saying a word. Annoyed, I stood up and followed him.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook! I'm talking to you!" I yelled. He looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"I didn't see you," he said as he leaned his back on the edge of the counter with his head down. What the heck? You didn't see me?

I pouted. "Jagi, are you mad?" I asked him again.

He looked at me with his mouth quivering. "You know my foot hurts."

"Jagiya, I'm sorry," I said as I hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back and cradled me slowly in his arms. "You know I can't be mad at you." He kissed my forehead.


Sapphires P.O.V

After eating my breakfast with my mom, I went to the bathroom and puke. After puking, I went back to the kitchen. My mom asked me whats wrong, but I told her I just ate something bad.

I took the spoon and fork and started shoving pancakes in my mouth. I went to the fridge and got the peanut butter jar and grabbed another spoon. I went back to the dining table with my mom. I took the spoon and scooped a spoonful of peanut butter and ate it.

"Why are you eating so much?" my mom asked curiously.

"I don't know," I said. I took the bowl of fried chicken and ate it using my hands. I don't know why I'm feeling extra hungry today. I've never been like this before.

After eating, my mom went out to buy some groceries. Nervous, I went outside to the nearest store to buy some pregnancy test. After buying, I went home and went to the bathroom. The results really shocked me.

It shows two lines. I'm pregnant.


chapter eleven! Like I said, I changed the story right? Well, here it is. Aren't Jungkook and Aliyah a sweet couple.

Point out any mistakes and don't forget to hit the star button (☆^O^☆)


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